chapter36 (Part 2)

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kanan and zeb were being escorted  to the command center by some of the soldiers  as they were walking kanan notice troops moving equipment and  gunships being stocked with  ammo 

" I take it your getting ready for a fight?" kanan asked on of the soldiers " yes sir were heading out in the morning" one of the soldiers said  as they continued to walk towards the command center as they were walking they passed by a work out center kanan saw that the soldiers weren't weak they were well built lifting heavy weights and acting like there was no tomorrow

kanan and zeb felt intimidated by they seeing as to how well built they knew that they weren't trained like storm troopers they were different one notice zeb and kanan and looked at them then an other  and another until all of them looked at kanan and zeb.

zeb was tempted to saying but one of the soldiers that was escorting Kanan and zeb asked them to keep moving Kanan turned his head to see the still looking at them for a moment turn shaking there heads and going back to there work out kanan could sense there anger and hate he knew that once the people of this planet manage to push the empire away and out of the system there will be another galactic war and this one will be more devastating then the last one he lived through when the Jedi order was alive.

as they were walking they stopped to here a prod cast playing on a radio that a couple of soldiers were listening to the men that were escorting  stop to listen as well

" reports are coming from the city of Cairo that men, women, and children are being taken prisoner or being executed by the invading forces. there are similar reports coming in from China, Iran, Italy, Brazil as well as many other countries as well as Hold on...... listeners I'm getting a report that the President is about to address the American people and our allies from his secret bunker outside of D.C.  and ladies and gentlemen The president  of the united states of America." " My fellow Americans In the past forty eight Hours our country has been attacked by an unknown military force that shows no mercy to the weak and ill. But rest assured that our military will no doubt fight as hard as they have fought before in the past to provide security to our nation. As president Roosevelt said during the invasion Of Europe to bush Back the Nazis " In our hour of great sacrifice we shall prevail" those words where written down in the pages of history during a time when are forefathers stood side by side against a dictator ship that had once to rule the world and threaten to destroy our way of life. and know I ask  upon you to answer  the call to arms  just as they did to keep or way of life alive. This road maybe long and difficult but know that you carry the pride of our nation upon you shoulders just as the men who have fought in past. We may suffer great loss in this conflict as we have suffered in the past but I ask you to answer the calls to arms. I wish to say more but i just received word from my advisers that i 'am being moved to another secret location I wish to say more at this time but unfortunately I can not  stay strong in these dark times we must have hope and never forget who you are. God bless you and God Bless the United States of America" the president said as the radio went dead soldiers  began to talk among themselves  asking what will happen next if the assault works  

Kanan was in deep thought hearing from these people leader " In our hour of great sacrifice we shall prevail" those words were running through kanan's head wondering what that meant

"excuse me sir but we almost close to the command post" one of the soldiers said to kanan which snapped him out of his thoughts  " huh... okay thank you" kanan said to him as they walk towards the command post.

Meanwhile in the barracks

Mason and Blackburn walk into there quarters were they find the rest of their squad mates talking or relaxing until staff sergeant Martinez walks and all his men stand at attention and salute him " at ease men" staff sergeant Martinez said as he started walking towards the middle of the room and notices that one of his men isn't in the room " where's Wren?" he ask

Back in the hunting cabin

Maria was resting her head on Tristan's chest as he wrapped her arm around her "hmm that was amazing " she said as she buried her face into his chest " yeah that was the best thing that ever happen to me " he said to her causing her to laugh a little bit but she stop when she notices that there was something wrong with him " hey what's wrong?" she asked with a hint of concern in her voice " nothing it's just that ever since the first time i meet you -" he was cut off when Maria kissed him and looked at " it's okay and besides I've been feeling the same way about you to" she said to him she looked him in the eyes and smiled and snuggled in to his chest he couldn't help but smile even though he knew his mother would never approve be cause she wasn't mandalorian but he knew he would have to make a choice between her and the friends he made or his family and the empire " hey you should probably get going " she said to him which caused to look at the clock and see that it was almost Seven PM " your right i should get going before my unit ask were I'm at " he said to her as the both got dressed and mad there way to the door she turned him around and she looked in the eyes softly "please come back safe" she said to him "don't worry i will i promise" he said to her as he walked out of the door back to the F.O.B but he knew that he made a promise the he couldn't keep   

With ezra and sabine they were sitting in a field watching a the sunset sabine was resting her head on his shoulder staring at the sunset sabine was coming up with a new art project  "this is nice" sabine said to ezra as she closed her eyes "yeah it's peaceful " he said to her while both of them were watching the sunset  someone or something was watching them from the distance " Yes the power i sensed is from him the offspring of Revan" the figure said as it continued to watch them  ezra soon felt like as if they were being watched ezra reach down to the right  side and unstraps the 9mm M9 Berta sabine notices ezra unstrapping the gun and looks at him "what's wrong ?" she asks him " were Being watched " he said to her.

He stands up and points the pistol in the directions from were he feel like he's being watched " who's ever there you better come out know!" ezra shouted he and sabine  both heard rustling in the brushes  soon the figure walked out  the figured was black and red with horns around it's head and a prostatic waist and legs soon a wave of fear came over sabine she knew full well what it was ezra notice the look on sabine face he knew what ever this thing was it wasn't good " what the hell are you!?" ezra shouted as his finger rested next to the trigger  "hmm You may not know me in person but allow me to introduce my self my name is Maul."

(cliffhanger  Hope you like what i did pleas feel free to review)                      

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