Part 40 - A Great Ending to a Perfect Day and A Surprise! 🎉

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Same Day, 4:30pm, At Alton Towers
The day out at Alton Towers has now come to an end, but everyone has enjoyed the day out and some amazing family memories have been made
Brittany and Coco met Alvin and the other kids at the smiler ride and as a family they all went on rides together. They all went on the tea cups and other smaller/kid friendly rides so that Coco could still go on rides though the day too
But now was sadly the time for them to meet Dave and go back home
"Today has been amazing! Thanks mum and dad!" Shouted Musharna in a happy voice
"Aw no problem dear, I have enjoyed today your dad said he wanted to come back here and he has enjoyed himself too" replied Brittany with a smile
"Brittany" called Alvin
"Yea?" Brittany called back
"Thanks so much for today, it has been amazing!" Said Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea, I know, thank you too Alvin, I have never had so much fun with you and the kids" replied Brittany
"Also, thanks for looking after Coco earlier.....and for still going on some big rides with me, that I wanted to go on with you last time we came" explained Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany stopped her and Alvin walking and then she hugged Alvin "No problem Alvin, I will do anything for you, I love you!" Said Brittany in a caring voice
After the hug, Alvin and Brittany walked the kids out of Alton Towers and towards the car park
After a few more minutes of walking, Alvin and Brittany found Dave's car and they all got in
"Hey Dave!" Shouted the kids as they got in the car
"Hi everyone, did you all have a good day at Alton Towers?" Asked Dave
"Yea it was amazing!" Called Emma
"It was so much fun!" Shouted Peter
"We even got mum on some of the big rides" explained Musharna with a giggle
"It was a great day Dave" said Alvin
"Yea it has been amazing, it was so much fun with the kids too, watching Alvin go on rides with the kids made me so happy" explained Brittany
"Wow, sounds like you all had an amazing time today, am so glad you all enjoyed yourselves" said Dave in a happy voice
"Are we ready to go? Has everyone got their seat-belts on?" Asked Dave
"Yes Dave" everyone replied
"Ok then off we go!" Shouted Dave starting the car
With that Dave started the 2 hour drive back home.....
45 minutes later
Dave pulled off the motorway and into a service station. He then parked the car in the McDonalds car park
"Hey Dave, why have we stopped here?" Asked Alvin
"Are you having McDonalds for your dinner?" Asked Brittany
"No, I'm not having McDonalds, I have parked up here cause I am going to get the kids a McDonalds for their dinner" replied Dave
The kids all cheered with happiness and joy
"Dave, you don't have to do have been kind enough to drive us to Alton Towers and back" Brittany pointed out
"Yea I know, but I want to treat the kids and buy them a McDonalds, after all I am a grandparent to them" replied Dave
"Ok kids, come with me and tell me what you all want from McDonalds" called Dave in a happy voice
The kids shot out of the car and dashed after Dave
"Alvin! Brittany! Are you two coming or what?" Joked Dave
Alvin looked at Brittany "Well I do fancy a McDonalds and Dave is buying the kids one so.....can we go and get one too?" Asked Alvin
Brittany smiled and nodded "yea sure, I will share with you, let's get a box of 20 chicken nuggets" replied Brittany with a giggle
Alvin and Brittany got out of the car and followed Dave and their kids into McDonalds
Dave asked the kids what they wanted and they all asked for happy meals so Dave ordered 5 happy meals and a Big Mac for himself
The man come back with the tray of food and Dave smiled at the man, paid for the food and then said "thank you" and went to find a table or two
Alvin and Brittany then ordered after Dave and got a box of 20 chicken nuggets like Brittany asked for
The man come back with a box of 20 chicken nuggets and Alvin looked at Brittany
"What's wrong Alvin?" Asked Brittany
"Are you going to pay?" Asked Alvin with a smile
Brittany sighed "why do I always pay? Can't you pay instead?" Asked Brittany
Alvin just decided to pay the man, he didn't want to argue with Brittany. She was too kind, cute, caring and loving to argue with
Once Alvin paid, he said "thank you" to the man and went to find a table with Brittany
Dave found two tables of 4 so he sat the boys on one table and the girls on the other. Then he passed them all a happy meal each and he sat at the table with the boys while he had his Big Mac
"Thanks Dave" called Emma
"Yea thanks Dave" said Peter in a happy voice
"No problem, guys it's my treat for you all" replied Dave
Alvin and Brittany sat at another table on there own, but not too far from the kids and Dave
Alvin pulled out a chair from the table and offered Brittany to sit down
"Wow thanks Alvin, that's really gentlemanly of you!" Said Brittany in a surprised voice
"It's not a problem Brittany, you deserve to be treated like a queen" replied Alvin making Brittany blush
Alvin sat down next to Brittany and opened the box of 20 chicken nuggets
"You can get one first" said Alvin with a smile
"No, honestly Alvin it's fine, you can have one first" replied Brittany with a giggle
"Are you sure?" Joked Alvin
"Yes I'm sure" replied Brittany in a happy voice
15 minutes later
Everyone had finished their McDonalds now and Dave was ready to continue driving back home
"Ok, is everyone, ready to go?" Asked Dave
"Yes Dave" replied all the kids
Dave took the empty boxes and put them in the bin
Then he looked over at Alvin and Brittany and they had finished eating too, they were just sat talking and waiting to go
"Come on you two, it's time to go, if you have finished" called Dave
Alvin and Brittany got up and followed Dave and the kids to the car
Within minutes Dave set off driving again
Later that Day, 7pm, At Alvin and Brittany's house
Dave parked the car outside Alvin and Brittany's house and the kids all got out of the car
"Thanks so much for driving us today Dave" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea, we couldn't have gone to Alton Towers without you so thank you" said Alvin with a smile
"Ah it's no problem you two, will see you later anyway, bye for now and I hope you have a good night" said Dave
"Thanks Dave you too" replied Brittany
Alvin and Brittany then got out of the car and into their house
Peter and Lucas in the living room and switched on the Wii U and sat on the sofa to play Mario Cart, while Musharna and Coco sat on the other sofa to watch them. Emma went to the girls bedroom to be in a quiet place so she could read her book in peace
Alvin went into the kitchen and put the kettle on while Brittany sat at the table and watched
"Would you like a drink?" Asked Alvin
"Yea, a cup of tea please" replied Brittany
Alvin then got two cups out and waited for the kettle to boil
Just then, there was a knock at the door
"I will get it" called Brittany walking towards the door
Brittany opened the door and Eleanor was there
"Oh hi Eleanor, what brings you here?" Asked Brittany
"Have you checked your emails on your computer?" Asked Eleanor
"No not for a couple of days, why?" Asked Brittany
"Because James said he would email us all soon to see if we have passed or not" replied Eleanor
"Oh gosh, yea I forgot about that" said Brittany
Alvin heard the whole talk from the kitchen and went to the doorway to find out what they were talking about
"Find out if you have passed what?" Asked Alvin in a confused voice
"Brittany's Karate class, the test we all had for our black belts" replied Eleanor
Alvin still looked confused
"Brittany, have you not told Alvin you have been going to Karate classes with me and Jeanette?" Asked Eleanor
"No....I haven't told him" said Brittany in a sad voice
"Why not? It's a good thing Brittany" Eleanor pointed out
"I know it's good....I was just worried about telling Alvin that all" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Why were you worried about telling me?" Asked Alvin
"Because its costs us £8 a week and I was worried that you might get mad at me for using our money on something other then our weekly shop" replied Brittany
"Aw don't worry Brittany, I'm not mad at you at all, I'm happy that you are doing an activity with your sisters and if it's something you enjoy then carry on doing it" said Alvin in a caring voice
Brittany smiled at Alvin "Am glad your not mad at me Alvin" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Shall I put the computer on then? So you can check your emails?" Asked Alvin
"Yea please, thanks Alvin" replied Brittany
Alvin put the computer on and shouted Brittany
Brittany and Eleanor then came to Alvin and Brittany loaded her emails up
"Ok....lets see....oh look, an email from James" said Brittany in an excited voice
Brittany opened the email and her and Eleanor had a read of it
"Oh my gosh! I did It! I passed the test we did and I have a black belt to collect at our next session" squeaked Brittany in an excited voice
"Well done sister, I have some good news too, me and Jeanette passed too so we are all black belts now in Karate" called Eleanor in am excited voice
"Well done you two, Brittany I'm so proud of you!" Said Alvin in a caring voice
"Thanks Alvin...I just wish I told you about this Karate class sooner" replied Brittany
"Don't worry about it Brittany, all that matters now is that I know you go to Karate classes with your sisters and have a great time with them" explained Alvin
"Yea I guess your right" replied Brittany
"Anyway, I will make them cups of tea, do you want one too Eleanor?" Asked Alvin
"Yea please, thanks Alvin" replied Eleanor
With that Alvin went back into the kitchen and made 3 cups of tea. He brought them in the living room and sat with Brittany and Eleanor to talk about the Karate classes Brittany had been going too and to tell Eleanor about their amazing day out today at Alton Towers
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this part. What did you think to this final part in the book? Was it what you expected? If not, I hope you all still liked it anyway
Would just like to say, thank you so much everyone for all the help, advice and support I have had throughout this book and my other two "Alvin and Brittany love story" books 🎉 I would have never gotten this far without you all and I appreciate you all for reading my book and voting on it too 🤗🎉
Would also like to say a massive thanks to tanvir24_ 😋👍 thank you so much for all your help and ideas you have given me for my "Alvin and the chipmunks" books, you have helped me out a lot
Sadly this is the last part in this book which means book 3 has come to an end 😢
Am so sad that this book has ended 😕 but more Alvin and the chipmunks books will be coming soon, starting with the crossover book I'm going to be doing next (Alvin and the chipmunks meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Anyway, if you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Also, if you have enjoyed this book from start to finish leave a happy poo 💩 in the comments below too
Thanks again for reading everyone and thanks so much to you all for all the views and votes I have got too 👍🤗🎉

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