Part 14 - Monster's in the City? - Part 2

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Friday night, 8:30pm, on the street outside Ian's flat
30 seconds before the explosion
Werewolf Ian then grabbed another jar of slime, he was going to throw it at Simon.......but he missed and Simon jumped out of the way
"I need to get out of here quickly!" Simon thought to himself
Simon saw a baseball bat on the floor and then looked back at werewolf Ian
"Come and get me, werewolf!" Shouted Simon
The werewolf jumped for Simon but Simon picked up the baseball bat and tripped the werewolf Ian up, making him fall through the door
"Yes....I can't believe that worked but I'm free now!" Simon said to himself in a happy voice
Simon jumped through the hole in the door and made a run for it to get out of the flat and out of danger
Then the building exploded
BANG! The flat was on fire and it did not look very hopeful for Simon
"Oh no! Simon!" Cried Jeanette
"I-Is Simon.....Gone?" Asked Alvin in a sad voice
Everyone stayed silent a few minutes and then Dave spoke up
"Yes Alvin...I'm sorry to say it but I think Simon is gone" said Dave in a sad voice
Jeanette burst into tears "oh no, what am I going to do without Simon in my life....I loved him so much, I just never told him how I actually felt about him" cried Jeanette in a sad voice
Eleanor and Brittany stood beside their heartbroken sister and Brittany hugged Jeanette while Eleanor rubbed Jeanette's back
"Thanks, you too....I just think I can go on without Simon" cried Jeanette in a sad voice
"Oh.....Je-an....Jeanette..." Called a voice not so far away
"Who said that? Who is there?" Asked Jeanette in a confused voice
Out of the smoke from the fire came Simon
"Oh my gosh! Simon! your alive!" Said Jeanette in a shocked voice
"Yea, I'm alive, I made it out just in time" replied Simon with a smile
Dave run up to Simon and picked him up for a hug "wow, Simon I'm glad your ok......just don't worry me like that again ok? As a your carer I worry a lot about you all" explained Dave in a caring voice
"Um guys...that rocket is getting closer!" Said Eleanor in a worried voice
Everyone looked up in the sky and Eleanor was right, the rocket was getting closer
"Alvin, we need to get our baby's and move out of this city before the rocket lands" said Brittany in a worried voice
"I know we do Brittany, we will get them in time, that's a promise" replied Alvin in a caring voice
Dave, Alvin, Simon and the chipettes all started running back home to Dave's house
Unfortunately, people also saw the rocket and were now running in the streets as well, making it harder for Dave, two of  the chipmunks and chipettes to get past
"We need to get past everyone or we won't get away in time" called Dave
"I know, just keep going forward everyone!" Shouted Alvin
After some pushing and shoving past people, Dave, two of the chipmunks and the chipettes made it back to Dave's house
"Quick, everyone inside!" Shouted Dave
Everyone went in the house and Dave went in the house last
Alvin and Brittany run upstairs to find their baby chipmunks. Jeanette and Eleanor was looking after Simon in the living room
Going upstairs to the spare bedroom
"Oh god, I hope they are all ok" said Brittany in a worried voice
"I'm sure they will be Brittany, don't worry" replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany went in the spare bedroom and looked for their baby's. They saw the baby chipmunks on the bed asleep with Theodore on the bed next to them, watching over them
"Phew! That's a relief! Was really worried about them, Alvin" said Brittany in a happier voice
Alvin went over to Theodore and hugged him
"Thanks so much for taking care of our baby's bro" said Alvin in a happy and caring voice
"No problem Alvin, after a few minutes of me singing....they all fell asleep and have been asleep since" replied Theodore
"Come on then Alvin, Theodore, we have to go" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Why what's wrong?" Asked Theodore
"If that rocket lands while we are in the city, we will become monsters" explained Brittany quickly and simply
"But that rocket has been flying for a while now and it can't do that much harm" replied Theodore
Brittany slapped her forehead and then glared at Theodore
"Theodore! Dave said we are going now! Go and get some food and then we are off!" Shouted Brittany
Theodore nodded and run out of the bedroom to the kitchen
"Wow I can't believe Theodore believed you" said Alvin in a shocked voice
"Me neither....but I shouldn't lie to him, it's not right" replied Brittany
"Yea I know, but I understand why you did it and it's fine don't worry Brittany" said Alvin with a smile
Alvin and Brittany put their baby chipmunks in the pram and made there way downstairs to everyone else
"Theodore? Why are you packing all our food?" Asked Dave
"Because Brittany said you told me to pack food" replied Theodore
Dave looked at Brittany with a confused face. Brittany run to Dave and whispered in his ear what she told Theodore
"I remember now Theodore, I told you to pack mind went blank for a second" called Dave
"It's ok Dave, it's normal to forget things every now and then" Theodore called back
After a few minutes, Theodore had packed lots of food in a bag for everyone to share
"Ok now we have food, let's get out of town before the rocket lands" said Dave
Dave, the chipmunks, the chipettes and the baby chipmunks all got in the car with the bag of food and Dave started driving
BANG! The rocket had landed and slime covered the city. Luckily Dave or any of the chipmunks/chipettes were infected by the smile as they was in the car. The wave of slime hit Dave's car causing him to stop in the middle of the road
"Is everyone ok?" Asked Dave in a worried voice
"Yea we are fine" everyone called back
Dave used the wipers on the car and a mummy was on the car
"Aaahhhh!!!" Screamed everyone
Dave started the car and continued driving but the mummy wouldn't let go of the car
Dave tried the wipers on the car but the mummy grabbed them and snapped them off the car
"What are we going to do?" Asked Eleanor
"I got an idea" called Alvin
"Share it with us then" said Simon
"Ok, ok, Dave pull the window down and I will throw something at the mummy" said Alvin quickly
"That's a stupid idea Alvin" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Well then, what is your idea?" Asked Alvin
"I don't know, but don't open the window" replied Brittany
Just then, a dinosaur/human hybrid attacked Dave's car and made the mummy fly off the car
"That works too!" Said Theodore
"Ok, let's go now!" Said Dave in a worried voice
Dave drove the car around the monsters and out of the city. After they left the city, Dave knew they were safe
"Where are we going to go now Dave?" Asked Simon
"I don't know yet Simon, I just don't know....." Said Dave in a sad voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. People in the city have turned into monsters and Dave, the chipmunks and the chipettes have had to leave the city to be safe. Where will they go? How long can they stay safe from the monsters? Will they ever return home? Let me know in the comments below, am interested in what you all think
Am sorry for not updating for a while, have been a bit busy these past few days
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update my story again as soon as possible 😋

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