Chapter 36 (part1)

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There lips meet and both shared a kiss and then hera opens the door  to the com room and sees them  "well this was unexpected" she said to the two as they pull away and look down in embarrassment " all right you two you can make out later" hera says to them as she walk out of the com room.

sabine looked at ezra " we can do more later" she said seductively causing ezra to crack a smile "funny i was about to say the same thing" he said to her as they both exited the com room and the puppy opens his eyes looks around and then goes back to sleep.

Outside on the airfield the phantoms land on the air field along with returning  U.S fighters and bombers  a squad of soldiers surround the ship "well lets hope that there a little more friendlier  then empire" zeb said as he saw the soldiers surround the phantom

"don't worry once we tell them that were fighting against the empire they'll be on our side" kanan said to zeb  as he walks to the back of the door as he opens the back door of the phantom  he sees U.S troops with there rifles raised but the slowly  "hold fire!" a soldier shouted as one approced kanan and placed a hand on his shoulder " are you hurt?" the solider asked kanan but shook his head " then were did the blood come from?" the soldier asked kanan he forgot  had blod on him when he was trying to save the pilot befroe kanan could reply zeb came out of the phantom and the soldiers aimed there rifles at zeb causing him to draw his bo rifle   " Easy zeb" kanan told his friend Zeb " remember there fighting the empire to" kanan told him causing zeb to lower his weapon.

once seeing zeb lower his weapon the soldiers did to " MEDIC!" one shouted as he see could the pilots body.

Tristan wren was walking around the base it was almost three o clock in the afternoon he had a couple of hours before the assault trying to return to mandalore  and trying to make sure that no one see's him betray the U.S. forces as he was walking around the base he saw Maria Cortez helping some of the refuges with passing out food and other supplies. 

for the past while ever since he meet his squad mate sister at the restaurant he started to get these weird yet warm feelings about her in side his chest when he starts to think about her he notices that she's busy so goes ahead and walk towards her and try to help her out 

'okay remember just try to act natural and don't do anything stupid' he said to himself as he was walking towards her he was almost close until some shouted his name

" hey wren!" he turned to see mason and Blackburn walking towards him holding boxes " hey man what are you doing here?" Blackburn asked him " um i was on my way to help Cortez's sister out with the refuges" Tristan said to his squad mate as he turned around and continued  walking towards her and walked up to her " hey" he said to her  causing her smile and reply " hey" she said to him with a smile      

" so what are you doing?" he asks her " oh i was just helping out some of the refuges with food and all so i heard that you guys are launching an assault tomorrow?" she said to him with a questionable look " uh yeah tomorrow morning were launching " Tristan said to trying to find a way to talk to her without embarrassing himself

"so what are you doing?" he asked her " well I'm just about down with helping the refugees and know I'm going to take this time to relax want to come with me?" she asks hi which caught him off guard " uh..uh sure why not" he said to her as they began to walk away what they didn't know is that mason and Blackburn were watching them the whole time

"should we tell Cortez?" mason asked Blackburn " nah " was all that Blackburn said  as they both dropped off the supplies and left.

Tristan was following maria around the base "come on i know a perfect place were we could relax for a little bit" maria told him as they continue  to walk  for a little bit just a mile or two away from the FOB they made a little ways towards the woods "Okay where " maria told him he saw a small cabin that had looked freshly painted "what is this place?" Tristan asked " It's my uncles hunting cabin he barely uses it the only time he does is during the hunting season" maria told him as lifted up the door mat and picked up a spare key and unlocks the the two of them walk inside maria turns on the light switch turning on all the lights maria steps to her left to what looks like an old radio and she if she can turn it on while she was messing with the radio Tristan looked around saw photos of Maria and her brother along with there parents and other family members looking happy as a family should be happy 'wish this is what we where' he said to himself as he remembered that his family isn't exactly all together  " all right I got it" Maria says loudly

Tristan turns to her to see her turning one of the knobs on the radio back and forth to try and get a clear signal she moves a few times before getting a good signal

RADIO " as of know the world is at war. we have reports that all of Europe has fallen in to total chaos as the unknown invading forces continue  to onslaught In Russia were are getting reports that the Russian army are fighting with all their might there are even reports that there executing the invading forces as they surrender but the fighting counties and" Maria turns off the radio Tristan looks at her with a confused look on his face " Why'd you turn it off?" asked her " I didn't want to hear the news because I don't know if my brother is going to come back" she said with a hint of fear and sadness in her voice Tristan walks up to her and puts his arms around her.

she looks up at him " hey it's going to be okay I'm going to be by your brothers side tomorrow" Tristan said " and I can promise you that he is going to be okay " Tristan said to her as he looked in to her eyes as he she looked into his he didn't know it but he could feel his head and hers closing the gap that was between them as they both closed there eyes there lips meet and the it felt that there kiss slowed down everything surrounding them soon they separated they looked soon there kiss blew into a full blown make out as maria put her arms around his neck as he put his arms around her waist soon she broke away from him and looked at him with a seductive look on her face "lets take this to the bedroom" she whispered into his as he smiled soon she lead him into the bedroom as she sat on the bed he slowly closes the door and well you no what happens

(like I said I wasn't going to make rated 'R' but  I'm pretty sure all of you what happens any way I'm going to make this  a three or two part chapter but I'll try to start second part tomorrow any way I hope you enjoy this chapter)                   

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