Part 13 - Monster's in the City? - Part 1

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Friday night, same day, 8pm, In Ian's Flat
"You are crazy!" Shouted Brittany
"We are going to report you to the police when we get out of here" called Eleanor
"I'm not crazy, I have just had enough of people not understanding me, so now I'm going to release the rest of the smile in a bomb for the whole city" explained Ian
"Wait! So you have more of this slime hidden away?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Oh yes, lots more, enough to turn everyone in this city into a monster" said Ian with an evil laugh
"Alvin and the others will find us and stop you Ian!" Shouted Brittany
"I don't think so, if they are out in the city now....then they will get turned into monsters when the bomb goes off" replied Ian
"You can't do this, humans have done nothing wrong to you Ian" said Jeanette in a worried voice
"I know humans have done nothing wrong to me, but I thought, if everyone is a monster then I will be their leader and I will take over this city and after the world" said Ian in a crazy voice
"He has gone nuts, he was never like this before" whispered Eleanor to her sisters
"Now it's time to end human kind and have an army of monsters to help me!" Shouted Ian
Ian pulled out a remote from his pocket and hit the button. Around 300 feet away from the city a rocket came flying out of the ground and was heading into the sky and down on the city
"Oh no, Alvin, his brothers, our baby's, Dave......they will all be gone soon!" Cried Brittany in a sad voice
In the city
"Alvin, we have been looking for nearly 2 hours now and we don't even know if the chipettes are in this city anymore, if they got kidnapped then the kidnapper might have taken them out of the city by now" said Dave in a worried voice
"We can't give up Dave, for all we know the chipettes are still in the city....until we learn otherwise" said Alvin in a worried voice
"I hope you right Alvin" said Dave
"WOW! Look at that!" Shouted Alvin pointing at the sky
Dave looked up and saw the rocket too. "Oh no, it's going off course, it's going to crash, quick Alvin, inside that building over there" shouted Dave
Alvin and Dave went inside the building. The building they was in had Ian's flat in it but Dave and Alvin did not know that
At Dave's house, in the spare bedroom
"Aw, look at these guys Simon, I think Alvin and Brittany's baby's are so cute" said Theodore in a happy voice
"Yea I know, I think they are cute too, I just hope the chipettes are ok....especially Jeanette" said Simon in a sad voice
"Don't worry Simon, Alvin and Dave will bring them back safe and sound, right?" Asked Theodore
"Yea...I hope so" said Simon trying to to scare or worry Theodore
Theodore went to the bedroom window and looked outside
"Hey look at that rocket" called Theodore
"What? What rocket?" Asked Simon a bit confused
Simon looked out of the window and was very worried "oh no.....what should I do?" Simon asked himself
"What do you mean, rockets go to space don't the they?" Asked Theodore
"Yea they do but this one is aiming for the city, I'm going to find Alvin and Dave, Theodore you stay here and look after the baby chipmunks, DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE! IM BEEN VERY SERIOUS THEODORE, DO NOT LEAVE!" Commanded Simon in a serious voice
"Ok Simon, I promise to stay in the house and look after the baby chipmunks" said Theodore
"Thanks bro, I will be back don't worry" said Simon before he left Dave's house
Floor below Ian's flat
"Dave we need to find the girls" said Alvin
"I know we do but we need to stay in here, where it is safe, just until that rocket has gone off ok?" Asked Dave
"Ok Dave" replied Alvin in a worried voice
They both heard screaming upstairs "is that the chipettes?" Asked Dave
"Yea it sounds like Brittany....she mad them noises when giving birth, we need to find and help them" said Alvin running for the stairs
Alvin and Dave run up the stairs and got closer to the screaming. They found the flat that had the screaming and Dave burst through the door
"Dave!" Shouted all the chipettes
"Alvin! You found us!" Shouted Brittany
"Well we wasn't ever going to leave you" joked Alvin
"Darn it, I get so close with my plan and you come at just the right time Dave" said Ian in an angry voice
"Ian? You kidnapped the chipettes?" Asked Dave
"No they just walked into the cage! Of course I kidnapped them!" Shouted Ian in an angry voice
"I was going to use this slime on the chipettes but I will use it on you Dave, for interfering with me" said Ian
"Ian, don't do this, I don't even know why you would put slime on people" said Dave in a confused voice
"Dave stay back, the slime will turn you into a monster if it touches you" warned Jeanette
Ian opened the jar but Dave pushed the jar onto Ian. "Alvin get the chipettes out of that cage now!" Commanded Dave
Alvin nodded and began to open the padlock on the cage
"Ahhh!!!!" Ian screamed in pain
Just then, his muscles began to grow larger and his clothes split, then he began turning hairy and growing in size
"Oh man! I think he got turned into a werewolf!" Cried Eleanor in a worried voice
"Alvin how is that lock going?" Asked Dave
I did the lock and tossed it aside "all sorted now Dave" replied Alvin
The chipettes jumped out of the cage and Alvin led them to the door
"Dave come on, we got to go" said Alvin
Werewolf Ian grabbed a chair and tossed it at the door, blocking the exit
"Now what?" Asked Eleanor
"The window" said Brittany
"What? We can't jump out of a window Brittany" cried Jeanette
"We have too......if we want to live" said Brittany
All four of them run for the window and werewolf Ian tried to grab them
Dave pushed the werewolf Ian back and into a fireplace
"Ok guys, let's go" said Dave
Dave smashed the window and grabbed a rope, he tossed the rope to a tree and it held on but not that tight
"It's not safe, what shall we do?" Asked Alvin
Luckily Simon was outside the flat and saw Dave with the rope
Simon climbed up the tree and tied the rope to the tree so it was safe
"Thanks, Simon!" Shouted Jeanette
"Simon? What are you doing here?" Asked Dave
"I saw the rocket and wanted to help you lot quickly" replied Simon
Dave got on the rope first and across to the tree and to the ground. Brittany went afterwards and Alvin followed her
Jeanette and Eleanor were going to go but werewolf Ian grabbed them and tossed them back in the room
"Oh no, Jeanette, Eleanor....I'm coming" shouted Simon
"No Simon, it's too dangerous" called Dave
Simon ignored Dave for once and went to rescue the girls
Simon got in the flat and tossed the cage onto the wolfs head
"Ok girls, you two go first" said Simon
Jeanette and Eleanor made it back to the window and Eleanor used the rope first. "Thanks Simon, your my hero!" Said Jeanette in a happy voice
Jeanette used the rope but Werewolf Ian cut the rope so Simon couldn't follow
"Simon! No!" Shouted Jeanette
Werewolf Ian grabbed some word from the fire place and tossed the burning wood at the wooden table. This made the fire spread in the room and Simon was trapped
"Simon, get out of there!" Shouted Alvin and Dave
Werewolf Ian then grabbed another jar of slime, he was going to throw it at Simon.......but the building exploded
BANG! The flat was on fire and it did not look very hopeful for Simon
"Oh no! Simon!" Cried Jeanette
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. I can't say I planned it this way but this storyline with monsters was supposed to come later around Halloween time, oh well you have got it early I guess 😉
What do you all think? Has Simon survived that explosion? Will everyone get turned into monsters when the rocket does land in the city? Will Dave, the chipmunks and chipettes make it out of the city safely or will they become monsters? Let me know what you think will happen in the comments below
Thanks again for reading everyone, am so happy with the views and votes I have got so far. If you liked this part leave a happy face/emoji in the comments and let me know what you like in this part 🤗
Thanks again everyone will update again as soon as possible 😋🎉

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