Chapter 59

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It's been a month since the fall of chopper base the empire saw it as a victory but also as defeat  when Thrawn and Pryce had learned that lothal was taken by the allies forcing them to retreat to an imperial held planet 

Director Krennic  saw this an opportunity to push for his own project much to the disagreement of Governor Tarkin who saw it a waist of time and credits and was more focused on the war against earth and with the rebellion on there side he was hoping to crush them

Meanwhile ezra in his Mandalorian armor was on Mandalore with elements of the Us Marines and US Army along with the British, French, Canadians, and Russian forces there working along side the night owls A group of Mandalorians who where against the Clan Saxon and the empire 

Bo Katan who was the leader of the night owls  was skeptical of Ezra wielding the dark saber but once she found out form Ursa wren that he had won it from Maul She respected him for it and that fact that his father had kill Gar Saxon during the battle of earth  

at the allied/ night owl base Ezra was in the command center with Bo Katan, Fen Rau, Ursa wren, Tristan wren, Kanan,  and colonel Miles quaritch a marine colonel whos was Ezra's father commanding officer in Afghanistan they where discussing  there troop movements on a Holo map   

" As of right now I have 2nd tank battalion stationed her on the front lines with most 5th marines there engaged with what's left of the impreial force here there engaged with what is left of the imprieal gariosn that haven't fallen back yet" colonel Quaritch said to them as showed them a holographic image of US  troops and tanks engaging the empire forces 

Bo Katan looked of into the distance of the night sky she could see the light of the battle that is happeing not far from them " what about the Russians  how far are they from the capital ?" Ezra asked the colonel " there about the same distance as we are but that could chance the russain army is on goddam war opath throug ourt the planet" colonel quaritch said to ezra 

" Is there a reason as to why they are a war path ?" Fen Rau asked the colonel 

" during the invasion of earth the empire and gar saxon dispatched there forces to Moscow and other russian cities there the slaughter men women and children alike the deathtoll recahed into the millions now the russuian are looking to return the favor which is why it is important to break through the imprieal lines and reach the capital before the russians turn it intt another berlin" colonel quaritch said to them before any one could say anything an Us Marine officer walked " sorry for the interputinon sir but I Have a message for tristan Wren it's important " the offcier said  

" what is it?" Tristan asked Tristan had return to krownerst with his father and his ne wife him and maria had a secert cemony in the court house where his father had attented ursa was less then pleased but she accpeted maria into clan wren on be half of her son him and maria where expecting the baby any time but it was only a matter of when 

" i don't know sir I was only told by your wife that it was urgent follow me  to the tank command center she's waiting for you there" the officer said Tirsan looked at his mother and nodded in approval " show me" tristan said 

" this way sir" the offcier said as he and tristan exited the main command center 

Meanwhile on earth 

Senator Mon mothma was on her way ot the untied nations to talke with the wolrd leaders of earth to sopt the fighting and look for a more peaceful solution with out spreading war thought out the galaxy she had been there for a week to practice about what she was about to say  

She knew that with the constant fighint and with different beings from the  galaxy joing earths military it would be diffcult but she remebered how her days in the old repbulci where with senate meeting hoping to stop with a peace treaty had failed but she had hoped that earths leaders would listen to reason 

In the united nations 

Senator mon mathom stood in the conference foom where every single world leader had gathered to listen to her 

" Gentle men i come not for war tatics or strategy but to convince you to talk pecae with the empire" Once she said that everyone in the room start to shout " Order! there will be order! in Thist meeting !" the chair men of the untied nations council said to wolrd leaders " Please contine Senator" the chair men said 

" thank you" she simply replied 

" I know many of you are angerd by what the empire has done to your world but wars is not the answer for when i was in the senate of the old republic we had tried to reason and pushe towards more simlper soultions to ende the war without fighting even though it may no have happend and the result ended with the empire rising to power but with this war against the empire is destryoing more lives  every second that ghoes by as we talk more men are being killed then need to be so i ask of you to stop the fighting and seek peace negotions with the empire" Senator mon motham asked the world leaders 

 the russian president was the first to speak " How dare you ask of us to seek peace negotiations with this dictator ship it was not your people  bleeding on the ground of your country or other planets no it is our people who a risking there very lives to free this galaxy " the russain president says to mon mothma

" the russain president is right after a war that was fought nearliy a hundred years ago eneded in a treaty and it all went up in flames and thus another war started you ask of us to talk peace where ther is no peace with the empire i'm sorry seantor but until the empire is defeated we will continue the fighting until the empire surrenders " the untied states president said 

Mon mothma looked down in defeat  she had spent a week trying to convince earth's world leaders to talk peace but she knew that they wouldn't agree and she had to admit that they where right peace  negations would only allow time for the empire to rebuild and start the fighting again and it was there's people blood being spilled on the homelands and the planets across the galaxy  

she exit the conference room after hours of talking to the world leaders  but to no avail she knew that earths was the rebellions strongest allies and knew that ending the alliance was suicide so she chose the remain there allies she exits the building and is escorted back to the hotel where she was currently staying 


Tristan was in the tank command center he arrived to see a hologram image of Maria in a hospital bed holding something wrapped in a blanket " Maria are you all right?" Tristan asked his wife 

" Shh she's sleeping" Maria said to Tristan  which'd caused him to look at her in shock " you want to see her?" Maria asked Tristan who nodded " Maria turned the  blanket around reveal a new born baby girl. 

" she adorable what's her name?" Tristan asked Maria " Her name is Savannah wren" and she looks a little bit like her father" Maria said with a smile 

Tristan smiled as well he wanted nothing more but to be back on krownest with his wife and daughter  but first he had to retake mandalore from the empire 

"Maria once this is over I promise you I will get back to you so we can be a family" Tristan said to her with determination in his voice 

(I'm gonna stop it right there and let me know what you think)                                     

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