Part 24 - I Will Make It Up To You, Brittany

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(Continuing on from Part 23)
Jeanette then stood up from the kitchen table and went into the living room to get the house phone. She dialled the number and waited for Alvin or Brittany to pick up
At Alvin and Brittany's house, in the living room
Ring! ring!
"Alvin! Can you get the phone, I'm putting the kids to bed" called Brittany from upstairs
"Yea I will do" Alvin called back
Alvin answered the phone and was surprised by who it was
"Jeanette? What are you phoning up at this time for?" Asked Alvin a little confused
"Hi I need to speak to Brittany, is she there?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"She is a bit busy right now but I don't think you should talk to her right now anyway" replied Alvin
"What? Why not?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"She has been really upset and down all night since you and Simon left and I think she needs some time to herself" replied Alvin
"Oh Alvin, please...she is my sister, I need to apologise and make up for what I said to her earlier" begged Jeanette on the phone
Alvin sighed "ok fine, I will shout Brittany now and see if she wants to talk" said Alvin
"Thanks so much Alvin" said Jeanette in a happier voice
"Brittany! Jeanette wants to talk to you on the phone!" Shouted Alvin
Within seconds Brittany was downstairs and into the living room
"I will talk to her then, thanks Alvin....can you finish putting the kids to bed?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure" replied Alvin
Brittany picked up the phone and spoke to her sister
"Hi Jeanette, I think I know what you want to talk about" said Brittany in an angry voice
"Hi'm sorry about earlier tonight with what I said to you, it was some horrible and hurtful things" explained Jeanette
"I know that, I tried to give you MY advice and you just shot me down and told me not to come near your kids" replied Brittany in an angry voice
"Brittany please...I'm sorry for what I said I really am..." Started Jeanette
"I'm sorry Jeanette, you are going to have to do more then just say sorry to me! You have really hurt and upset me tonight the way you was with me in the bedroom and leaving the house!" Shouted Brittany
"Brittany please calm down, I will make this up to you...I promise. Even Simon thinks we are not ready to be parents yet and I need your help and advice" said Jeanette quickly
"What? Simon doesn't think your ready to be parents? Well I bet you had a shout at him too for saying that to you! Unless it's just me that you like to shout at!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
The phone went silent for a few seconds
"Brittany please forgive me, for what I was wrong of me and I shouldn't have said what I did but I want to make things right between us. We are sisters and we should care for each other" said Jeanette in a sad voice
"Jeanette, listen to me....I don't want to fall out with you neither, I love you so much, your my sister, I care about you and I do want you and Simon to be happy, but I just don't think your both ready to be parents yet and neither does Simon" explained Brittany in a more calm voice
"Yea I know, I know.....How I was with you earlier was totally out of order and I'm going to make it up to you" replied Jeanette
"Really? How?" Asked Brittany in a confused voice
"I will take you and Eleanor on a girls night out tomorrow night, we will go to the cinema and all pick a film together and then maybe slip a few drinks in afterwards" explained Jeanette with a giggle
Brittany felt a warm and happy feeling in her body after what Jeanette just said
"Aw thanks Jeanette, yea that will be great, thanks so much" said Brittany in a happier voice
"No problem sister, I will apologise and explain everything that me and Simon talked about tonight to you tomorrow and then, hopefully we can be close and happy sisters again" explained Jeanette
"Yea that sounds great, will see you tomorrow, shall we sort times out tomorrow morning?" Asked Brittany
"Yea we will do that, thanks for talking with me Brittany, night to you and Alvin" said Jeanette
"Aw thanks, same here, night to you and Simon too" said Brittany
Brittany then put the phone down and went upstairs to find Alvin
Brittany found Alvin just leaving the boys bedroom
"Alvin...I need to talk to you!" Said Brittany in an excited voice
"So did everything go fine?" Asked Alvin
"Yea it did really, I made Jeanette understand that I was upset by what she said to me earlier and she apologised to me and said she would take me and Eleanor out tomorrow night" explained Brittany quickly
"What?" Asked Alvin a little confused
"I'm going on a girls night out with my sisters! Am so excited for it!" Said Brittany in a happy voice
"But I thought you was mad at Jeanette and upset by what went off tonight?" Asked Alvin
"I was mad but I have calmed down a little with her now and she is taking us out tomorrow night so that should make things right again for sure and she has apologised to me too" explained Brittany
"Well...I will never understand girls" joked Alvin as he walking into the bathroom
Brittany giggled and went into her and Alvin's bedroom
She got her pyjamas on and laid in bed smiling to herself
"I feel bad for been a bit harsh to Jeanette on the phone....but I had to let her know I was hurt by what she said and she has apologised for her mistakes now and she is even taking me out tomorrow night, am so EXCITED, I really do have the best sisters and best family I could ever ask for" Brittany thought to herself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. It's great that Brittany and Jeanette are starting to get along again 👍 Do you think this girls night out will help all the three sisters bond again?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Also if you liked this part don't forget to "vote" and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Thanks so much for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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