Part 19 - Brittany, I Need Your Help and Advice

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Tuesday afternoon, same day, 5:30pm, at Alvin and Brittany's house
Brittany opened the house door and had just come home from work
"Alvin! I'm back home!" Shouted Brittany in a happy voice
"Hooray! Your back Brittany! hey kids your mum is back home" Alvin called back
The 4 chipmunks jumped off the sofa and ran to the doorway to find Brittany
"Hi mum!" Said Emma
"Your home!" Shouted Musharna in a happy voice
"I know, I'm back everyone, am so happy to see you all, how was school today?" Asked Brittany
"Oh...well it was boring as usual" said Coco
"Except Peter has a girlfriend now which is quite exciting" said Lucas
"Peter? Has a girlfriend?" Asked Brittany in a confused voice
"Yea, he just won't admit it so he has gone to his room in his own" explained Musharna
"Oh no, poor Peter, he has probably made a friend with a girl today and them lot are making fun of him" Brittany thought to herself
"I will go and see your brother, you all stay downstairs" said Brittany in a worried voice
Alvin heard Brittany and run up stairs after Brittany. He stood in front of the boys bedroom and wouldn't move
"Alvin, what are you doing? I need to see if Peter is ok" asked Brittany in a worried voice
"He is not right Brittany, he is quite upset but can you listen to me first before you go in?" Asked Alvin
"Ok, what have you got to say Alvin?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice
"I think we should speak to him together and explain why it's not a good idea to tell his brother and sisters that he has made friends with a Jeanette is in the living room, she wants to see you" explained Alvin
"What? Why is Jeanette hear? What does she need to talk to me for?" Asked Brittany
"I don't know but I think you should see her first, talk to your sister, then once Simon and Jeanette has gone home then we, as parents, will speak to Peter together" suggested Alvin
"Ok...I get what you mean, I think we should do that, I will speak with Jeanette and we will see Peter afterwards together....just keep the others with you and Simon, I don't want them tormenting Peter" explained Brittany in a serious voice
"Ok me and Simon will be the entertainment for our kids while you talk with Jeanette" replied Alvin with a smile
Alvin and Brittany went downstairs and into the living room. Alvin sat with Simon and shouted the kids over to them
"Jeanette!" Called Brittany
Jeanette stood up and walked over to Brittany
"Am so happy to see you sister, I need to talk to you" said Jeanette
"Ok, let's just go somewhere a little more private" said Brittany
Brittany took Jeanette upstairs and into her and Alvin's bedroom
Brittany locked the door behind them so the kids wouldn't be able to come in and interrupt
"Ok, let's sit on the bed and I will let you begin" said Brittany in a caring voice
Brittany and Jeanette sat on the bed and Jeanette spoke
"Right Brittany, I'm worried about something and need your advice" started Jeanette
"Ok...let me know what your worried about and I will help you if I can" said Brittany in a caring voice
" and Simon, we moved out last week into a house of our own and I want to have kids with Simon" explained Jeanette
" what's wrong with that? Does Simon want kids too?" Asked Brittany a but confused
"I'm not sure if Simon wants kids with me and I'm a bit worried about asking him incase he say no" explained Jeanette
"Aw Jeanette you don't need to be worried, if Simon says no then try and persuade him to have kids with you, you can't force him but try and explain that you really want to have a family with him" explained Brittany
"But what if he still says no and doesn't want kids with me?" Asked Jeanette
"Jeanette, you have not even asked Simon yet, he might say yes straight away" said Brittany in a happy voice
"I hope so, would really upset me not to have a family with Simon" said Jeanette in a worried voice
There was a small silence before Jeanette spoke again
"Also I'm worried about having 'it' with him, we did have it once before but it was a few years ago and we haven't done it since" explained Jeanette
"Don't worry Jeanette I'm sure Simon will know what he is doing with you when you two do 'it' together" replied Brittany
"Yea but last time we did it for a bit of fun, I don't know if we have to do anything different for him to get me pregnant" said Jeanette in a worried voice
Brittany giggled "Don't be silly sister, there is only one way to have sex know how it works....don't do anything different to before, just have sex again, like you did in the past when your both ready" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Are you sure? So me and Simon just have to do the same things again like last time?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Yea I and Alvin just did 'it' and he got me pregnant unexpected" said Brittany
"So we just have to keep trying then?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea that's right, if you really want to have kids with Simon, keep having 'it' with him, maybe once every few days or something and hopefully you will fall pregnant......just don't use any kind of protection, you or Simon, and keep having 'it' and you should fall pregnant in no time" explained Brittany
"Are you sure?" Asked Jeanette a little confused
"Yes I'm positive, when you two have 'it', it only takes one of Simon's 'things' to get to one of your eggs and to fertilise it, then a baby will grow and you will be pregnant" explained Brittany
"Ok, will have to have it again with Simon a few more times and hope he gets me pregnant" said Jeanette
"But I think you should ask him first, if you get pregnant with him and he doesn't want kids then you will be in a bit of a mess" explained Brittany
"Oh yea your right, can I come and visit you a bit more often Brittany, for advice on pregnancy and stuff?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea sure, visit as often as you like, your my sister, I'm never going to turn you away and I will give advice to you about pregnancy any day" replied Brittany in a happy voice
Jeanette hugged Brittany "thanks so much Brittany your an amazing sister, thanks so much for caring and helping me" said Jeanette in a happy voice
"No problem sister, I will try and help you and Eleanor out as much as I can as your older sister" said Brittany in a happy voice
Brittany unlocked the bedroom door and her and Jeanette went downstairs
"Simon, I'm ready to go now" called Jeanette
Jeanette and Brittany went in the living room and saw Alvin and Simon pulling funny faces for the kids
"See Jeanette, Simon is having a great time with mine and Alvin's kids, I'm sure he will say yes, just ask him when your ready" explained Brittany
"I see what you mean, he is having a good time" said Jeanette in a happy voice
"Simon! I'm ready to go now!" Shouted Jeanette
Simon saw Jeanette and stood up and walked over to her
", how long have you been standing there? I didn't keep you waiting too long did I?" Asked Simon in a worried voice
"No you didn't keep me waiting, come on then Simon let's go home" said Jeanette
Simon and Jeanette then opened the house door and left the house
"Bye Brittany" shouted Jeanette
"Bye Alvin" shouted Simon
"Bye you two, see you later" Alvin and Brittany shouted back
Alvin and Brittany stood at the doorway and watched Simon and Jeanette as they started walking home
Brittany smiled and hugged Alvin "thanks for keeping the kids entertained while I talked with Jeanette" said Brittany in a happy voice
"No problem Brittany, it's what I had to do" joked Alvin
With that Alvin and Brittany went back in the house so they could talk with Peter and hopefully cheer him up again
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this part. Do you think Simon wants kids with Jeanette? How will Alvin and Brittany help cheer Peter up? Let me know what you think in the comments below
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Thanks again for reading everyone, I really appreciate the views and votes I have had so far in this book, Will update again as soon as possible 😋

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