Part 21 - The Story of the Chipettes Family

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Continuing on from where Part 20 ended....
Alvin sat at the table next to Brittany and put his arm on her back and rubbed her back slowly and gently
"Don't worry Brittany, I'm here to talk to you and help you, wants wrong? Who did this?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"I saw someone who I never wanted to see again, someone that did something really bad to my family in the past" explained Brittany in a sad voice
"What? Who was it? Please tell me" begged Alvin in a worried voice
"She is called Clair and she was horrible to me and my sisters" replied Brittany in a sad voice
"Clair? I have never heard of her" said Alvin in a confused voice
"I will start from the beginning" said Brittany still crying
"It all happened years ago, when me and my sisters were just baby's and we had our parents with us, we were all happy living in our tree and then another family of chipmunks came" started Brittany
"Was that family that came, Clair and her family?" Asked Alvin
Brittany looked at Alvin a little annoyed "Of course it was Clair and her family! Who else could it be!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
"Sorry my bad Brittany, I'm sorry for the stupid question....please continue your story" said Alvin quickly in a worried voice
"Anyway, as the months went on the new family started doing horrible things to me and my sisters and my parents would try and stop them but they continued, they would throw rocks at us and try to hurt us and as baby's we couldn't protect ourselves so it was up to our parents" explained Brittany in a sad voice
"That's horrible am so sorry that happened to you, your sisters and your parents" said Alvin in a sad voice
"Then one day, my mum went to get some food and we heard screaming from the bottom of the tree, my dad went to find her and then there was smoke....some how, set the tree we lived in on fire and since me and my sisters were baby's we couldn't get away. My mum then climbed back up the tree and carried us free away from our home that was now on fire, she placed us on the ground and went to help our dad but he had been attacked and too badly hurt to move or fight back. My mum tried to help my dad but she was pushed into the fire and my dad, unable to move, was thrown into the fire afterwards. We saw the horror of our parents getting chucked into the fire and then the women that killed our parents came to us. She said 'now the parents are finished, I will finished the kids too' and she tried to pick us up but a tree fell on her and knocked her out" explained Brittany
"So how do you know it is Clair that did this?" Asked Alvin
"Well after the women was knocked out by the tree, the man that was with her shouted 'Clair, are you ok?' and I will never forget her voice when she came towards us and tried to grab us" replied Brittany
"How did you and your sisters get away?" Asked Alvin
"We just crawled away, we hid near a pond and stayed there until we knew it was safe to move. Then we had to move far away from our home so we crawled a bit further away each day and ate what ever food we could find along the way. We was safe once we found another tree that was miles away from our other tree, but it was hard growing up without parents" explained Brittany beginning to cry again
Alvin hugged Brittany and began to cry himself
"Am so sorry that happened to you Brittany, I never knew something as bad as that happened to your and your sisters in the past" said Alvin in a sad voice
There was a small silence in the kitchen before Brittany spoke again
"Are you crying?" Asked Brittany
"No....(sniff)...I-I'm not.....crying" said Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany smiled to Alvin "Aw Alvin....I never knew you cared this much about me and my sisters" said Brittany in a caring voice
"Of course I care about you and your sisters, your all family to us now really, since Dave brought you all in" replied Alvin in a caring voice
"After I know, stopped my eyes watering...we will go and tell the kids we have had our talk" said Alvin with a smile
"Ok, we will tell the kids they can come in the kitchen when your ready" said Brittany in a happy voice
10 minutes later
Alvin and Brittany had calmed down and cheered up a bit now and they went into the living room to talk to there kids
"Hey everyone" called Brittany
"Hi mum! Hi dad!" Shouted everyone
"Have you had your talk now?" Asked Emma
"Yea, we have had our talk" replied Alvin
"So what's happening with me and Jess? Can I be friends with her?" Asked Peter
Alvin and Brittany looked at each other and then back at Peter
"For the next few weeks, I want you to keep away from Jess and Chloe and don't talk to them at all, not even if they talk to you" commanded Brittany in a serious voice
"Oh ok....I will keep away from them for now" said Peter in a sad voice
"And don't you DARE talk to there mum!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Alvin pulled Brittany backwards "Hey calm down Brittany" said Alvin quickly
"Oh gosh, why did I shout at you then...I'm so sorry Peter, please forgive me" said Brittany in a sad voice
"Don't worry mum, I understand why you shouted and I forgive you" replied Peter
Ding Dong!
"That's the door bell, who has come to our house?" Asked Alvin himself out loud
"I will get it" called Brittany quickly
Brittany walked slowly towards the door and took a deep breath in
Brittany opened the door and to her surprise, it was her and Alvin's family. Simon, Jeanette, Theodore, Eleanor and Dave were at the door
"Hi Brittany" called Jeanette
"What? What's going on?" Asked Brittany
"We have all come over for dinner, Alvin said he would cook a family dinner for us all" explained Simon
"Are you serious? Alvin never mentioned cooking for you all" said Brittany a but confused
"Yea we are serious Brittany" said Eleanor with a giggle
"Can we come inside now? It's cold out here" Asked Theodore
Brittany smiled and giggled to herself
"Yea sure you can all come inside" replied Brittany
Everyone went in the house and Brittany got everyone in the living room
"What are all you doing....oh never mind I remember now" Alvin said out loud
The kids giggled at Alvin "dad, your funny" said Coco
"Aw thanks dear, I forgot everyone was coming over tonight" said Alvin in a worried voice
"Alvin, come in the kitchen a second" called Brittany
Alvin went in the kitchen with Brittany....again
"Why is everyone here?" Asked Brittany in a confused voice
"I asked them all to come over last night, we have not had a meal as a family for a while now and thought it would be good to see everyone again" explained Alvin
"Why didn't you tell me?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice
"Because I forgot to tell you, I was going to tell you last night but honestly I forgot" explained Alvin
Brittany sighed "Ok, I will forgive you this time for forgetting" joked Brittany
With that Brittany went back in the living room to greet everyone, while Alvin started Cooking
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate the views and votes I have got for this book, thanks so much everyone. What did you think to the story of the Chipettes past? Do you think Alvin and Brittany will do anything to Clair for what she has done in the past? Let me know in the comments below 👇
If you liked this part, don't forget to vote and leave a happy face in the comments below
Also if you have any ideas for my story let me know, just send a message or something, and I will include your ideas in my story. Am always up for new ideas in my story and would love to know what you all think/want to happen in my story
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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