Part 39 - Back To Alton Towers With Brittany and The Kids - Part 2

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Same day, 11am, at Alton Towers
Alvin, Brittany and their kids had just come off 'The Sonic SpinBall' ride and everyone aside from Coco enjoyed the ride. Now they were all heading for another ride and the kids had decided on 'The Nemisis'
"Dad, is this ride scary?" Asked Peter
"I hope it is, I like scary rides" called Lucas
"Yea this one is scary, I loved it though when I went on it last time we came" replied Alvin
"Did mum like it too?" Asked Musharna
"She didn't go on it last time, she was pregnant with you guys" replied Alvin with a smile
"Will you go on this time mum?" Asked Emma
Brittany looked at Emma, then at Alvin, then back at Emma
"I better go on this time, I don't want to upset Alvin or the kids, and Alvin did want to go on this ride with me last time we came" Brittany thought to herself
"Yes I will go on this one dear, will be a new experience for me" replied Brittany with a smile
Alvin then smiled at Brittany and he decided to thank her. While everyone was walking, Alvin gave Brittany a hug
"Thanks so much for going on this ride with me and the kids, Brittany I really appreciate it!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Aw no problem Alvin, I didn't go on it before and if you and the kids want me to go on then I will" replied Brittany
"You don't have to go on if you don't want, I won't be mad at you, honestly" explained Alvin in a caring voice
"I know you won't be mad at me" lied Brittany "But I do want to go on this ride with you and the kids" replied Brittany
Alvin gave Brittany a hug and a kiss and spoke up
"Thanks so much Brittany, your amazing!" Whispered Alvin in a happy voice
After a few more minutes of walking, they got to 'the Nemisis' ride
"Ok, are we all fine with going on this ride?" Asked Alvin
"Yea dad" replied Peter and Lucas
"Sure, looks fun!" Replied Emma and Musharna
"If you say so....I'm sure we will all enjoy it" replied Brittany
"I don't know, it looks too scary for me...." Said Coco in a sad voice
"Oh no, that means we can't all go on now!" Complained Lucas
"Hey! Hey! Stop it guys! No arguing!" Shouted Alvin
"We will all go on, us that want to go on, we will just go in two groups.....I will go on with Peter and Lucas and Brittany, you can go on with Musharna and Emma afterwards" suggested Alvin
"Yea that works with me" said Brittany in a happy voice
"But I wanted to go on with both of you" called Peter
"You can't sadly, cause one adult needs to stay and wait with Coco" explained Brittany
"Oh FINE! I will go on this ride to make you all happy!" Shouted Coco in an angry voice
"Wow, Coco.....are you ok?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Yes I'm fine! Now let's all go on this ride together and get my fear out of the way!" Shouted Coco
"Coco dear, it's fine, you don't have to go on if you scared" explained Brittany
"I don't care! I'm going on with you all so so we can go on this ride!" Shouted Coco storming on the ride
"Wow, she has attitude" said Peter in a shocked voice
"Alvin keep an eye on Coco a second, we will catch up" said Brittany sending Alvin after her
"Kids, if Coco doesn't want to go on a ride, Me or your dad will have to sit out with her next time and let you all go on the ride with one of us, I don't want your sister been forced to go on anymore rides as its not you understand me?" Asked and explained Brittany in a serious voice
The 4 kids all nodded at Brittany and they all followed Brittany to the line to the ride to find Alvin and Coco
They all meet up with Alvin and Coco and after a few minutes of waiting in line, they all got on the ride
The ride began and everyone cheered on the ride.....aside from Coco, she was screaming
The ride flew round the track, taking big dips and going upside down in places
After a few minutes the ride was over and everyone got off the ride but Coco was in a bad condition
"Mum, I feel sick...." Said Coco in a sad voice
Brittany shook her head and looked at Alvin with a worried face
" take Musharna, Emma, Peter and Lucas on some more rides that they want to go on. I will go and sit with Coco and get her a drink and an ice cream, try to get her to feel better" explained Brittany
"Are you sure that's ok?" Asked Alvin
"Yes it's fine, I will meet you in 3 hours outside the smiled ride ok?" Asked Brittany in more of a command
Alvin did not argue and just obeyed Brittany's orders "Yes that's fine, we will see you in 3 hours outside the smiler" replied Alvin with a smile
"Bye Alvin! Love you so much!" Shouted Brittany in a happy voice
"Bye Brittany, see you later! Love you! Hope Coco feels better soon too!" Shouted Alvin as he and the kids were walking off in the opposite direction to Brittany and Coco
As the two groups started walking in there different directions, Alvin looked at the 4 kids and asked them all what ride they wanted to go on next
"Can we go on Rita?" Asked Emma
"Yea sure" replied Alvin
Alvin then took the kids to the other side of the theme park to get to the ride. Then within minutes of walking to the Rita, they were in the line for the ride and Alvin was getting excited, nearly as much as the kids
Brittany and Coco had not walked too far after they left Alvin and the kids, and luckily they found a small cafe area. Brittany then took Coco in the small cafe and sat her at a table
"You stay here dear, will be back in a second.....what would you like to drink?" Asked Brittany
"Can I have a glass of Lemonade please, mum?" Asked Coco
"Yea of course dear" replied Brittany before walking to the bar
Brittany went to the bar and got a glass of Lemonade and a coffee for herself and made her way back to the table
"Thanks mum" said Coco in a happy voice
"No problem dear, I will do anything to make you feel better" replied Brittany in a caring voice
After a few minutes of silence, Brittany spoke up again
"How are you feeling now? Hope your feeling a little better and less sick" said Brittany in a concerned voice
"Yea I'm feeling a bit better now mum, I guess the ride was too much for me and I need a bit of a the Lemonade is helping me too" replied Coco
"Um mum....can I ask you something?" Asked Coco
"Yea sure dear..." Called Brittany in a worried voice
"Please promise me you won't tell the others, just keep it between us and dad" asked Coco
"I promise, this will stay with us and your dad only" said Brittany
"Ok...if you don't mind me asking, what made you like dad? I mean what made you want to be with him and have kids with him?" Asked Coco
Brittany was a little shocked and surprised by the question
"Well...I liked you dad for lots of reasons dear, when I first saw him I though he was cute, funny and great to be around and after we became close friends I started gaining stronger feelings for him......eventually leading on to us been boyfriend and girlfriend and having kids know, you guys and you are our kids and our family now and we both love you all so much" explained Brittany in a happy voice
"Oh right...that's cool mum" replied Coco
"What made you ask?" Asked Brittany
"I don't know......I guess I just want to know how relationships work so when I'm older I can get a boyfriend too" replied Coco
Brittany giggled and pulled Coco closer to her
"Aw don't worry dear, you have a few more years yet before you, your brothers and sisters get in relationships.....enjoy been a kid while you are a kid" explained Brittany
Coco looked up at Brittany and smiled "Yea I get you mean mum" replied Coco in happy voice
Alvin and the kids had just come off the Rita ride
"That was a great ride dad!" Shouted Lucas
"Yea it was amazing, it went so fast!" Called Musharna
"I know, it was a great ride, I enjoyed it too" said Alvin to his kids
"We still got an hour or so till we meet mum again, so shall we try and get on another ride before we meet her?" Asked Emma
"Yea sure, what do you want to go on?" Asked Alvin
"I would like to go on the smiler and we are meeting mum there too....." Started Peter
".....So if the line is bad or if we get off the ride quick we won't have to move" finished Musharna
"Ok to the smiler then, is that ok with everyone?" Asked Alvin
"Yea of course dad, let's go!" Shouted Lucas
"Hey dad, I don't know if we told you before but your amazing!" Called Musharna
"Aw wow, thanks dear what makes you think that?" Asked Alvin
"Because you are brave and will go on any of these big rides and we all have a lot of fun with you" replied Musharna
"Your mum does too" said Alvin with a little laugh
"Yea but she doesn't go on many rides like you do...." Started Lucas
"......She makes us better food instead" finished Peter
Alvin smiled to himself "I guess your right, but Brittany is amazing and I think she is an amazing mum to you all, even if she doesn't go on big rides like me" explained Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea your right dad, after all we can't all be good at everything" Emma pointed out
With that Alvin and the kids had made to to the smiler and were now in the line to get on the ride
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. Do you think everyone has enjoyed themselves at Alton Towers? Do you think Alvin and Brittany will go back again another time in the future? If so, do you think they will take Dave, Simon, Jeanette (their 3 kids), Theodore and Eleanor?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I will end this day out to Alton Towers in the next part, don't worry.....and it will be relatively quick too (first 300-500 words) as I want to get the Alvin, Brittany and their kids back home as there will be a surprise towards the end of the part, when they are back home 😊🎉
Let me know what you think the surprise will be too, am interested in what you all think 🤗
Just incase any of you are interested I write around 1200-1500 words for each of these parts in my story, so if I don't update in a while it's cause I have quite a bit to write and plan for each part and I have other things to do too, like College work and stuff so....
Also, look at all the views and Votes my 'Alvin and Brittany Love Story' books have got 😱

Thanks so much everyone 🤗🎉 Never thought these books would do this well and I wouldn't have got this far without you all so thank you all again so much! 🎉Anyway, if you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the ...

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Thanks so much everyone 🤗🎉 Never thought these books would do this well and I wouldn't have got this far without you all so thank you all again so much! 🎉
Anyway, if you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now