Part 25 - A Girl's Night Out - Part 1

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Next Day, Saturday Night, 7pm, At Alvin and Brittany's house
Alvin was stood in the kitchen cooking a pizza for him and the kids but Musharna, Coco and Emma wouldn't leave Alvin alone
"Dad, where is mum going?" Asked Musharna
"She is going out with her sisters Jeanette and Eleanor" replied Alvin
"Oh wow, can we go?" Asked Coco
"No sorry kids, it's just a night out for your mum and her sisters" explained Alvin
"Aw please, we want to go too" begged Emma
"I need to think of something quick, so they know they can't go...but what can I say" Alvin thought to himself
"Mum is going to the pub after the cinema with her sisters so they can all get drunk, and she won't be able to look after you three properly while she is drunk" explained Alvin quickly
"Oh right...we can't go if mums going to the pub.." Said Coco in a sad voice
"Why not?" Asked Musharna
"Because we would get kicked out of the pub after 9pm since we are kids" explained Emma
"Now why don't you three go in the living room and sit with your brothers while I'm cooking pizza for us" suggested Alvin
"Ok, we will go..." Said Coco as they was walking away "But call us when pizza is ready though dad!" Emma called
"Will do!" Alvin called back
Brittany then came downstairs and into the kitchen. Alvin was surprised at how beautiful his girlfriend was in her bright pink dress, with her makeup on and with her handbag, ready to go out
"Wow! Brittany! BEAUTIFUL!" Said Alvin in a happy but surprised voice
Brittany giggled "Aw thanks love" Brittany joked back
"Here is that list of things I want you to do while I'm out" explained Brittany giving Alvin a piece of paper
Alvin had a quick read through the list and then looked back at Brittany
"Don't worry, I will get everything done" said Alvin with a smile
"I hope so Alvin, cause I will be mad if things on that list are not done when I get back" replied Brittany
Ding Dong!
"Oh that's the door, see you later Alvin! Take care of the kids while I'm out!" Brittany called to Alvin on her way to the door
"Will do Brittany, have fun!" Alvin called back
Brittany opened the door and saw Jeanette and Eleanor stood outside
"Hey girls" said Brittany with a giggle
"Hi Brittany" they both replied
"Are you ready to go?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea I'm ready, let's go" replied Brittany
With that Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor all started walking into town, heading for the cinema
"So what film do you two want to watch?" Asked Brittany
"I don't mind" replied Eleanor
"Me neither, you can pick Brittany" suggested Jeanette
"No, it's fine....I will let you pick Jeanette, after all it's you that invited us out tonight" explained Brittany
"Yea I know but I want you two to have fun and choose some things yourself" explained Jeanette
"I know, we should see Paddington 2, that has only come out recently" suggested Eleanor
"Yea that sounds great, is that ok with you too Brittany?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea of course it is" replied Brittany
After about 10 minutes of walking they all got to the cinema
"Ok, let's see....the prices are....oh, £5.50 each" called Brittany
Brittany and Eleanor went in their handbags to get out some money to pay for tickets but Jeanette stopped them
"What's wrong?" Asked Eleanor
"Is everything ok?" Asked Brittany
"Yea everything is fine and nothing is wrong girls, I just stopped you both cause I'm going to pay for you both as well as for me" explained Jeanette
"What? Are you sure?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I'm sure, I invited you out and I want to treat you both while we are out" replied Jeanette
"Thanks Jeanette but you don't have to buy our tickets silly" joked Brittany
"I know but I want too....please let me you two" begged Jeanette
Brittany and Eleanor looked at each other and then back at Jeanette
"Ok then, if you are sure it's ok with you" said Eleanor
"Yea honestly it's fine, now you two wait over there and I will get in the line for tickets" said Jeanette
Brittany and Eleanor stood near the escalators and Jeanette got in the line for tickets for the three of them. Within minutes Jeanette was back with three tickets
"Ok, the next show of Paddington 2 is at 8pm, so we have about 20 minutes wait before the film starts" explained Jeanette
"That's ok, we can just sit at them tables over there and talk while we are waiting" replied Eleanor
"Yea that's a good idea, let's go girls" said Brittany walking the group towards the tables
Once they got to the tables and were all sat down, Eleanor spoke up
"Am glad you two wanted to see this film, I saw the first Paddington film and it was amazing" said Eleanor in an excited voice
"Aw don't worry sister, I'm sure we will all enjoy it" replied Brittany
15 minutes later...
"Ok people seeing the film in screen 4 can come in now" shouted a member of staff
"Oh wow, we can go in now, that time has gone quick" said Jeanette in a shocked voice
"Yea I know, we must talk too much" joked Brittany
"Girls, I'm so sorry but I need the toilet before we go in" said Eleanor in a sad voice
"Aw don't be silly Eleanor, you don't need to say sorry to us, we will wait here for you" replied Brittany
"Thanks, won't be long" called Eleanor as she went for the toilets
"Me and Brittany are alone now....maybe I should talk to her and explain everything, like what Simon said and stuff" Jeanette thought to herself
"Hey I talk to you?" Asked Jeanette nervously
"Yea sure, what's wrong?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"I want to apologise...again...for yesterday, and explain everything that Simon talked to me about" explained Jeanette
"You don't need to apologise to me silly, you did that yesterday and you have made it up to me by taking me out now" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea but I know what I did was so wrong of me and I felt even more bad about what I said to you after I talked with Simon" explained Jeanette
Brittany put her hand on Jeanette's shoulder "Honestly sister, you don't need to apologise again or explain anything, what happened yesterday was a mistake but we should put that in the past now" explained Brittany in a caring voice
"I guess your right....its just everything that I believed was wrong" said Jeanette in a sad voice
"What do you mean?" Asked Brittany in a confused voice
"I mean, I believed Simon wanted kids with me because he felt we were ready to be parents. I also believed Simon kept doing 'it' with me because he wanted kids. It just turns out that he kept doing it with me because I wanted kids and he knew we were not ready to be parents but he didn't stop or say anything because he didn't want to upset me, now I feel so bad..." Explained Jeanette starting to cry
"Oh so sorry, I wish you told me this that why you have been a little quiet tonight?" Asked Brittany in a caring voice
"Yea that's right" said Jeanette in a sad voice
"Jeanette, don't worry we will fix this, I will talk to Simon when I get chance and try to explain how your feeling" suggested Brittany
"No!...I mean please don't, I don't want to start any arguments off with took him a lot of confidence to say what he said to me" explained Jeanette
"Ok...but please try not to worry, I am always going to be here for you, I care about you and Eleanor so much and will do my best as the slightly oldest sister to help and support you two" explained Brittany
Jeanette smiled and hugged Brittany
"Thanks so much Brittany, your the best sister I could have asked for" said Jeanette in a caring voice
"Now all you need to do is stop crying...otherwise Eleanor will get worried" joked Brittany
Jeanette giggled "yea your right" replied Jeanette brushing tears off her face
Eleanor came back from the toilets and looked at Jeanette
"I'm back you two, let's go in then" said Eleanor in an excited voice
Eleanor grabbed Brittany and Jeanette and pulled them with her
"Ok, ok, we are coming!" Joked Brittany
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. I know this is a bit of a random question right now in the book, but does anyone have any ideas for what I could do for the last 4 chapters/parts in this book? (Chapters/Parts 36-40)
I have a few ideas right now, but I'm sure all of you have better ideas then me 🤗
I want to end this book with something big at the end (E.G. At the end of book 2, the chipmunks, Chipettes and Dave went on holiday) but don't exactly have a big idea right now 🤔
Let me know in the comments below if you have any big ideas to end the book with 👇 (Also, anyone that gives me an idea, I will mention you in a positive way, in my "Alvin and the chipmunks - short special storys" book I am doing 😋)
I have been asked if I'm doing another Alvin and the chipmunks book after this one and I have decided I will be doing 🤗🎉 Hope that pleases fans and gets them excited for another Alvin and the chipmunks book that's coming after book 3 👍
If you liked this part don't forget to vote and leave a happy face in the comments below 👇
Anyway, thanks again for reading everyone, I really appreciate the people that have been reading, voting and commenting on all 3 of my "Alvin and Brittany Love story" books
Thanks again, will update as soon as possible 😋

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