Part 22 - A Family Dinner and a surprise!

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Friday evening, same day, 8pm, Alvin and Brittany's house, in the living room
Alvin (with Brittany's assistance) had cooked dinner for himself, Brittany, their kids, Simon, Jeanette, Theodore, Eleanor and Dave
"Thanks Alvin, that was great" said Eleanor with a giggle
"Yea thanks Alvin, your a great cook" said Jeanette
"Aw thanks girls but your older sister helped me out a little too" said Alvin going red with embarrassment
"Alvin, I didn't do much to help you, I only got the things out of the fridge that you asked for and took the plates of food to the table" explained Brittany
"Yea but that was a big help to me" said Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany giggled to herself "Oh Alvin, you are so funny sometimes" joked Brittany
Brittany then walked into the hallway on her way to the toilet
"Thanks for the meal Alvin, you are a great cook" said Simon with a smile
"Thanks bro, but I only learned to cook from watching Brittany" whispered Alvin
"Thanks Alvin" called Dave
"No problem Dave" Alvin called back
"So where is the desert?" Asked Theodore
Simon nudged Theodore so he knew he had been a little rude to Alvin
"Sorry I mean....the meal was amazing Alvin, thanks so much" said Theodore in a happy voice
"No problem Theodore and we do have ice cream in the freezer if you want that for desert?" Asked Alvin
"Wow, thanks Alvin" replied Theodore in a shocked voice
"No problem, just don't tell the kids I gave you ice cream or they will go mad at me" joked Alvin
Theodore nodded and run to the freezer and looked for the ice cream and then Jeanette stood up
"Brittany!" Called Jeanette
"Yea sister?" Brittany called back
"I need to tell you something" said Jeanette walking into the hallway to find Brittany
Brittany was just on her way downstairs from the toilet. Once Jeanette found Brittany she got really excited and couldn't stop smiling
"Jeanette? What's wrong?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"I can't believe it...." Started Jeanette before Brittany cut her off
"Ok, come upstairs to the bedroom again and tell me why your so happy" suggested Brittany
Brittany pulled her sister Jeanette upstairs and into her and Alvin's bedroom
"Ok Jeanette, tell me what's happened, why are you so happy?" Asked Brittany
"Me and Simon finally did it" squeaked Jeanette
Brittany had a worried look on her face, she believed she knew the answer but she had to make sure
"Don't tell me...did Simon get you...." Started Brittany in a worried voice
"Yea that's right, me and Simon continued to do 'it' with each other and he has finally got me pregnant!" Said Jeanette in a happy voice
Brittany was worried but she smiled at her sister anyway
"That's great Simon happy about been a dad?" Asked Brittany
"I don't know, I think he is a little worried to be honest but I'm sure he will be fine" explained Jeanette
"Are you looking forward to being a mum?" Asked Brittany
"Yes! Of course I am! Why would I want kids if I didn't want to be a mum" joked Jeanette
Brittany went silent for a moment and looked at the ground
"Brittany? What's wrong? Are you not happy for me and Simon?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
Brittany looked up at Jeanette "Nothing is wrong sister....and I am happy for you and Simon" explained Brittany
"So why do you look so sad?"asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"I just.....I just don't know if you and Simon are ready to be parents yet" said Brittany in a word voice
Jeanette then turned angry very quickly
"Brittany! How dare you tell me that! You are my sister, and as my sister I believe that you should be happy for me and Simon..." Said Jeanette before she was cut off
"I am happy for you both" Brittany said quietly
"Well you are obviously not, you don't have any confidence in us been parents soon and that's not very nice or supporting from my sister" shouted Jeanette in an angry voice
"Jeanette...please....let me explain" said Brittany in a sad voice
"Ok fine...but make it quick" said Jeanette in an angry voice
"I am just worried that you have not even lived in a house together on your own for at least a month and now you are going to be parents.....I'm just worried that things are a bit rushed right now in your relationship and you two might not cope with this big change" explained Brittany
Jeanette turned her hands into fists and glared at Brittany
"I can't believe I am hearing this! From my SISTER! Not only do you think it's bad that I'm pregnant, you think we won't be ready to be parents yet and now you think I am rushing my relationship with Simon!" Shouted Jeanette
Brittany looked at the ground sadly
"I don't want to talk with you anymore Brittany, I have another sister downstairs, she may be younger then us two but at least she is happy for me and Simon and I will actually let her in our house to see our kids when they are born" said Jeanette in an angry voice
"What are you saying? So me and Alvin can't come and see your kids?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"No! You and Alvin are not welcome in our house....I don't care if Simon says otherwise, I won't let you two in my house or anywhere near our kids after what you have said to me tonight" shouted Jeanette
"No! Please Jeanette....we are sisters...I'm sorry for what I said.....I just told you what I thought myself" explained Brittany quickly
"Well next time, keep your opinions to yourself" Jeanette fired back
With that Jeanette stormed out of the bedroom and back downstairs. Brittany then put her head in her hands and began to cry on her own
"Simon! We are going!" Shouted Jeanette in an angry voice
Simon sat up from the sofa and looked confused at Jeanette
"What? Did you say we are going?" Asked Simon a bit confused
"YES! NOW!" Shouted Jeanette in an angry voice
As Jeanette and Simon were leaving Alvin spoke up
"Wow, hold up you two, what's the rush?" Asked Alvin
Jeanette turned around quickly and glared at Alvin
"Go and ask your girlfriend Alvin! Brittany will explain to you why I am so annoyed!" Jeanette shouted back
"Wait! Brittany has annoyed you? What did she do?" Asked Alvin confused
Jeanette ignored Alvin this time and continued to drag Simon away from the house
Simon then pulled Jeanette's hand off of his arm
"Jeanette, tell me what is going on! Why are you dragging us away from our family?" Asked Simon in an angry voice
"I'm sorry Simon.....I will explain later, just not now" replied Jeanette in a sad voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this part. What will happen between Brittany and Jeanette? Will their sister argument continue when Jeanette gives birth to her and Simon's kids? Do you agree with Brittany and think Simon and Jeanette are not ready to be parents yet? Or do you disagree and think they are ready to be parents?
Let me know in the comments below 👇Am interested in what you all think
Also, am going on holiday this Friday coming and won't be able to update for a few weeks (2 weeks at least) am so sorry about this everyone 😓 please don't be too mad at me. Once I am back off holiday then I will update this story again, I promise
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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