Chapter 62

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On Mandalore 

after the allies took the planet with the lose of some hundred thousand men they knew it would send a message to the empire  that there dictatorship  was starting to come apart little by little but the empire was willing to give up not yet they reinforced the planets that where under there rule empire the military and governments where looking to put a stop to it but it they knew and so did the empire that it was going to be a struggle

At the marine base colonel Quaritch was going to meet met new marines that have arrived he also received word that some of the new recruits where all from earth some of them where from other plants some that escaped from imperial held worlds or from worlds that where liberated 

Humans from other worlds Pantorans, Torgrutans, Twi'leks and many other species had joined to fight the empire some had even left the rebellion to fight as well. Quaritch entered the mess hall  where he saw the new recruits siting at the tables waiting for him to give a pep talk in front where his officers including Ezra and Tristan who hadn't left yet

The colonel slowly walks towards them as his foot steps are heard everyone stand up and saluted him " At Ease" He simply said as they stood at ease 

" You're not in Kansas any more you on Mandalore a planet in the outer rim that is know held by the allies if there is a hell you might want to go there for some R&R after a tour in the outer rim know some of you are from the outer rim human or not so let me makes clear out here you do you job you get back home alive if you don't do you job we send your sorry ass back home in a box to your family

 the colonel said as he reaches the end of where the recruits are in front of the officers he does an about face and starts walking back to where he started

" The same go's for you boys he came from sweet planet earth as well do you job get back home alive don't do your job you die it's as simple as that. I now some of you boys had family members who fought in the war back home well now this is your time to go down in history and some of you left the rebellion because your leaders think they can stop the empire in a more peaceful way and you men wanted to fight instead of just siting around waiting for some action I respect that.  And let me make this absolutely clear it doesn't matter where your from if your human or not you all wanted to fight and know some of you might get the chance but before I get to that if here anyone come to me about you insulting them about how they look or speak or where there from I can Gaur god dam tee you my foot is going right up your ass do I make myself clear?" the colonel asked 

" SIR! YES SIR!" the all shouted " good now like I said before some of you are going to be fighting along side each other brothers in arms on the frontlines for an upcoming operation the rest of you will be stationed here to help build  a base for the marines it will be a staging area for the operation " the colonel said as he looks at the new troops  " Is that understood?" the colonel asked 

" SIR! YES! SIR!" the all shouted " Good  Your dismissed know head to your respected companies that's an order" the colonel said to the new troops 

the colonel approaches ezra and tristan  " I believe it's about time for you boys to head back don't you think?" the colonel asked with a small smirk " you boys can leave now you did your jobs now get  yourselves some R&R that an order" the colonel says to them as he turns and leaves heading straight for the command center 

Tristan and ezra turn and head straight for the gauntlet with Ursa right behind them Kanan had left in the phantom and told ezra that he was heading to Yavin 4 to meet with Hera

Ezra Tristan and Ursa had returned to Krownest the gauntlet landed in one of the hangers in one of the hangers Ursa had gone to the thrown room to be with her husband to talk about Mandalorian politics while Tristan had gone to be with his wife and child and ezra had gone to be with Sabine

Tristan had been told the Maria had been released form the infirmary and was told that she was in the quarters tristan walked in and saw Maria siting on the edge of there bed feeding the baby a bottle of milk. 

She looked and smiled at him she gets up and walks over towards him she hugs him and he hugs her she backs away so tristan can look at there daughter Maria gives tristan there daughter and walks over to the bed and sit down on the edge Maria sits down next to him and rest her head on his shoulder and he rest his head one hers the two have smiles on there faces 

Ezra had walked into his and sabine quarters where he saw sabine lying down on the bed asleep ezra slowly makes his way towards his side of the bed and gets in and leans over and plants a small kiss on her cheek sabine wakes and faces ezra she smiles at the sight and snuggles up next to him 

" Ezra" Sabine says " Yeah?" he asks " I have something to tell you" sabine says  " what is it?" He asks again

" Ezra I went to the medical droid not long ago while you Tristan and my  mother where on mandalore and the medical droid said that where having triplets three boys " sabine said with happiness in her voice as a tear trickled down her cheek  

Ezra was taken back by this the though have having three sons was going to difficult to raise but then he had though about how his dad raised him and his brothers he thought if could do it then so could he

"what are we going to name them?" sabine asked ezra " I already thought of the names" Ezra said to sabine " Really ?" Sabine asked surprised that he thought of the names so quickly

" Yeah where going to name them after my father and my brothers it' the least I can do for them so what do you think?" Ezra asked sabine " I think that it's a wonderful idea" sabine said as she kissed ezra and the two drifted off to sleep

( I'm gonna stop it right there and let me know what you think)                                                 

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