Part 4 - I Can't Remember Any Of That

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Tuesday morning, 7:30am, in the spare bedroom

"Come on guys time for school" shouted Dave

Brittany woke up and saw Alvin sleeping next to her

"Ah! No, get away from me Alvin, please don't hurt me" said Brittany in a worried and scared voice

Alvin woke up and looked at Brittany confused

"What do you mean hurt you, Brittany I would never hurt you" said Alvin

Alvin tried to give Brittany a hug but she slapped his arms away

"No don't touch me, you might hurt me" said Brittany in a worried voice

"Brittany, what has gotten into you, I would never hurt you, now stop acting silly and give me a hug" said Alvin in a happy voice

As Alvin tried to give Brittany another hug she screamed and run out the bedroom 

"What has gotten into Brittany this morning, she is acting very strange and thinks I'm going to hurt her"  Alvin thought to himself 

Brittany ran into the bathroom and did not know what to do. She was so scared after how she saw Alvin behave last night. It worried her as it was not like Alvin at all.

"Brittany are you ok?" Asked Jeanette

"Get away Alvin, I...I don't want to talk to you...please don't hurt me" said Brittany in a scared voice

"It's me Jeanette and what's this about Alvin hurting you, I'm sure he wouldn't hurt you" explained Jeanette

Brittany turned around to face her sister

"Oh right sorry Jeanette, thought you was Alvin......and No he did hurt me, I'm sure he did" said Brittany in a worried voice 

"Why what happened? What made you think he hurt you?" Asked Jeanette still confused 

"He was watching a Horror film last night downstairs just after midnight" explained Brittany

"What? Why was he doing that? That's not like Alvin at all" said Jeanette in a worried voice

"I tried to turn the film off and get him to bed but he grabbed me and pushed me to the ground" said Brittany in a sad and worried voice 

Jeanette got very angry all of a sudden "No one, not even Alvin, is going to push my sister to the ground and get away with it" said Jeanette in an angry voice

Brittany grabbed Jeanette by the shoulder "No don't tell Alvin I told you what he did last night, he said he would kill me if I told anyone" said Brittany in a sad voice

"So he is not only been aggressive pushing you to the ground but he is also threatening you?" Asked Jeanette in an angry voice

"Yea but....don't tell him....please" begged Brittany

"Oh no Brittany, I am going to tell him, I will not let anyone abuse you or take advantage over you" said Jeanette in an angry voice

"Jeanette, it was only last night he was like this, he was never like this before, every other time Alvin has loved me and treated me like a queen.....heck we even had 'it' again before he turned" explained Brittany

"What? You and Alvin did 'it' again last night? Do you want to get pregnant again?" Asked Jeanette in an angry voice

"What? No, I don't want to get pregnant again.....not right now anyway, I'm happy with the baby's I have now, I just offered to do it again with him and he wanted to do 'it' again" explained Brittany 

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now