Part 15 - Safe and at Home with my Family!

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5 Years Later
It has been 5 years now since the rocket exploded in the city and the slime transformed people into monsters and lots of things have happened. Dave, the chipmunks and chipettes were lucky to get out of the city without been turned into monsters and to be able to go and live in a safe place.
On the night of the rocket hit the city, Dave got out of the city and phoned his parents who lived in Spain and asked if he could stop with team for a while. So that's where Dave, Simon, Jeanette, Theodore and Eleanor have been living these past few years....with Dave's parents
Alvin and Brittany on the other hand.....well Brittany got her wish after all. Alvin and Brittany now live in a house together with their kids, not far from Dave's parents house. Brittany was so happy about been able to live in a house of her own with just her family, Alvin and her kids, it made her feel more mature and a lot more happier too. Plus she felt she had some privacy now her sisters, Alvin's brothers or Dave were not living with them
(A/N - since 5 years have gone past, everyone has aged a bit too. I don't actually know if any of these characters have actual ages, but in my story, I have had all the chipmunks and chipettes be 16 years old. So now 5 years later, all the chipmunks and chipettes are now 21 years old. Also, Dave is in his mid-30's now too.....incase your interested)
Alvin and Brittany's house
In the living room, 4pm, Monday afternoon
Alvin had just sat down in the living room after picking his kids up from school, he was exhausted
"Dad! Please play a game with us" begged Coco
"Not right now, guys and girls I'm a bit tired" replied Alvin
"Can you play a game with us after dinner then?" Asked Musharna
"Oh...ok then, see if your mum will play too" said Alvin with a smile
Musharna, Coco and Peter were heading to the kitchen to find Brittany
"Mum! Mum!" Musharna called
Brittany run out of the kitchen to the living room to find her daughter
"Oh my god! What's wrong dear?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Nothing is wrong mum, we just want you to play a game with us and dad said to ask you to join in" explained Musharna
Brittany smiled to herself "nice try Alvin, you want me to entertain the kids while you just sit by and watch again" Brittany thought to herself
"Ok, I will play a game with you guys and your dad after dinner" replied Brittany
"Yay!" Shouted Musharna
"Thanks so much, mum!" Said Coco
"Yes, thanks mum" called Peter
"Not a problem you lot, now go and torment your dad while I finish cooking dinner" said Brittany with a giggle
With that, Musharna, Coco and Peter run back to Alvin and they all jumped on him and started laughing
"Ok, ok, not all at once!" Called Alvin
They three of them continued laughing and Alvin tried picking them up and off of him
"Oh...poor dad, I wish that they wouldn't all jump on him like that....they should all be reading books like me" Emma said to herself out loud
"You are so weird, you know that right?" Asked Lucas
"No I'm not, I just like to read books that's all....nothing weird about that" explained Emma
"I don't have time to read books like you, at least I am active and I play football with dad outside" replied Lucas
"Well I'm glad you enjoy that but I prefer to read books by myself or with mum" replied Emma
"Oh...I'm not talking to you, your so boring and give me that book" shouted Lucas snatching the book out of her hands
"Hey give that back!" Shouted Emma in an angry voice
"'s mine" said Lucas
Emma stood up and glared at Lucas
"GIVE IT BACK, NOW!!!" Shouted Emma in an angry voice
"What's going on over there?" Called Alvin
"Dad! He took my book and won't give it back" cried Emma
"Lucas! If your sister wants to read then let her read, ok?" Asked Alvin in a serious voice
"Oh man.......ok here is your stupid book" said Lucas in an angry voice tossing the book back at Emma
"Don't forget to say sorry" said Alvin in a serious voice
"Oh...sorry" said Lucas in a grumpy voice
Lucas then stormed off upstairs and Alvin just shuck his head and followed
"Are you ok?" Asked Peter in a caring voice
"Yea I'm fine now, thanks for asking" replied Emma
"No problem, we are a family and...and we shouldn't be fighting" said Peter
"I know but we can't help our annoying siblings" said Emma
"What's a sibling?" Asked Peter
"It's another word for your brother or sister, now can I read my book again please?" Asked Emma trying not to sound annoyed
"Yea sure....see you later I guess" said Peter before walking away
"GUYS! DINNERS DONE!" Shouted Brittany from the kitchen
Musharna, Coco, Peter and Emma all walked in the kitchen and sat at the table
Brittany looked around for Alvin and Lucas but they were not here
"Is your dad playing football again with Lucas?" Asked Brittany
"No Lucas stormed off upstairs" replied Musharna
"So dad has gone to talk to him and calm him down" explained Emma
"Ok, I will go and check everything is fine, you guys can start eating if you want" said Brittany in a worried voice before leaving the kitchen
As Brittany was walking upstairs she heard Lucas shouting at Alvin again
"Oh man, I wish he wouldn't shout at Alvin, it hurts me to listen to them argue, I'm so surprised how calm and patient Alvin is with him, I would lose my temper if someone shouted at me" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany opened the boys bedroom door and heard Lucas arguing
"It's not fair dad, why do you stick up for Emma?" Shouted Lucas
"I didn't stick up for her, I just told you to give her book back because you took it from her without asking" replied Alvin
Lucas sat on the bed and looked sad "Lucas, dinner is you want to come for dinner and me and your dad will talk about this with you after dinner?" Asked Brittany with a smile
Lucas looked at Brittany and smiled at her "yea....I will come for dinner, I'm hungry" said Lucas giving a smile back
With that Lucas stood up and walked out of the boys bedroom and downstairs
"Thanks Brittany, we would have been arguing for a while if you didn't come" explained Alvin
"No problem Alvin, I had to come and try and help you two boys out, as soon as I mention food Lucas normally cheers up anyway but we will talk to him after dinner" replied Brittany
"Yea we will, it's great been a parent but it's hard work too" said Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany let out a giggle and grabbed Alvin's arm
"Come on then Alvin, I haven't cooked dinner for us to not have it" joked Brittany
With that Brittany pulled Alvin downstairs and they sat at the table with their kids for dinner
Hi everyone thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter/part as Alvin and Brittany's kids have grown up a bit and can all talk now. I have tried to give each of the kids a different personality but link it to Alvin and Brittany too, how they for example Emma glaring at Lucas and getting mad quick is what Brittany is like 👶🏻😋
Let me know what you all thought of this part in the comments below and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below if you liked this chapter/part 😉
If you have any ideas for my story you would like me to include then let me know in the comments and will try to add your ideas in my story 🎉
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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