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Hi everyone, just a quick update. I am just letting you all know, I have changed the names of two character's in my story (Clair's children). I have also changed the older child to a boy as well 😋
So the younger girl that likes Peter and is the same age as him is now called "April" and her older sister that is now an older brother is called "Alex"
I hope you like these little changes I have put in my book, I know it's not a lot but I couldn't really use the other names I had before 🤔
Also, I have started writing part 23 now! 🎉 Am nearly finished writing part 23 too so it will get uploaded very soon (tomorrow morning/tomorrow afternoon) 😁
Will upload part 23 as soon as possible, I hope you all like it 👍
Thanks for reading my update everyone, leave a happy face in the comments below in if you liked my update and let me know what you think of the new names and about me updating my book again sooner then expected 😋 (sometime tomorrow before the 10th of November)

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now