Chapter 29

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 Sabine looked at the house in shock " no this can't be right!?" she shouted looking at the coordinates to were the signal originated from " Sabine what's the matter you seem like you put in the wrong coordinates?" kanan asked the mandalorian when she had a shocked look on her face " no it's just that I haven't seen or been near this house a week ago" sabine said trying to hide the broken ness in her voice " wait you've been here before how that even possible we've only been here a week?" rex asked " alright  look I don't know how to explain it but the coordinates must be wrong ok!" sabine shouted she hadn't been here since she broke up with ezra and being near this house didn't make it an easier

" alright look sabine we don't have time for this did you put in the right coordinates or not?" kanan asked starting to get annoyed " I don't know" sabine says trying to figure out what to do. ahsoka was looking at the house she could feel something in there through the force she felt as they approached the house . she knew that kanan could feel it to " kanan do you sense  it?"  ahsoka asks " yes I do" kanan replies staring at the house " sense what?" rex asked the two Jedi " both of us feel a something in the force " ahsoka replys  " what ever it is it's coming from in side this house " kanan said looking at the house

" well were already here lets just go inside the house and find what ever its you feel through  the force and hopefully we can find the source of the signal to" rex said as he and kanan and ahsoka walk towards the house Sabine however was hesitating to go inside ' alright look he may not even be there he might be with his family at an evacuation zone somewhere' she said to her self " hey! sabine! you coming!?" kanan shouted from the front doo entrance of the home " yeah be there in a sec" sabine replied she looked towards the sky.

'ezra wherever you are please be safe' she said to herself as she made here way towards the house.


some where in the city ezra and a unit  of U.S. soldiers were on foot making there way through the city " command this delta 2-3 were in the perimeter of the city be advise we have multiple civilian casualties how copy over?" the army sergeant asked through the comms " roger that 2-3 be advise there bravo team was sent in to cut enemy communications approximately ten minutes ago while you made you way toward the city since then we had lost contact with them around two minutes just as you entered the city how copy over?" overlord asked through the comms " solid copy overlord will contact you if we find any sign of bravo team delta 2-3 over and out" the sergeant answered as the unit made there way through the streets of the city they could see cars abandon or destroyed and bodies of men women and children every were.

" man this isn't right" a solider stated seeing the death and destruction done to the city.

One solider kneels down next to a women holding a five year old child in her arms he puts two fingers on there next to find a pulse but there was none " hey are they alive?" one of there soldiers asked " negative. Serge who the F***K! does something like this I mean who shoots a women holding there kid!" the solider shouted to his commanding officer

" I don't know private only a sick and twisted dictatorship could do something this heart less." the sergeant stated as he was aiming down his sights waiting for a fight to happen soon " but lets make sure that these peoples deaths don't go in avenged. and remember we have brothers all around the world fighting these unorthodox P****S so lets make sure to show them what happens when they think the come here and start a fight on our home turf Hooah?" the sergeant stated " hooah serge" one of the soldiers stated " Hooah" "Hooah" the unit walked another forty minutes through the city they could hear gun fire coming from various parts of the city.

" mayday! mayday! this alpha  company we are taking heavy casualties! I repeat were are taking heavy casualties is any one out there!" a voice shouted through the comms " roger that alpha this delta 2-3 were are responding what is your location over" the sergeant responded to the distress call " delta 2-3 are current location is near a shopping outlet west side of the city!" the solider replied  through the comms in the background you could blaster and machine guns fire " alright men there's a unite that needs our help just west of here"

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