Part 35 - Hooray! Mum is Back Home!

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The same Day/Morning, 11am, at Alvin and Brittany's house
Alvin had asked Theodore and Eleanor to come round this morning to take care of the kids while he was going to the hospital to see Brittany. It was a good thing too, otherwise Brittany would have gone mad if she knew Alvin left the kids in the house on their own
Theodore and Eleanor were sat watching a film on TV in the living room, peacefully and quietly.....until Theodore's stomach started rumbling
"Eleanor I'm hungry" said Theodore in a sad voice
Eleanor giggled "Theodore, your always hungry, I would say go and get something from the fridge but I think you would eat everything in the fridge" joked Eleanor
"Oh...can't you get me something then....I need food, or I will starve to death" cried Theodore
Eleanor giggled again "Don't be silly, you won't starve, you had some cheese on toast 2 hours ago at home" explained Eleanor
"Please....Please get me food!" Begged Theodore
By now the kids had lost their attention from the film and were more entertained by Theodore begging Eleanor for food
"Is he like this at home too?" Asked Musharna
"No, not all the time....I usually send him to the fridge but I can't send him to your mum and dads as he will eat everything" explained Eleanor
"It's fine....we are going shopping Tomorrow anyway" replied Lucas
Theodore looked at Lucas and then back at Eleanor "So can I get some food now?" Asked Theodore
Eleanor sighed "Ok you can have some food....but I'm coming with you to make sure you don't eat too much" explained Eleanor
Theodore and Eleanor then went in the kitchen and Theodore opened the fridge. He looked around the bottom shelves and then made his way up to the top shelves. However Theodore jumped backwards when he saw the ice cream cat on the top shelf
"Oh my god! What is that?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
The ice cream cat meowed and made Eleanor giggle
"That's my cat" replied Eleanor quickly
"Excuse me? What?!" Asked Theodore in a confused voice
"That's my pet cat Theodore, it's now made out of ice cream, don't you remember me having a pet cat when we was younger, Dave got me one for my birthday about 5 years ago" explained Eleanor
"Was it made of ice cream like this one?" Asked Theodore
"No but what ever the slime was in that rocket or bomb, what ever it was, it transformed my cat into an ice cream cat" explained Eleanor with a smile
"So can we eat her?" Asked Theodore
"No! You can't eat my cat!" Shouted Eleanor in an angry voice
"Yea but....she is made of ice cream" begged Theodore
"No sorry Theodore, but you can't eat my cat" shouted Eleanor in an angry voice
Eleanor reached in the fridge, grabbed the ice cream cat and placed it in a big bowl
"Won't she melt if she is out of the fridge?" Asked Theodore
"No...she will only start to melt if we keep her out of the fridge for a long time" replied Eleanor
Just then, Coco and Emma came in the kitchen
"Oh wow, you got the ice cream cat out of the fridge, can we take it in the living room?" Asked Coco
"Mum and dad don't let us near the ice cream cat without an adult" explained Emma
Eleanor looked at Theodore, and then back at Emma and Coco
"You can play with the ice cream cat, just stay in here, in the kitchen with her ok?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure" replied Coco
"Her? The ice cream cat is a girl?" Asked Emma
"Yea, I asked Dave for a female cat and he got me one for my birthday" replied Eleanor
Just then, the door opened and Alvin and Brittany came in the house and into the kitchen
"Yay! Mum! Dad! Your back!" Shouted Coco in an excited voice giving Brittany a hug
"Hooray! We missed you so much mum!" Shouted Emma in a happy voice also giving Brittany a hug
Musharna, Peter and Lucas came in the kitchen as well, after hearing their mum and dad were home
"Mum! Dad! Your back home!" They all shouted running for Brittany to give her a hug
"Yep, I'm back home kids and I have missed you all too" said Brittany in a happy and caring voice
Brittany go down in her knees and hugged all 5 kids back
"Can you cook us a good meal now? I mean like Pie, chips and peas?" Asked Peter
"Yea sure I will" replied Brittany with a smile
"Can I have some too Brittany? I'm starving" asked Theodore
Eleanor then looked at Theodore "Don't worry Theodore, I will get you some food, when we go home" said Eleanor in a caring voice
"No, it's OK Eleanor, I will let Theodore have some pie, chips and peas too, would you like some?" Asked Brittany
"Yes please, I would like some too. But are you sure it's ok?" Asked Eleanor
"Yes it's fine with me, I tend to cook for a lot of us anyway" said Brittany with a smile
"Do you want some too Alvin?" Asked Brittany
"No thanks I'm fine" replied Alvin
"Oh...ok then" said Brittany
Brittany then turned around and saw the ice cream cat on the table
"Oh gosh, I totally forgot we had you living with us" said Brittany in a surprised voice
The ice cream cat meowed again
"Aw, your so cute" said Brittany with a smile
"Ok everyone, let's go in the room and play a game and let the best cook in the world, Brittany have some space" shouted Alvin
Brittany and Eleanor giggled and Eleanor began to lead the kids into the living room. Theodore and Alvin followed Eleanor and the kids into the living room and Brittany now had the kitchen to herself, and the ice cream cat, to cook again
"Ok, ice cream cat Pie, chips and peas, coming up" Brittany said to the ice cream cat
At Dave's house
Simon and Jeanette had just arrived at Dave's house and we're going to show him there new born babies. Jeanette knocked on the door and Dave came in seconds
"Oh hi Simon and Jeanette, what have you two brought today?" Asked Dave looking a little confused
"Can we come inside? We will show you in the house" replied Jeanette
Dave let Simon and Jeanette in the house and pointed them to the table in the kitchen
"So what brings you two here?" Asked Dave
"We came to show you something.....that we are both proud of" replied Simon
"What do you mean?" Asked Dave a little confused
"Do you remember me telling you I was pregnant?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea I remember that" replied Dave
"Well look Dave, I gave birth to 3 baby chipmunks last night" squeaked Jeanette in a happy voice
Jeanette and Simon then passed all 3 baby chipmunks to Dave and he looked at them all, one at a time
"Wow, these 3 baby chipmunks are so cute" said Dave in a shocked voice
"I know, I think they will turn out great kids when they are a little older" explained Simon
"And I finally got my wish Dave, to be a mum!" Called Jeanette in a happy voice
"Wow, I'm so happy for you both, I really am! I am happy you got your wish Jeanette, now been a mum and I love your baby chipmunks, all 3 of them are so cute" explained Dave in a happy voice
"To be honest Dave, Alvin and Brittany said a similar thing to what you just said. They are happy for us both to be parents and they think our kids are cute too" explained Simon
"Well they are cute baby chipmunks" replied Dave
There was a small silence till Dave spoke again
"Have you two thought of any names for your babies?" Asked Dave
"Yea we have thought of names and we have named them, all 3 of them" replied Jeanette
"The 2 boys are called Oscar and Jake and the girl is called Isabelle" explained Simon
"Wow, they are really nice names guys, and I think they suit the baby chipmunks very well" replied Dave
"Aw thanks Dave" replied Jeanette with a smile
At Alvin and Brittany's house, 2 hours later...
Brittany had cooked Pie, chips and pies for the kids, Theodore and Eleanor and everyone had enjoyed there meal
Now Alvin was washing up while Brittany was sat on the sofa in the living room. Theodore, Eleanor, the kids and the ice cream cat were all playing Monopoly on the living room floor
"Thanks Brittany, that was amazing!" Called Eleanor
"No problem sister, I will try to do anything I can to help" joked Brittany
"Thanks Brittany!" Called Theodore in a happy voice
"No problem Theodore" replied Brittany
"Thanks mum!" Shouted Musharna
"That was amazing!" Shouted Coco
"You need to stay and cook for us all the time" joked Emma
"I will be cooking most of the time now kids, I'm staying back home permanent now.....unless I cut myself again and go to hospital" joked Brittany
"Please don't do that mum, we need you here at home with us" Peter pointed out
"Don't worry, I'm not planning on cutting myself and going in hospital" replied Brittany
"Ok ice cream cat, it's your turn" said Lucas
The ice cream cat used its ice cream tail to pick up the dice and rolled the dice, landing a 5
"Ok ice cream cat, you have to pay rent to Coco, since you are on her property" explained Musharna
The ice cream cat hissed and then passed some paper money to Coco
"Sorry Ice cream cat, better luck next time" Said Coco with a smile
"Well I think it's about time we should go Theodore, I have my 1 hour and a half of swimming to attend to at the gym" explained Eleanor
"You go to the gym?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I have been going a while now, I have tried signing Theodore up for it too but he keeps saying yes and never goes" replied Eleanor
Brittany put her hand on Eleanor's arm and walked Eleanor in the kitchen with her
"Eleanor, if you want Theodore to go to the gym with you, then all you have to do is persuade him that it's a good idea, maybe give him a reward afterwards" whispered Brittany
"Are you sure that will work with Theodore?" Asked Eleanor
"Yes I'm sure of it, trust me, boys do what ever girls ask them to do if we make it sound like a good thing that will benefit them and a reward at the end usually gets them too" explained Brittany with a giggle
"Wow, thanks Brittany, will give it a try this afternoon, see if he will go swimming with me, I know he would enjoy it if he went it's just getting him to go really" said Eleanor in a sad voice
"Don't worry sister, just do what I said, make it sound like a good thing to Theodore that will benefit him and give him a reward later" said Brittany in a caring voice
"Ok, will try thanks again sister" replied Eleanor with a smile
Eleanor then went back in the room and called for Theodore
"Come on Theoodre, we are going home now so I can get changed for the gym" said Eleanor in an excited voice
"Ok I'm coming dear" Theodore called back
As Theodore and Eleanor were leaving everyone was saying bye to them
"Bye Theodore! Bye Eleanor!" Shouted the kids
"Bye you two!" Shouted Alvin
"Bye sister, bye Theodore!" Shouted Brittany
"Meow! Meow!" Cried the ice cream cat
Eleanor giggled at the ice cream cat and they both shouted bye back to everyone
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Eleanor will manage to get Theodore to go swimming with her? If so, do you think Theodore will do swimming weekly like Eleanor or do you think he will do swimming like once a month? Also, do you think Dave was happy to see Simon and Jeanette's baby chipmunks?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Am sorry nothing really happened in the story in this part but I felt like I needed to spend a bit of time with Theodore and Eleanor since I haven't really talked about them for a while now. 🤔 Also Brittany has just come back from Hospital so I needed to explain how how the kids are to see her 😉🎉
If you liked this part, don't forget to "Vote" and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Also, if you have any ideas you would like to share, feel free to share them with me, thanks everyone 🤗
Thanks again for reading, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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