Part 37 - Hey Alvin, Can You Go Shopping Please?

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Same Day, In the afternoon, 5pm, At Alvin and Brittany's house
In the living room
"Ok kids, I'm going to have a little sleep, I am so tired" explained Alvin to the kids
"Why are you tired dad? Did you not sleep much?" Asked Musharna
Alvin looked towards the kitchen and Brittany was out of sight, so Alvin leaned in closer to the kids
"Your mum was farting all night last night and it was terrible" joked Alvin
All the kids started laughing and Coco spoke up "Did you get blown out of bed?" Asked Coco with sarcasm
"Oh yea, quite a few fact, one time I had to get in the wardrobe and stop myself from flying out of the house, it was that bad" joked Alvin
"Dad! Your so funny!" Said Peter in a happy voice
"Aw thanks son" replied Alvin with a smile
Just then Brittany walked into the living room
"Oh no, she must have heard me, I'm going to get slapped for sure" Alvin thought to himself
"Alvin, can you go down to the supermarket and do some shopping please?" Asked Brittany
Alvin let out a sigh of relief and smiled at Brittany "Yea sure, what do you need?" Asked Alvin
"We need some eggs, milk, bread, tins of beans, bacon, tea bags, pasta, meatballs, cheese, ham and a few packets of crisp" replied Brittany handing Alvin a shopping list
"Are we having a party or something?" Asked Alvin looking at the shopping list
"No silly, this is our weekly shop, the only difference is, I make the list and I do the shopping after the kids are home from school on a Wednesday normally" explained Brittany
"So why am I doing the weekly shop now?" Asked Alvin a little confused
"Because, I am working a different shift this Wednesday afternoon and we need some of the stuff off the shopping list, tonight for tea" explained Brittany
"Ok then, I will go shopping now for you" said Alvin with a smile
Brittany smiled at Alvin and gave him a hug "Thanks so much for doing this Alvin, I really appreciate it" said Brittany in a caring voice
"No problem dear, can I take the kids with me?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, if they want to go with you then it's no problem" replied Brittany
Alvin looked at the kids and they all smiled and nodded, without Alvin saying anything to them
"Looks like I'm taking them with me then" said Alvin in a happy voice
Alvin opened the door and let the kids go out of the house first and Brittany then pulled Alvin close to her
"And you can get some ice cream for the kids" whispered Brittany
"Ok will do" Alvin replied in a happy voice
With that, Alvin was on his way to the supermarket with the kids
10 minutes later, At Simon and Jeanette's house
Simon and Jeanette had been home about 1 hour now, since they left Dave's house. Jeanette was nursing her and Simon's 3 baby chipmunks in the bedroom while Simon was downstairs reading a book
Just then the phone started ringing
"Simon, can you get that please?" Shouted Jeanette from upstairs
Simon put his book down and answered the phone
"Hello?" Answered Simon
"Hi Simon, it's me Brittany.....I want to apologise for last night" explained Brittany quickly
"What? Why? What happened last night?" Asked Simon in a confused voice
"Jeanette was in hospital about to give birth soon and I was a little harsh to you, when Alvin brought you to see me" explained Brittany
"Oh right yea.....sorry Brittany, completely forgot that happened...." Said Simon with a small laugh
"Well yea, anyway I need to apologise to you for how I was to you, at the time I didn't think about you or what you was going through, I just thought about myself and what I would do" explained Brittany
"Don't worry about it Brittany it's done now" replied Simon
"Yea I know but I'm sorry Simon.....I was totally unfair to you and didn't think about your feelings or anything, please forgive me" said Brittany in a caring voice
"It's ok Brittany I forgive you, don't worry about it, honestly a lot was happening for me at once and I didn't take it too well, but don't worry Brittany I forgive you" explained Simon
"Thanks Simon, I appreciate that, I will get you a present to say thanks" replied Brittany
"No, you don't have to do that" said Simon
"Yea I know but it will make me feel better if I do" explained Brittany
"Ok then, if you are sure that's ok?" Asked Simon
"Yea it's fine with me, will get you a gift and bring it round tomorrow morning if that's ok?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure, Me and Jeanette will be home anyway as we get time off now, something like 2 weeks off work to look after our baby chipmunks" explained Simon
"Ok cool, see you both tomorrow morning then, bye" said Brittany ending the phone call
"Ok bye" said Simon before putting the phone back
Jeanette then came downstairs "Hi Simon, who called?" Asked Jeanette
"Oh it was Brittany, she just wanted to apologise about how she was last night at the hospital, nothing bad happened between us so its nothing to worry about" explained Simon
"Are you sure? My sister wouldn't phone us up and apologise if nothing had happened" said Jeanette in a serious voice
"Yes I'm sure Jeanette, it was more a misunderstanding" replied Simon quickly
"Ok I will trust you on this one...." Said Jeanette in a worried voice
In the local supermarket in Town
Alvin and the kids had started the shopping and surprisingly, Alvin was having a good time and not stressed out
"Ok kids, we need some packets of crisp so they are just past the sweets lane" explained Alvin
"Oh dad, can we get some sweets?" Asked Peter and Coco
"No sorry, your mum will be mad at me" said Alvin in a caring voice
"Please dad, we have been good this week" begged Lucas
"It's only Monday, which means this week has just started today" replied Alvin
"Please dad" begged Emma too
"Ok then, you can get a bag of sweets each just this once" replied Alvin with a smile
All 5 kids run down the lane and started picking up bags of sweets and putting them in the trolley
"No, guys I said one bag each!" Shouted Alvin in a serious voice
"Yea but....please treat us dad" said Musharna with a smile
"No sorry kids, no more then 5 bags of sweets" said Alvin in a serious voice
The kids sighed and nodded and all put a single bag of sweets each into the trolley
"Ok let's continue with the shopping list, so we need some packets of crisp" explained Alvin
Emma and Peter run down the next lane and come back with a big bag/pack of crisp that contained 24 packets of crisps inside
"How much where they?" Asked Alvin
"Only £2" replied Emma
"Ok that's fine, no let's see......we still need bread, milk and......a surprise" said Alvin quickly
"Wow, what's the surprise dad?" Asked Coco
"I can't tell you, I won't be a surprise if I told you" joked Alvin
Alvin looked down Lane 23 and saw the freezers filled with all different flavours of Ice Cream
"Ok, Emma and Peter, can you go and get the bread from Lane 25 please? And Musharna, Coco and Lucas, can you go and get the milk at the end of Lane 24 please?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure dad" replied Emma
"Yea we can get the milk" replied Musharna
"Thanks guys, come back down Lane 23 once you have the bread and milk, I will wait for you" explained Alvin with a smile
The two teams of kids went in different directions to get what they were asked to get
Alvin quickly went down Lane 23 and put a tub of Chocolate Ice Cream in the trolley, he hid it under some of the other shopping in the trolley so the kids wouldn't notice it. Then Alvin moved away from the Ice Cream but stayed on Lane 23 and waited for the kids
After about 2 minutes of waiting, all the kids come back to Alvin with the Milk and Bread
"Thanks everyone, now to the till! Away!" Shouted Alvin putting one arm in the air and running with the trolley
Alvin and the kids started unloading the shopping from the trolley and Alvin get the big bag/pack of crisp and put it over the Chocolate Ice Cream
Alvin, then paid for the shopping while the kids started packing the shopping away
"Hey dad, who is the Ice Cream for?" Asked Lucas
"That's for Jeanette...." lied Alvin
"Oh right....I thought it was for us" said Coco in a sad vocie
"Am only joking kids, it's for you lot really.....but you have to pretend to be surprised when we get home and I give it you ok?" Asked Alvin
The kids nodded and Alvin got the shopping bags and they all started walking home
20 minutes later....At Alvin and Brittany's house
Musharna opened the door and let Alvin get in the house with the shopping bags
"Thanks dear" called Alvin with a smile
Once everyone was back in the house, Musharna closed the door and the kids all went in the living room
Alvin went to the kitchen and found Brittany sat at the kitchen table
"There you are! What took you all so long? You were out for 1 hour and 30 minutes, I normally get the shopping done in 45 minutes" explained Brittany
"Sorry Brittany, I went as quick as I could but don't forget, the kids went shopping with me too" Alvin reminded Brittany
"Oh yea, sorry.....anyway, let's see what you bought and if you remembered everything" joked Brittany
"Well it's hard to forget when I have the kids with me" Alvin joked back
Alvin and Brittany started unpacking the shopping and putting it away and Brittany looked over at Alvin and smiled
"Thanks for doing the shopping, I really appreciate it" said Brittany in a happy and caring vocie
"No problem Love, I would do anything for you" replied Alvin in a happy vocie
"Aw thanks" replied Brittany blushing a little
"Have you told them about this weekend?" Asked Brittany
"No not yet, let's call them in now and we can tell them together" suggested Alvin
Brittany then shouted the kids and they all came in the kitchen in seconds
"We have a couple of surprises for you" said Brittany in an excited vocie
Brittany handed the kids the tub of Chocolate Ice Cream and the kids all cheered
"Also, this weekend kids, we are all going to Alton Towers this weekend, it's a theme park that has lots of great rides, you will all love it" explained Alvin in an excited voice too
"Oh wow, that will be great, thanks so much mum and dad!" Squeaked Musharna in a happy voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you all liked this part. It's great that Brittany has apologised to Simon and things are good between them both now too. Also, Alvin seemed to do a great job with the shopping (even if the kids did make the bill go up, buying sweets) Do you think everyone will enjoy it at Alton Towers? Do you think Brittany will go on some the big rides with Alvin and the kids?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
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Sadly this book is coming to an end everyone 😢 only 3 more parts left unfortunately and then this book is finished, I hope you all have enjoyed reading my book as much, as I have writing it 🤗🎉
Thanks again for reading everyone will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now