Part 26 - A Girl's Night Out - Part 2

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Saturday Night, same night, 9:30pm, in town at the cinema
"Wow girls, that film was amazing!" Shouted Eleanor in a happy voice
"I know I enjoyed it too sister" replied Brittany
"Yea it was a really funny film....well not funny, just a good way" explained Jeanette a little lost for words
"Don't worry Jeanette, I know you really enjoyed the film" said Eleanor with a smile
"So where next?" Asked Jeanette
"To the pub!" Called Brittany
"What? Really?" Asked Jeanette
"Why do you want to go there?" Asked Eleanor
"Because I have not had a good time out with you two girls for a while now and as a parent, I have had to cut down on the alcohol to take responsibility and look after my kids properly" explained Brittany
"Oh...well I do see your point" said Eleanor
"If we do go to the pub I can't have a lot of alcohol, cause I'm pregnant and don't want to hurt the babies" said Jeanette in a worried voice
Eleanor giggled "Don't be silly sister, you having a bit of alcohol won't hurt your kids, just don't have too much and you and your kids will be fine" explained Eleanor
"So are we off to the pub then?" Asked Brittany
Eleanor and Jeanette looked at each other and back at Brittany
"Yea sure" replied Eleanor
"Off to the pub then...." Said Jeanette in a worried voice
As Brittany started walking out of the cinema, Jeanette and Eleanor kept a bit of distance so they could discuss something in private without Brittany hearing
"I know Brittany has been a parent with Alvin now for just over 5 years and I do understand why she doesn't drink much alcohol around the kids, but she can't really have a lot to drink tonight neither" explained Jeanette
"Why not? She is on her night out" replied Eleanor
"Because if she goes home drunk....then it will look bad on us and I think Alvin might be a bit mad with us too" explained Jeanette
"Oh right, now I get are we just letting her have a few drinks and then going home?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea we will have too" replied Jeanette
Brittany stopped walking and stood still, till her sisters caught up with her again
"My gosh! What took you two so long?" Joked Brittany
"Sorry Brittany.....we was just talking" said Eleanor in a happy voice
"Oh no, what was you talking about this time?" joked Brittany again
"We was" Started Jeanette in a worried voice
"We was talking about how much Jeanette has grown....I mean her stomach....cause she is pregnant" said Eleanor quickly
Brittany looked at Jeanette and couldn't really tell much different but she agreed anyway
"Wow your right Eleanor, Jeanette's stomach has grown a bit" replied Brittany
"Phew, she fell for it, am glad Eleanor came up with that idea so quickly" Jeanette thought to herself
"Anyway, off we go and can you two try to keep up with me this time?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure" they both replied
10 minutes later
Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor had made it to the pub and no surprise, Brittany was the first in
"Brittany, slow down" called Jeanette
"Yea, wait for us too!" Called Eleanor
Brittany got to the bar and then turned around to face her sisters
"Ok, I will buy our first round of drinks, so what do you two want?" Asked Brittany
"Lemonade please" said Jeanette
"Diet Coke please" said Eleanor
Brittany then ordered her sisters drinks and a dark fruit cider for herself
"You two can sit down if you want?" Asked Brittany
"Ok we will do..." Said Jeanette in a worried voice
Jeanette and Eleanor walked through the crowd of people in the pub and to a table
"I can't believe Brittany talked us into going to the pub" said Eleanor
"Me neither and she can't have much dark fruit cider, too much of any cider, or alcohol for that matter, will get you drunk" explained Jeanette
Brittany then arrived at the table with the drinks and passed her sisters their drinks
"Thanks Brittany" they both replied
"No problem you two" said Brittany with a smile
"You do know you two can have a drink if you want too" Brittany reminded her sisters
"Yea we know...." Said Eleanor in a worried voice
"So what shall we talk about?" Asked Brittany
"Um...lets talk about our relationships and jobs" suggested Jeanette
"Ok, I will go first" said Eleanor quickly
Brittany and Jeanette both looked at Eleanor, waiting for her to speak
"Ok....Me and Theodore are still in a relationship, but we are just boyfriend and girlfriend, we are not 'mates' yet but we still love each other a lot even if we have not had 'it' yet with each other" explained Eleanor
"Are you and Theodore going to become mates one day? And have kids of your own?" Asked Brittany
"I....I don't know yet Brittany....I have not talked about it with Theodore and I don't even know if he wants kids with me" replied Eleanor
"How is your job going?" Asked Jeanette
"Oh my job? It's going well thanks" replied Eleanor
"What do you do again?" Asked Brittany
"I am a primary school teacher so I teach year 1 and 2 kids" replied Eleanor
"Wow that's amazing sister" said Jeanette
1 hour Later....
By now the chipettes had talked about their jobs, relationships, kids and kids names, what food they like most, if they would have any pets, what it is like living in the house with just their mate or boyfriend and much more....
The only issue was, Brittany had managed to get her and her sisters into their 4th drink and by now Brittany was drunk on her 4th dark fruit cider
"Brittany are you ok?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Oh YES! I'm!" Shouted Brittany in a funny voice
"Shush, keep it down a bit Brittany, your been a little loud" whispered Eleanor
"I'm not been LOUD at all, but will....keep it down....if you want me too" shouted Brittany again in a funny voice
"Come on Brittany, it's time to go home, your drunk" said Jeanette in a worried voice
"No I'm not...." Said Brittany in a funny voice
Brittany stood up but her legs felt numb due to the alcohol so she nearly fell down. Luckily Jeanette caught her
"Thanks little girl, I nearly went down to the deep end of the pool" said Brittany in a strange voice
"Oh god! Jeanette, she is really bad when she is drunk" said Eleanor in a worried voice
"Your telling me, she thinks she is going swimming or something" replied Jeanette
"Well we are going swimming kids....look at them monkeys in the pool" said Brittany pointing to a random group of people
Eleanor grabbed Brittany's arm and put it down while Jeanette keep Brittany walking out of the pub
"So sorry about my sister everyone" called Eleanor
The three chipettes stood outside the pub and Jeanette and Eleanor looked at each other and then at Brittany
"I will take Brittany home as she lives closer to my house then yours and I kinda pass her house on the way home" explained Jeanette
"Are you sure? Do you want me to go with you?" Asked Eleanor
"Yes I'm sure sister, and no you don't need to walk home with us, we will get home ok" replied Jeanette in a happy voice
"Ok....can you just give me a phone call when you get home please, so I know you and Brittany got home ok?" Asked Eleanor in a caring voice
"Yea sure, I will phone you once I'm home.....sorry if I wake Theodore up" joked Jeanette
"What are you two talking about now? Have I done something bad to the house?" Asked Brittany in a funny voice
"No...we are not talking about you...don't worry, I will take you home now" replied Jeanette in a caring voice
With that, Eleanor said bye to Brittany and Jeanette and started walking the opposite way to them. They were all now heading home but Jeanette had to take 'drunk' Brittany back home first to Alvin...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this part. Do you think Alvin will be mad at Jeanette for letting Brittany get drunk? What will Alvin and Brittany's kids think of their mum been drunk?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Also if you liked this part, don't forget to 'vote' and leave a happy face in the comments below 👇
Out of interest too, can you give me an order of which "Alvin and Brittany Love Story" books you like from best to worst,  E.G. Book 1, Book 2 and then Book 3 😋 thanks 🤗
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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