Part 1 - I think I'm Understanding Our Baby's

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Monday Afternoon, 3:30pm, at Dave's house, in the living room

It was only a few months ago that Dave took the chipmunks and chipettes on holiday to Paris during the Christmas holiday. Now nearly 5 months had passed by and it was coming to the end of April. This was bad news for the chipmunks and chipettes

Jeanette hid her face in the sofa and looked like something bad had happened or something bad is happening  

"Ahhh!!!.......I'm so scared" said Jeanette in a sad voice

"Why? What's wrong Jeanette, I can help" asked Simon offering his help

"Our exams start soon and I'm really worried I am going to fail them" said Jeanette in a worried voice

Simon turned Jeanette on her side and he layed down in the chair with her

"Don't worry Jeanette you and your sisters will do fine, trust me, we have all been trying our best at school these past few months and doing lots of revision.....well most of us, Alvin and Brittany have been babysitting as well" explained Simon in a caring voice

"Yea but Simon if we mess these exams up and fail them, then it could ruin the rest of our life, we can never sit these exams again and what ever grades we get counts towards what kind of job we get in the future and....." explained Jeanette in a sad and worried voice before she was cut off

Simon pressed his finger on Jeanette's lips to stop her talking 

"Jeanette, please don't panic you will be fine and you will do well in your exams, you will only do bad if you are panicking and worried before going into the exam on the day, understand?" explained Simon

Jeanette nodded and Simon removed his finger from her lips

In the spare bedroom 

Alvin and Brittany were just collecting the baby chipmunks from bed and bringing them downstairs to watch TV with the rest of the family 

"Ok Alvin, do you want to carry Coco and Peter while I carry Musharna, Lucas and Emma?" Asked Brittany

"Yea sure" replied Alvin

As Alvin picked Coco up, he quickly placed her on the bed and held his nose

"Brittany, she needs changing" said Alvin still holding his nose

"Oh....why do I always change the baby's, why can't you change them for once?" Asked Brittany

"Because Coco is a girl and I'm not supposed to see girls private parts" Alvin said trying to escape 

Brittany pushed past Alvin and closed the door "not this time, Alvin you need to learn how to change them, what if I get very ill and have to go in hospital?" Asked Brittany in a serious voice 

"Brittany don't speak like that" said Alvin in a sad voice

"Alvin, I'm been serious, what would you do, let the baby's smell or change them?" Asked Brittany again in a serious voice 

"I get your point and I would change them, I will change Coco now" said Alvin 

Brittany smiled "thanks for changing Coco, Alvin" said Brittany with a giggle before picking up Musharna, Lucas and Emma and walking downstairs 

5 minutes later Alvin walked downstairs into the living room with Coco and Peter and sat with Brittany and and the other few baby chipmunks 

"Alvin, I'm sorry about how I was with you upstairs....I just had to make sure that you knew how to change the baby's that's all, I would have been really worried if you couldn't change them" explained Brittany in a sad voice

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now