Part 11 - Brittany is hurt and upset :(

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Friday night, 5:30pm, Dave's house, in the kitchen
Everyone had just finished their tea, except for Alvin and Brittany. Alvin had left the table 10 minutes ago and had been sat on his own at the bottom of the stairs quietly. Brittany had not finished her tea neither as she was worried about how Alvin was acting.
Dave had asked people to clean and tidy the kitchen after everyone had eaten their salad, so Jeanette and Eleanor were washing the pots and Simon and Theodore were collecting the plates in from the salad
After a few more minutes of been sat at the table, Brittany left the kitchen and went to talk with Alvin
Brittany walked quietly to Alvin and sat next to him but he didn't even move to look at Brittany
"Um...hey Alvin..." Started Brittany
"Hey Brittany" replied Alvin in a sad voice
"So...what's wrong Alvin? I'm really worried about you" asked Brittany in a caring voice
"I can't tell you, it will make things worse" replied Alvin again in a sad voice
"Alvin, you can tell me anything, heck, even telling me should make you feel better and we can work on this together....please tell me Alvin....I'm really worried about you" explained Brittany in a caring voice
Alvin looked at Brittany so Brittany smiled at Alvin
"Is this about earlier....when Coco fell?" Asked Brittany
"No, it's not that....I mean I feel bad about that but we have talked about that and we are both going to be more responsible for our kids" replied Alvin
"So what is worrying you then?" Asked Brittany
"I don't know what to say, should I tell her....if I tell her then it could end our relationship, she might not want to be with me anymore, she could just move out and take our family with her...away from me. If I don't tell her though, she will keep asking me all night and so will Dave and the others" Alvin thought to himself
"Alvin? Alvin?" Called Brittany
"What?" Asked Alvin looking confused
"You were day dreaming for a um....when your ready can you tell me what's worrying you?" Asked Brittany
Alvin nodded "Ok Brittany, I will tell you but I don't think you will be happy with me, when I have finished telling you what I'm about to tell you" explained Alvin
"Don't worry Alvin, if I'm mad with you....then we will just spend a few hours apart and talk about this later, work our way around it" replied Brittany
"So you won't leave me if I tell you?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"No silly, I would never leave you, I love you too much. The only time I would have to leave you though is if I found out that you was cheating on me and sleeping with another women behind my back" explained Brittany
"I would never do that Brittany, it's not right..." Replied Alvin
"Ok so now you know I won't leave you, please tell me what you are worried about" replied Brittany in a caring voice
Alvin took a deep breath and then a big sigh "Ok...Brittany...I'm worried about what you said earlier to me....that you want to move out of this house and live in a house with just me and our kids, I don't think that I'm ready for that yet and I'm not sure that we are old enough to live on our own and take care of ourselves" explained Alvin
Brittany was shocked and speechless
"A-Alvin? Are you been serious?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
Alvin was really worried but he nodded anyway
Brittany shook her head and stood up with her back facing Alvin
"Brittany please....don't be mad" called Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany quickly turned around and looked at Alvin disgusted
"I can't believe what you just said to me, Alvin...we are parents to 5 chipmunks, we are adults and we are old enough to look after ourselves and live on our own" shouted Brittany in an angry voice
"We might be Brittany and you believe we are....I just don't think I'm ready for that big step yet" replied Alvin
"My god! Alvin! You will be with me! All the time! I'm not going to move into a house on my own and leave you to look after our kids on your own!" Brittany shouted back
"I know that but...." Started Alvin before he was cut off
"No Alvin, never mind....from your point of view, you see us as immature kids that have jumped into a relationship to have kids and you believe that we are kids that need to live with there dad the rest of our life! We are ADULTS Alvin and we need to grow up and act like adults! I am not living with my sisters forever!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Alvin stayed Silent, he didn't know what to say or do
"I was hoping you would be happy to live in a house with me and our kids and leave everyone else in a house on their own....don't you want to ever move out and live with me?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice
"Yea I do Brittany....I'm just not sure now is the right time to move out, I would feel ready in a few more years" replied Alvin
"A FEW MORE YEARS! Alvin, I'm not going to say this again, we are adults and parents now so you need to grow up a bit more, very soon!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
With that Brittany walked away from Alvin and back into the kitchen
Alvin out his face in his hands and started crying to himself "oh no, what have I done, I told her the truth and she got really mad at me...she doesn't seem to understand that I don't feel ready to leave yet" Alvin thought to himself
Brittany entered the kitchen and sat at the table again, but this time she burst into tears
Jeanette heard Brittany crying and tapped Eleanor on the shoulder
"We need to see what's up with Brittany, she must have had a fight with Alvin" said Jeanette in a worried voice
Eleanor nodded and they both went to sit with Brittany
"Oh my gosh, Brittany are you OK?" Asked Elenaor
"No, I have had enough of Alvin" replied Brittany still crying
"Why what happened?" Asked Eleanor
"Start from the beginning" said Jeanette
"I feel that I am ready to leave this house and move into a house on my own with Alvin but he believes that we are too young at that we are still kids, that we can't look after ourselves in a house on our own, with our kids" explained Brittany
"Well personally Brittany, I don't think you two are old enough to move out yet and live in a house your house and it hurt me a bit" replied Jeanette
"What?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice while crying
"I don't think you two are ready to move out into a house yet neither Brittany" replied Eleanor
"I HAVE HAD IT! You are all against me! Not only my boyfriend Alvin but now my sister too! I have had it with all of you!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Brittany out on her a coat and went outside, she started walking down the street and didn't look back at Dave's house once
"Brittany come back!" Shouted Jeanette
"We are sorry for upsetting you!" Shouted Eleanor
Brittany ignored them and carried on walking. Jeanette and Eleanor run after Brittany but Brittany continued to ignore them and carried on walking. They tried to stop her but Brittany just pushed past them both. Within minutes all 3 chipettes were now out of sight and Dave and the chipmunks didn't even know they left......
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this part, had thought of this idea before (chipettes getting lost without the chipmunks knowing) but didn't know when to fit it in my story but now it seemed appropriate.
Oh No! Brittany has stormed off and her sisters have followed her. Will they all return home safely? Will Dave and the chipmunks notice they are gone soon and be able to find them soon? Let me know what you think in the comments below
Also if you liked this chapter, let me know in the comments below or send me a message, don't mind which, would just like to know what you all think of my story 🤗
I finished College early today, so it gave me time to update my story again 🎉 am so happy to keep updating my story when I can, guys!
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 🎉😋💩

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now