Part 6 - Brittany's Special Night Out - Part 1

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Wednesday Night, 6pm, Dave's house, in the living room

The chipmunks and chipettes had been home from school a few hours now and Dave had encouraged everyone to study for at least 1 hour for the exams. To Dave's surprise, everyone did at least 1 hour of studying, even Alvin! Of course some of the others did more then one hour of studying, like Simon and Jeanette.

Alvin was now in the living room, dressed up in a suit for going out tonight. He was now talking to Dave about taking Brittany out for a meal and was taking her to the cinema afterwards tonight but things were not going well

"Alvin, this better not be a trick or another opportunity for you to do something naughty!" said Dave in an angry voice

"No Dave, honestly I am taking Brittany out for a special meal and to the cinema after, she deserves it for been a great mother to the baby chipmunks and I think as parents we both deserve a little break and a great night out" explained Alvin

"You can't both go out tonight, who will look after your baby chipmunks?" Dave pointed out

"We will Dave!" called Theodore in a happy voice

Dave looked across the room at Theodore and Eleanor

"Brittany asked if we would look after the baby chipmunks for the night and we said it's fine" explained Eleanor

Dave looked at the floor and then back at Alvin "Alvin, can I trust you to take Brittany out tonight on your own....and both of you come back safely?" Asked Dave in a worried voice

"Dave, trust us we are parents and we have both matured a lot since Brittany gave birth to our kids" replied Alvin

"Oh I don't know what to do...." Said Dave to himself in a worried voice

"Dave trust me, let me and Brittany go out tonight and I will prove to you that we are mature parents and that we can be trusted to go out on our own now, without an adult" said Alvin in a happy voice

Dave stayed silent for a moment then spoke up "Ok Alvin, I will let you and Brittany go out tonight but I want you two back at the house no later then 11pm, it's a school night so I shouldn't be letting you stop up that late anyway" explained Dave

Alvin nodded "I understand Dave, We will be back home before 11pm and we will both come back safely" replied Alvin

Dave smiled at Alvin and then a question came to his head 

"Where is Brittany now anyway?" Asked Dave 

"Oh....she is getting ready to go out" replied Alvin

Dave looked angry "You told Brittany to get ready to go out, without asking me, the adult, if you were even aloud to go out?" Asked Dave in an angry voice

"Well...yea I did...sorry Dave, I should have asked you first......but you did say we could go so....I guess it's fine now" said Alvin in a nervous voice 

Dave sighed "It's fine this time Alvin, but don't just expect me to let you go next time, come and ask me first ok?" Asked Dave

"Yea Dave, I will ask you first" replied Alvin

"Alvin I'm ready to go!" Shouted Brittany in a happy voice from upstairs

Alvin run to the bottom of the stairs and looked up the stairs to see Brittany in a stunning dress. The top half of the dress was a blue/purple colour with a bow, while the bottom was a mix of bright pink and blue/purple stripes 

 The top half of the dress was a blue/purple colour with a bow, while the bottom was a mix of bright pink and blue/purple stripes 

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Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now