Part 38 - Back To Alton Towers With Brittany and The Kids - Part 1

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Saturday morning, 7:30am, At Alvin and Brittany's house
The alarm went off and Brittany turned over in bed to turn it off
"Alvin! Alvin!" Called Brittany poking Alvin
"Oh....what's wrong dear?" Asked Alvin in a tired vocie
"It's time to get up.....we are going to Alton Towers today, remember?" replied Brittany
"Ok...give me 5 minutes and I will get can go and wake the girls up if you want?" Suggested Alvin after yawning
"Yea, I will get the girls up, then you have to get out of bed too and get the boys up and get them and yourself ready" said Brittany in a serious voice
Alvin nodded at Brittany and turned over in bed. Brittany then pulled the covers back and got out of bed. She made her way to the landing and to the girls bedroom
Brittany knocked on the door and then entered
"Morning girls!" Called Brittany in a happy vocie
Musharna woke up and looked at Brittany
"Mum? What are you doing? It's early in the morning and we don't have school today" complained Musharna
"I know you don't have school today but we are going to Alton Towers today" replied Brittany in a happy vocie
Musharna then smiled at Brittany and woke her sisters up by shaking them
"Coco, Emma, wake up we are going to Alton Towers today" squeaked Musharna in an excited voice
They both woke up and looked at Musharna
"What's happening now?" Asked Emma in a tired vocie
"We are going to Alton Towers today" repeated Musharna
All three of them cheered and Brittany giggled
"Ok girls now you all need to get ready, Dave is picking us up at 8:20am" explained Brittany
They all nodded and went into the wardrobe to find some clothes
Brittany then went back to her bedroom and no surprise, Alvin was still in bed
Brittany jumped on the bed and poked Alvin again
"Come on Alvin, it's time to get up" said Brittany in a happy vocie
"Ok....fine, I will get up now" replied Alvin in a tired vocie
Alvin got out of bed and went to the boys bedroom. Alvin then went in the bedroom and got the boys up
Meanwhile, Brittany went to the bathroom and closed the door. She took her pyjamas off and went into the shower
After the boys were awake and getting ready, Alvin went back to his bedroom and looked for some clothes to put on
15 minutes later...
The girls, boys and Alvin were now dressed and ready to go....while Brittany was still in the shower. So while they waited for Brittany, Alvin took the kids downstairs and started making breakfast
Brittany had got out of the shower and made her way to the bedroom. She looked in her wardrobe and started to panic
"ALVIN!" shouted Brittany
Alvin quickly run upstairs to Brittany
"What's happened?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"I can't find that Pink top with the flowers on, that one we bought the other day" explained Brittany in a worried vocie
"I don't remember you buying a new top" replied Alvin
"That's because you wasn't with me when I bought it silly......I bought it a few days ago, when I went shopping with Musharna, Emma and Coco" explained Brittany
"Oh right, That's why I don't remember it.....I will look for it with you though" replied Alvin with a smile
Alvin and Brittany looked in the bedroom for the top and after a few minutes, they found it
"Thanks for looking with me Alvin" said Brittany in a happy voice
"No problem Brittany" replied Alvin with a smile
They looked in each other's eyes for a few seconds before Brittany shook her head and spoke up
" will get ready and see you all in a few minutes" said Brittany quickly
Alvin grabbed Brittany and pulled her close to him
He gave her a kiss on the lips and it lasted a few seconds
"I love you Brittany" said Alvin in a caring voice
"Aw I love you too Alvin" replied Brittany in a happy voice
With that Alvin went downstairs and continued with cooking breakfast
After breakfast was done for everyone, Brittany was downstairs and she sat at the table with Alvin and the kids. Just then Dave came in the house
"Sorry I'm a little early guys, anyway are you all ready to go?" Asked Dave
"Will be in a 2 minutes Dave" replied Brittany
After everyone had breakfast, Dave, Brittany and the kids made there way to the car while Alvin locked up the house and followed afterwards
"Ok, everyone got their seatbelt's on?" Asked Dave
"Yea Dave!" Everyone shouted
After that response, Dave set off driving to Alton Towers
2 hours later
Dave had finally drove to Alton Towers and parked outside the place to let everyone out
"Ok everyone, enjoy yourselves!" Shouted Dave in a happy vocie
"We will do!" the kids called to Dave
"Thanks Dave, we will do" replied Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany then opened the car door again and looked at Dave
"How much do we need to pay you for taking us here?" Asked Brittany
"Don't be silly, you guys don't need to pay me, I did it to help out and we are all family" replied Dave
"Dave please, let us pay you £10 ok?" Asked Alvin
Dave refused the money and said "guys, honestly you don't need to pay me anything"
"Ok then....we will buy you something instead" said Alvin with a small laugh
Dave waved to everyone and then drove off, while Alvin, Brittany and their kids went to the entrance to Alton Towers
"Dad, can we go on the smiler?" Asked Lucas
"Or the Nemesis?" Asked Coco
"What about Rita?" Asked Musharna
"Don't worry guys, we are here all day till 6pm and it's only just turned 10:30am, we will go on as many rides as possible" explained Alvin with a smile
Brittany got some money out of her bag and bought tickets for her family
After the tickets were bought Alvin stopped and looked at the kids
"Ok you guys pick what ride you want to go on first" said Alvin with a smile
The kids run to the map and they all called for "the sonic spinball" ride
"Ok off we go then" called Alvin leading everyone to the ride
"Are you going on this ride with us mum?" Asked Musharna
"I don't know yet dear, I will see what it looks like first" replied Brittany
"Oh...ok" said Musharna in a sad voice
Brittany looked at Alvin for help
"You are gonna have to go on some rides with us Brittany, otherwise the kids will be a bit upset, they want to go on rides with us both" explained Alvin
"I know...." Replied Brittany
Brittany then spoke up to Musharna
"Hey Musharna, I will go on this ride with you.....and we will have to get your dad on some of the other scary rides too" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Wow, thanks mum, I am so happy you are going on rides with us" said Musharna in an excited voice
They all got to the ride and all waited in the line. After a few minutes they were near the carts for the ride
"It only takes 4 people" said Emma
"Well chipmunks" joked Coco
"So who wants to go with who?" Asked Brittany
"We want to go on with you mum" said Musharna grabbing her sisters
"That's ok with me, Alvin it looks like you going on with the boys" squeaked Brittany in an excited vocie
"Ok cool, we will meet you at the exit of the ride, you girls go on first" said Alvin in a caring vocie
"Wow, thanks dad that's very kind of you" said Emma
"Why can't we go on first?" Asked Lucas
"Because it's polite to let girls go before boys" replied Alvin
Brittany, Musharna, Coco and Emma all got in the cart and let the ride take them away
Not long after, Alvin Peter and Lucas got in the next cart and went on the ride too
After a few minutes, the ride was over and Brittany got out of the cart with the girls and waited at the exit
"Wow that was really fun! Did you 3 enjoy that ride too?" Asked Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea that was great!" Musharna called back
"Yea that was fun!" Replied Emma
"That was a little scary for me..." Said Coco in a worried voice
Brittany crouched down hugged Coco
"Don't worry dear, it's done now and you did it....don't worry, we won't force you to go on rides if you don't want too" explained Brittany in a caring voice
"Thanks mum" said Coco in a happier voice
Just then, Alvin Peter and Lucas came off the ride and meet up with the girls
"That was awsome!" Shouted Lucas
"Yea I know!" Replied Peter
"Yea that ride was great! High five, you two!" Called Alvin putting both his hands out to his sons
They both gave Alvin a high five and Brittany smiled at Alvin getting along great with the boys
"Wow, they adore him, nearly as much as me, he is such a great dad and a great boyfriend to me, I love how caring Alvin is with me and our kids" Brittany thought to herself
"Hey Brittany, did you and the girls enjoy the ride too?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I enjoyed it, so did Musharna and Emma but it was a bit scary for Coco" replied Brittany
Peter run over to his sister and gave her a hug
"Are you ok?" Asked Peter in a caring voice
"Yea I'm fine now" replied Coco with a smile
Alvin and Brittany smiled and then Alvin spoke up
"Ok, let's find some more rides to go on" suggested Alvin leading the group on
Everyone followed but Coco grabbed Peter and they stayed at the back of the group
"Thanks so much for asking if I'm ok, it makes me happy that you care about me" said Coco in a happy voice
"Aw no problem, it's what brothers and sisters do" replied Peter
With that, the day at Alton Towers had just begun and the great day for them all continues......
Hi everyone thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. What other rides do you think Alvin and Brittany will take the kids on while at Alton Towers? Do you think Brittany will go on every ride with Alvin and the kids? Do do you think she will sit out sometimes with Coco?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, am just pointing something out and try not to confuse anyone. Peter caring a lot for Coco and his siblings is just a part of his personality from Alvin and Brittany. They are not going to be going out/be in a relationship in the future because they are brothers and sisters and it would not be right 🤔
Anyway, if you liked this part don't forget to to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Only 2 parts left guys 😢 am so sad this book has nearly finished, have had a great time writing it
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now