Part 17 - Alvin and Brittany's kid's day at school

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Tuesday Morning, same day, 8:50am, at school reception
Brittany had changed Emma's bed and Emma had got ready for school after a shower. Brittany had just walked her kids into school's reception and was about to leave them for there day at school
"Ok everyone, your dad will pick you up after school today as I am working this afternoon" explained Brittany
"Oh...ok mum" said Musharna in a sad voice
"Don't worry, Musharna I will be home about 5:30pm tonight and your dad will play a game with you while I'm out" said Brittany in a happy voice
Just then, Miss Bush came around the corner to reception. Miss Bush was the teacher for all the year 1's at school
"Ah, hello Brittany I see you have brought everyone today" said Miss Bush with a smile
"Yea, Alvin has work this morning" replied Brittany with a fake smile back
"Ok everyone, follow me to the classroom" said Miss Bush holding the door open for the kids
"Bye mum!" Shouted Peter
"Bye Peter! Bye everyone! See you all later!" Brittany shouted back before leaving reception
Miss Bush took the 5 chipmunks into the classroom and pointed a chair out to each of them. Once they were all seated Miss Bush took the register
"Ok do we have Molly?" Asked Miss Bush
"Oh...oh...I'm here"
"Musharna? Did I say that right?" Asked Miss Bush
"I'm here and yea you said it right" called Musharna
"What?" Asked Lucas in a grumpy voice
"I'm doing the register to know if your here or not" replied Miss Bush
"Here Miss Bush"
"I'm here"
"Yes!" Shouted Ben
"Ben, there is no need to shout" said Miss Bush
5 minutes later....
"And last but not least, Harry?"
"I'm here Miss"
"Ok now the register is done I have some easy sums for you all to have a go at" explained Miss Bush handing out pieces of paper
"Ask me for help, if you need it" called Miss Bush
Everyone started working but some were having trouble
"Oh man....this is too hard" complained Lucas
Lucas looked over at his sister Emma and she was flying through the questions
"Hey Emma, let me have a look" called Lucas
"No, you can't look at my work, you will copy my answers" replied Emma
"Hey! That's not nice! Give me your work NOW!" Shouted Lucas starting to stand up
"Lucas, sit down and keep it down please" called Miss Bush
Lucas sat down and had a grumpy look on his face. He looked around the classroom and saw Musharna sitting behind him
"Hey, Musharna give me the answers to these questions" commanded Lucas
"I can't right now, am still working them out myself" replied Musharna
Miss Bush got up and walked over to Lucas
"Lucas, if you disturb one more person in this class then I will have to send you outside and contact your parents understand?" Asked Miss Bush in a serious voice
"Yes, I understand" replied Lucas
"If you need help then you ask me" said Miss Bush before walking away
Lucas sighed and put his head in his arms
30 minutes later
"Ok everyone, I will ask you all a question from this sheet and you need to tell me your answer, don't worry if you get the wrong answer I will explain how to get the answer" explained Miss Bush
Miss Bush went over to her computer and looked at the register for people's names
"Ok, Musharna....can you tell me your answer for question 1" commanded Miss Bush
"I got 6" replied Musharna
"That's correct, 4 + 2 = 6 well done!" Said Miss Bush
"Ok, Harry...what did you get for question 2?" Asked Miss Bush
"I got 9" said Harry
"Oh dear, I'm sorry Harry but the right answer is 8, 5 + 3 = 8" explained Miss Bush
Miss Bush continued asking the class questions and Lucas got asked for an answer for question 10
" don't know Miss Bush, I couldn't do that question" said Lucas going bright red in embarrassment
"Don't worry Lucas, you should have asked me for help if you was stuck....anyone else know the answer?" Asked Miss Bush
"I know....its 16" called Emma
"Well done Emma, you are correct 9 + 7 = 16, that was a bit of a hard question for you all" replied Miss Bush
"Ok everyone this class is over, you can all go and play in the playground until I ring the bell" called Miss Bush
Everyone jumped out of their seats and run outside the classroom to the playground
Musharna, Coco and Emma went over to the swings in the playground
"That lesson was great sister" said Coco in a happy voice
"I know.....I like numbers but those questions were a bit too easy" replied Emma
"I don't know, I found them a bit of a challenge" Musharna pointed out
"Me too, I didn't know question 10" said Coco
At the other side of the playground near the slides, Lucas was sad and Peter was trying to cheer him up
"Don't worry about not been able to answer some of the questions, we are all here to learn" Peter explained
"I couldn't answer any of them questions and our sisters didn't bother helping me" said Lucas in a grumpy voice
"That's only because Miss Bush told them not to help you" replied Peter
Lucas quickly turned around and pushed his brother backwards "I know that stupid, you don't have to tell me" said Lucas in a grumpy voice
Lucas stormed off in the opposite side of the playground and Peter stood still feeling worried about his brother
Peter was about to follow but he heard someone shout his name from behind
"Peter! Are you ok?"
Peter turned around and saw a girl. "Wow, she is beautiful....who is she? How does she know my name? I need to get to know her" Peter thought to himself
"Um...Peter? Is everything ok?" Asked the girl again
"Oh yea sorry, I'm fine thanks" said Peter in a nervous voice
"He didn't hurt you did he?" Asked the girl
"No...he does much worse then that at home" joked Peter
"What do you mean? Is he your Brother?" Asked the girl
"Yea he is my Brother Lucas but he doesn't get on great with me or our sisters, he gets angry too quickly" explained Lucas
"Oh sorry to hear that" said the girl in a sad voice
"By the way, who are you? How do you know my name?" Asked Peter
"Oh, I'm April, I'm one of the girls in the lesson we had this morning, that's How I know who you are" explained April
"Oh right...sorry I have never seen you before in my lesson" said Peter
"Don't worry, we have only just started year 1 in school for a few weeks now and we are a big class so....we are still getting to know each other really" explained April
"D-Do you have any Brothers or sisters in school?" Asked Peter
"I do have a brother in school yes but he is in year 5 now" explained April
"Wow, so how old is he?" Asked Peter
April giggled at Peter been surprised "My older brother Alex is 10 years old now, nearly 11 years old" replied April
"Wow, I bet he is a great brother" said Peter
"Yea, he cares about me a lot and looks after me too, but as I'm growing up he is letting me start to do things on my own" explained April
"Aw that's great, I have 3 sisters and a brother....." Peter started before he was cut off by the bell
"Ok, come back in now class! Break time is over!" Shouted Miss Bush
"So what was you saying?" Asked April
"Never mind, we should go back to lesson" said Peter
"Yea your right, come on I will walk you" said April with a smile
April grabbed Peter by the arm and pulled him into the classroom while everyone else was making there way into the classroom
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this part. Would you like me to include more kids in my story like April? They don't have to be friends in/from school, they could be people that Alvin and Brittany's kids meet at clubs or something?
If not I could take a bit of a back seat with the kids and focus on family time again with Alvin, Brittany and their kids and possibly Dave and the other chipmunks (Simon, Theodore, Jeanette and Eleanor)
Let me know what you thought of this part, would you like another chapter  like this one, having more school days for Alvin and Brittany's kids? Let me know in the comments below, am interested in what you all think
If you want more school chapters like this one then leave a comment of "#school" in the comments
If you want more chapters like chapter 15 and 16, with Alvin, Brittany and their kids (family time) then leave a comment of  "#family time" in the comments
As always, if you liked this part leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update this story again as soon as possible 😋

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