Part 29 - An Accident In The Kitchen :(

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1 Week Later, Sunday night, 7:30pm at Alvin and Brittany's house
In the living room
It had been a full week now since Brittany went out with her sisters for a girls night out. That also means, it's been a week since Alvin took in the ice cream cat as the new family pet. Brittany was not too happy to find out she had an ice cream cat living in her fridge but after a bit of persuading from the kids, Brittany finally accepted the ice cream cat living with them
"Dad, can we play a game?" Asked Coco
"No not right now, you need to do your homework" explained Alvin
"Yea but that's not due in till tomorrow morning and we have a long time until then" Musharna pointed out
"I will make a deal with you all, if you get your homework done tonight, then I will play a game with you afterwards" suggested Alvin
"Oh....ok then dad" replied Peter
All 5 kids were about to go upstairs to get there homework till Brittany called them
"Hey everyone, wait a minute!" Shouted Brittany
Everyone stopped and looked at Brittany, including Alvin
"I want you all to bring your homework downstairs and do it at the kitchen table, so that me or your dad can help you if you get stuck and me and your dad can see you are actually doing your homework" explained Brittany
They all nodded and went to their bedrooms to get their homework out. Within minutes all 3 girls and both boys were downstairs and doing there homework at the kitchen table
Alvin had a quick look at the questions they had to do, it was really basic maths questions, things like '2+5='
"Ok give me a shout if you get stuck with any of the questions" said Alvin with a smile
"Will do dad" replied Coco
30 minutes later...
Everyone was about half way through the list of questions they had to do for there homework, except Emma she was just finishing the last question
"Wow Emma, your good at these!" Said Alvin in a shocked voice
"Yea I know but they are quite easy dad" replied Emma
"Are you Kidding me? I can't do question 12, it's too hard" complained Lucas
"Don't worry I will help" called Alvin
Brittany entered the kitchen but stood still and stayed silent. She watched Alvin teaching there kids maths and it made her smile
"Aw, he is such a great dad to our kids, I love how much he cares about them and is offering to help them, he is so mature now that we have kids to look after and raise together" Brittany thought to herself
Emma finished the last question and then closed her homework book. Emma stood up and then saw her mum stood in the kitchen smiling
"Hi mum, is everything ok?" Asked Emma in a worried voice
Brittany's thoughts came back and she came back to reality "W-What was that?" Asked Brittany
"I just asked if you was ok, you was staring and smiling that's's not something you normally do" explained Emma
"Oh, sorry to worry you, I'm fine dear, I was just thinking about something that's all but I'm fine really" replied Brittany
"That's good to hear then" called Emma on her way back upstairs
Brittany then walked to the kitchen table to see the other kids and Alvin
"Alvin, I want to talk to you about something, when your free" explained Brittany
"Ok dear, will be with you in a second" replied Alvin
"I will be in the living room" said Brittany before walking out of the kitchen
Alvin helped Lucas with question 12 and was on his way into the living room, till he saw Emma on her way downstairs
"Emma, Your mum wants to talk to me so can you help your brothers and sisters if they need help with there homework for a few minutes?" Asked Alvin
"Yea of course I will dad" replied Emma
"Thanks for doing that" said Alvin with a smile
Alvin went into the living room and sat on the sofa next to Brittany
"Hi, I have a few minutes to talk if you now" said Alvin
"I have a question to ask you Alvin.....I just don't know what you will say" explained Brittany
"Don't worry Brittany, just ask what you want, I won't get mad at you" replied Alvin
"Ok....would you like to go on a picnic tomorrow afternoon? After the kids are home from school about 4pm?" Asked Brittany
"Wow, yea that sounds like a great idea Brittany, we should definitely do that and surprise the kids tomorrow" replied Alvin
"Really? Omg, I thought you was going to be totally against this idea" said Brittany in a shocked voice
"No it's a great idea and we will all be out as a family too" replied Alvin
Brittany smiled and hugged Alvin "I can't wait, I have not been on a picnic in a while now and I will be going on one tomorrow with my family" Brittany said in an excited voice
"Aw don't worry Brittany, I know we will all enjoy it" replied Alvin
"Do we still have that bread roll in the freezer?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I think so....I haven't used it" replied Alvin
"I will go and use that now then, make some sandwiches for us all tomorrow" explained Brittany
Brittany went into the kitchen and saw the kids leaving the table
"Hi mum, we have done our homework now" said Musharna
"Really? Your not lieing to me are you?" Joked Brittany
"No there not mum, I checked everyone's homework and they have done all the questions" replied Emma
"Ok I will let you off, now you kids can go in the living room and your dad will play a game with you now" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Yay!" All the kids shouted at the same time
Brittany then went to the freezer and had a look for the bread roll. After a few seconds Brittany found the bread roll she put it on the side and left it a few minutes to defrost
10 minutes later....
Brittany believed she had left the bread roll long enough now to defrost, so she got the bread knife out of the draw
Brittany put her left hand at the end of the bread roll and held the bread knife in the other hand. She tried cutting the bread but it was still a little hard/frozen
"Hmm.....I think I will cut the bread roll down the middle, that should be a little softer" Brittany said to herself
Brittany put the bread knife in the middle of the bread roll and began cutting it down the middle. Just then the knife got stuck in the bread roll
"Come on, keep going!" Brittany said to herself getting a little angry
Brittany then pulled the knife towards the other end of the bread, where her left hand was holding the bread.
Brittany pulled the knife with all her strength and then.....the knife slipped out of the bread and slashed Brittany's left hand
Brittany covered her hand with her other hand, but blood was still leaking out. Brittany screamed in pain and everyone in the other room heard her
"Kids, stay here" Alvin commanded
Alvin run into the kitchen to see if Brittany was ok
Brittany looked at her hand and it was a mess. The sharp bread knife gave Brittany a big, deep cut on the top of her hand. More blood was starting to come out of Brittany's hand now she had removed her other hand from it
"Ow! Sh*t, that really hurts!" Brittany said quietly to herself
"Oh gosh, what have you done Brittany?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Alvin!....please get help!....It HURTS!" Shouted Brittany in pain
"Ok, ok...I will get help" replied Alvin quickly
Alvin run to the house phone and called 999. He told them everything they needed to know and an ambulance was on its way
Alvin then run back to Brittany. He got a tea towel out of a draw and wrapped it around Brittany's cut hand
"Don't worry Brittany, an ambulance is on its will be fine, I promise" said Alvin starting to cry
"Thanks....Alvin....I Love you...." Said Brittany in a weak and sad voice
Then, Brittany slowly closed her eyes
"Oh no....Brittany!....Brittany!" Shouted Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany didn't respond
"No...she can't be...gone?!" Alvin thought to himself
"What's wrong with mum?" Asked Coco
"She has just hurt herself, don't worry she will be ambulance is on its way" said Alvin in a sad and worried voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Poor Brittany, I hope she is ok. What do you think will happen to Brittany? What will the kids and Alvin be like while Brittany is in hospital? Do you think she will make it to hospital in time and recover ok? Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to "Vote" and leave a happy face in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I really appreciate the views and votes I have gotten for this book and my other "Alvin and the chipmunks" books too 🤗🎉Will update again as soon as possible 😋

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