Part 20 - It can't be? It's You!

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2 weeks and 3 days later
Friday afternoon, 3pm, end of school day, at school reception
2 weeks and 3 days ago was when Peter made friends with April and his siblings made fun of him for it. However that night Alvin and Brittany explained to Peter why he shouldn't have told his siblings he has made close friends with a girl and he understood and agreed not to make that mistake again. Also Peter's siblings promised Alvin and Brittany that they would not make fun of Peter anymore and they were all sorry for upsetting him
Anyway, Brittany was picking the kids up today from school as Alvin had just finished work and wanted a rest. She stood in the school reception and waited for the kids to come.
after a few minutes, all 5 kids came around the corner and run to Brittany
"Hi Mum!" they all shouted
"Hey everyone, are you all ready to go home?" asked Brittany
"Yea sure" said Musharna
"Hold on mum, I just need to do something" said Peter running back into the school building
"OK hurry up dear!" called Brittany
Peter run back into the classroom and saw April and her older brother Alex
"Um...hi April, I just wanted to say bye....and I will see you again on Monday" said Peter in a nervous voice
April smiled and walked over to Peter. she pulled him closer and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek
"I love you Peter and will miss you these next few days" said April in a sad voice
"Aw thanks....well I will....I miss you these next few days too" said Peter been a bit shy
"It's a shame you can't come over tonight, can't you ask your parents?" asked April in a sad voice
"Yea I will ask my mum now, she has come to collect me" said Peter in a happy voice
"Thanks Peter, we will meet you in reception" said April
Peter run back to the others and asked Brittany if he could go round
"What? No, sorry and your dad don't know these people and I don't want to send you to a house of strangers" replied Brittany
"Oh, please mum, April really wants me to go" begged Peter
Brittany looked around and couldn't see April or Alex
"Where are they now?" Asked Brittany
"In the classroom they said they would meet me in reception" explained Peter
"Ok fine, when they come then I will let you go with them for a few hours but I want you back home by 7pm" explained Brittany
"Yay, thanks mum" said Peter in a happy voice
Peter's brother and sisters started laughing but they looked outside a window away from Peter
A few minutes later, April and Alex came into reception
"My mum said I can come to your house" said Peter in a happy voice
Alex gave an evil smile to April and April grabbed Peter by the arm
"Thanks so much for coming Peter" said April
"We will have lots of fun together and lots of close bonding tonight" said Alex
Brittany was worried and didn't want Peter to go with them but didn't say anything as she didn't want to upset him
"Come on Peter, our mum is in the car waiting for us" said April
"Hold on! I will walk with you two and Peter to the car so I can talk with your mum about what time I want him home!" Called Brittany
"You 4 stay behind me, ok" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Mum? Are you ok?" Asked Musharna
"Yea I'm fine" replied Brittany in a worried voice
Everyone got to April and Alex's car and Brittany knocked on the car window
The women pulled the window down and looked outside
"Brittany? Is that you?" Asked the woman
Brittany froze in shock and fear
"No! It can't be, it can't be her! I know that voice, it has to be her but I really hope I'm wrong" Brittany thought to herself
"Um....yes it's me Brittany. How do you know who I am?" Asked Brittany
"Don't you remember me, I'm Clair, I remember you and your sisters Brittany.....and your parents" said Clair in a creepy voice
Flashbacks appeared in Brittany's mind of Clair, Brittany's parents.....and the fire
"Come on kids we are going home" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Am I still...." Started Peter
Brittany grabbed Peter by the arm and dragged him away from there car "NO! You are not going anymore! I have decided!" Shouted Brittany
The other 4 kids followed Brittany but did not speak
As they started walking home Clair called Brittany
"Don't upset him Brittany, if Peter wants to come let him come and play with my daughter and son" called Clair
Brittany did not speak or look back she just continued to walk. Tears run down Brittany's cheeks as the flashbacks and horrible memories were coming back to her
Brittany walked home, crying to herself and checking all 5 kids were with her. Once Brittany got home she let the kids in the house and locked the door. Then she gone and sat at the kitchen table and put her face in her arms
Brittany continued to cry and the fur on her face and arms were now wet and cold
"Brittany?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany looked up and she looked a mess from crying
Alvin was shocked at what he saw, his girlfriend Brittany was in a right mess
Alvin went in the living room and talked to the kids
"Everyone, listen up, I'm going to talk to your mum about something in private so don't come in the kitchen until I come out of the kitchen and say your allowed in ok?" Asked Alvin in a serious voice
Everyone nodded and Alvin returned to the kitchen
He sat at the table next to Brittany and put his arm on her back and rubbed her back slowly and gently
"Don't worry Brittany, I'm here to talk to you and help you, wants wrong? Who did this?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"I saw someone who I never wanted to see again, someone that did something really bad to my family in the past" explained Brittany in a sad voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. What do you think Clair has done to Brittany in the past? Will Peter still be allowed to be friends with April and Alex?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
(Also, I will explain everything about who Clair is and how she has effected Brittany in the next chapter/part)
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Thanks again for reading everyone, I really appreciate the views and votes in this book and also the people that have been reading, voting and commenting on my story since book 1 and 2 and now in book 3 too 🤗🎉
Thanks again everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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