Part 30 - " I'm a survivor! I'm Gonna Make It! "

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Sunday Night, Same Night, 10pm, at Alvin and Brittany's house, in the kitchen
"Oh no....Brittany!....Brittany!" Shouted Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany didn't respond
"No...she can't be...gone?!" Alvin thought to himself
"What's wrong with mum?" Asked Coco
"She has just hurt herself, don't worry she will be ambulance is on its way" said Alvin in a sad and worried voice
Alvin then realised he had another problem, who would look after the kids while he was in the ambulance going to the hospital with Brittany
"Musharna, I want you to phone Simon up and ask him to come round to our house" called Alvin
"At this time?" Asked Peter
"Yes, at this's an emergency, I need Simon to come round now!" Shouted Alvin
Musharna started walking to the house phone and Emma followed her
"I will make sure you word it right....and stuff" said Emma going after her sister
Alvin continued to talk to Brittany and tried to wake her up but she was still not responding
5 minutes later...
Simon and Jeanette had arrived came in the house to the kitchen
"Hi Alvin, is everything ok? Musharna and Emma said this was an emergency, Brittany hurting herself or something?" Asked Simon a little confused
"Yea Brittany has cut herself and now she is not responding, I'm really worried..." Said Alvin in a sad voice
Jeanette got down on the floor and sat with her sister
"Brittany! It's me Jeanette, your sister..." Called Jeanette
Brittany still didn't respond. Jeanette put her head on Brittany's chest and then looked back at Alvin
"Brittany is still breathing....just a little slower then normal, she must have just passed out....don't worry Alvin, the paramedics and the Drs at the hospital will know what to do and will help her" explained Jeanette
"I hope so..." Said Alvin in a sad voice looking at the floor
Coco and Peter ran up to Alvin and hugged him
"Don't cry dad, mum will be fine" said Peter
"She is very brave and strong" said Coco
Alvin smiled at his kids, he loved having support from his kids in situations like this
Just then, there was a knock at the door and the paramedics entered
"Brittany is here, she needs help" Alvin called to the paramedics
The paramedics nodded, picked Brittany up and carried her to the ambulance
Alvin looked at Simon, Jeanette and his kids "Take good care of them guys" said Alvin with a smile
"We will do Alvin, you go and make sure Brittany is ok" Replied Jeanette
Alvin run to the ambulance and jumped in. With that the ambulance set off to the hospital
At the hospital
Alvin had watched over Brittany all the way to the hospital and had followed the paramedics and Dr to the room where Brittany was taken too. Alvin waited outside the room until he was called in
"Oh man, I hope Brittany is ok..." Alvin thought to himself
After Alvin sat in silence for about 10 minutes he decided to ask someone, if he could go in the room to Brittany
Alvin jumped on the desk and spoke to the women at the desk
"Excuse me....when will I be allowed to go and see Brittany?" Asked Alvin
"Hold on kid, I will ask now" said the women
"Kid? Wow, I must still look young!" Alvin thought to himself
The women went in the room and within a minute she was back out
"You can go and see Brittany, when your ready....she is coming back round now" explained the women
Alvin smiled and nodded "thank you" said Alvin in a happy voice
Alvin went in the room, jumped on the bed and made his way to Brittany. Once Alvin reached Brittany, she began to open her eyes again
"Phew....your alive! I was really worried I lost you" said Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany smiled at Alvin and then giggled a few seconds after "Aw, I didn't know you cared about me that much" joked Brittany
"Oh course I do Brittany, I love you so much, I couldn't live without you" said Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany giggled again "I'm a survivor, I'm gonna make it" joked Brittany
They both started laughing at Brittany's last comment and then, Alvin smiled at Brittany
"I remember when we all sang that song, when we was on that island" Alvin pointed out
"Yea I remember singing that song too" replied Brittany
"Alvin, I....I can't feel my hand" said Brittany in a sad voice
Alvin looked down at Brittany's left hand and appeared it still there, it was just bandaged up and had a needle in it
"Your hand is still there Brittany, the Dr must have numbed it and wrapped it up, so you don't feel much pain" explained Alvin
"Maybe your right" replied Brittany
"Um Brittany, what did you do in the kitchen....I mean to cut yourself?" Asked Alvin
"I used the bread knife and it slipped out of the bread and cut my hand instead" replied Brittany
"Ouch, that has got to hurt" said Alvin in a sad voice
"Yea it did would probably still be hurting me now if the Dr had not done anything to help me" joked Brittany
Just then, the Dr came over to Brittany's bed "Ok Brittany, we have decided we will take you for an X-Ray tomorrow morning, and we will take you to surgery to have your hand stitched back up when we get time to fit you in" explained the Dr
"Oh no, will the surgery hurt?" Asked Brittany
"No, we will give you some anaesthetic and you won't feel a thing" replied the Dr
"Alvin, can you be there with me?" Asked Brittany
Alvin smiled at Brittany "I'm sorry Brittany, no one is allowed in the surgery room aside from the surgeons when surgery is happening, otherwise I would" explained Alvin
"But I'm really scared that it will hurt" replied Brittany in a sad voice
"Don't worry Brittany, I know you will be fine and make it through this" said Alvin in a caring voice
"You really think so?" Asked Brittany
"Yea of course, your a strong person, I know you will get through this" said Alvin
Brittany smiled "Thanks Alvin" said Brittany in a happy voice
"No problem, I come and see you tomorrow night and bring the kids up to see you too" explained Alvin
"Wow, thanks Alvin that's really kind of you, are you sure that's ok with you?" Asked Brittany
"Yea, it's fine with me, I would sacrifice any of my time for you" replied Alvin
Brittany smiled and hugged Alvin
"Anyway, I will see you some time tomorrow Brittany, make sure you get a good nights rest" said the Dr before leaving Alvin and Brittany
"Brittany, I'm going to have to go too....I don't want to leave you but I got too get back home and have some sleep for work later" explained Alvin
Brittany nodded "yea sure, that's not a problem, will see you tomorrow night" said Brittany
"Love you Brittany, take care..." Said Alvin in a happy and caring voice
As Alvin was leaving the room Brittany shouted "Don't forget to bring the kids tomorrow night"
Alvin turned around and smiled "I won't, don't worry" Alvin shouted back
Hi everyone thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part. How long do you think Brittany will be in hospital for? Do you think she will like it or hate it? How will Alvin and the kids cope with Brittany not been at home? Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
As always if you have any ideas for my book that you would like me to include, let me know in the comments below 👇 or send me a message (I will reply to either)
If you liked this part, don't forget to "vote" and leave a happy face in the comments below 🤗
Would also like to give a shout out to IsraelCoronado663 for the great names for Simon and Jeanette's kids, will definitely use two of the names from your list for their two kids 🎉
Would also like to give a shout out to tanvir24_ for all your help, support and ideas I have had from you for all 3 of these "Alvin and Brittany Love Story" books 🎉
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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