Part 34 - Two Out Of Hospital and Two Complete Families Now Going Back Home

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The Next Day, 9am, In the Hospital, In Jeanette's room
Simon had spent all night at the hospital, he had slept in Jeanette's room on a chair next to her bed so he could keep an eye on her and make sure she is ok. After all, Simon was still a little worried about Jeanette after her giving birth to 3 baby chipmunks last night
Simon woke up and looked over at Jeanette and she was waking up too
"Morning Jeanette, how are you feeling?" Asked Simon
"Oh...Morning Simon, didn't know you was in here with me, but yea I'm fine" replied Jeanette yawning a little
"Are you sure you not in any pain, after last night?" Asked Simon in a worried voice
"Yes Simon, I'm ok my energy has come back now I have had a rest and I feel back to normal, I'm not in any pain" replied Jeanette with a smile
Simon smiled back "That's good to hear then" replied Simon
There was a small silence till Jeanette spoke up
"Simon! Where are our babies?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Calm down, Jeanette no need to worry, they are just on that small rug, wrapped in towels, they are really cute though" said Simon in a happy voice
"Can you go and get them for me Simon? I haven't really seen them yet" asked Jeanette
"Yea sure" said Simon getting off the chair
Simon picked all 3 of the baby chipmunks up and placed them on the bed at the side of Jeanette
"Oh my gosh, they are so tiny! And cute!" Squeaked Jeanette in a happy voice looking at them all
"Yea I know but don't forget, your a beautiful women" joked Simon
"I can't believe I carried these 3 for a month, they made me sick and gave me a bit of pain....well a lot of pain when they came out, but they are finally here with me and you" explained Jeanette in a happy voice
"How does it feel to be a mum?" Asked Simon
Jeanette out her hands on over her mouth and then looked at Simon
"I can't believe it Simon! I'm actually a mum! I have got kids of my own and I'm a mum! This is what I always wanted, it feels amazing to be a mum" explained Jeanette in an excited voice
"Did you forget that you would be a mum once you had kids?" Joked Simon
"Well yea...opps, that's a little embarrassing" replied Jeanette
"Don't worry Jeanette, it is a lot to take in....I mean I'm a dad now too" explained Simon
"Oh yea, are you happy your a dad?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Yea of course I am, I'm more happy that I'm a dad with the most beautiful woman in the world with the most beautiful kids ever" explained Simon with a smile
Jeanette giggled and gave Simon a hug
"I love you Simon, thanks for making my dream real, I have always wanted to be a mum and you made it happen" said Jeanette in a happy voice
Jeanette then looked back at her babies and started picking them up one at a time to have a look at them all. She started by looking at the baby girl
"Wow Simon, the girl has the same colour fur as you but looks a lot like me" Jeanette pointed out
"I know, it's a bit of a mix...have you seem the two boys?" Asked Simon
Jeanette shook her head, placed the baby girl on the bed and picked up one of the baby boys
"Wow Simon, he looks just like you, the same colour fur and everything" said Jeanette
"Hey, your right, he does look like me" replied Simon
Jeanette then placed the boy on the bed and picked the other boy up
"Simon, this one has the same colour fur as me and it's a bit bigger then the other two" said Jeanette
"They all look about the same to me" replied Simon
"No, look Simon, this boy is a little bigger or taller in size then the other two" explained Jeanette
Simon looked at the baby boy and then at the other two babies "Oh right yea, I see what you mean now, this one is a bit of a bigger baby then the other two" said Simon in a shocked voice
"I didn't mean this one was chubbier then the other two silly" joked Jeanette
"I knew that...." Lied Simon
In the Hospital, In Brittany's room
Alvin had just arrived at the hospital and was making his way to Brittany's room. Once Alvin got there, he saw Brittany was awake and the Dr's were in Brittany's room with her
"Ok Brittany, it looks like your hand has healed a lot better now so we are letting you go home, you just have to come back in a months time for us to remove the stitches" explained the Dr
"Oh wow, this is great! I'm finally going home, I can't wait for Alvin to find out and to be at home with my family again" Brittany told the Dr
The Dr then made his way to the Dr and Alvin walked past him and to Brittany
"Morning Brittany!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Morning Alvin!" Brittany called back "How long have you been in here?" Asked Brittany
"Not long, I came in when the Dr said you could go home today" replied Alvin
"Wow, that's not long ago.....but am so excited to finally go home, have missed you and the kids so much" said Brittany in an excited voice
"I know, me and the kids have missed you a lot too, things are not the same without you been at home with us" explained Alvin
"Aw thanks Alvin, just give me 5 minutes to get ready and then we can go" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Ok, shall I wait outside or..." Started Alvin
"No silly, you have seem me with nothing on lots of times now, please stay in here with me, I won't be long" said Brittany
In the hospital, In Jeanette's room
"Wow! They are great names Simon, we should definitely call them Jake, Oscar and Isabelle" said Jeanette in a surprised voice
"Are you been serious? I was so worried that you wouldn't like them names" said Simon in a shocked voice
"Of course I do Simon, I love them names for our kids" replied Jeanette
"Ok so, the girl we will call Isabelle" said Jeanette "you know cause we can't call the boys a girls name" joked Jeanette
"Yea, would not be right for the boys to be called girls names" joked Simon
"And I will let you decide which boy to call Jake and which boy to call Oscar" said Jeanette with a smile
"I don't know Jeanette....can't we decide together?" Asked Simon
"Yea sure we can" replied Jeanette
"Shall we call the taller, bigger boy Jake and the other boy Oscar?" Asked Simon
"Yea sure, those names are perfect for each of the boys" replied Jeanette
"Wow, am so happy Simon! I'm a mum! Your a dad! And we have 3 cute baby chipmunks, now we are the perfect family" squeaked Jeanette in a happy voice
Just then the Dr came in the room
"Morning Jeanette, how are you feeling?" Asked the Dr
"I'm fine thanks am so happy to be a mum and have a family" replied Jeanette
"Oh ho, that's good then, you seem fine now and your heart rate is back to normal so you are able to go home now" explained the Dr
"Oh wow, thanks Dr I can't wait to go home with my family" said Jeanette in a surprised voice
The Dr then left the room and Jeanette looked back at Simon
"I will get ready and then we can go home" said Jeanette with a smile
"Ok, I will sit with our baby chipmunks while you get ready" replied Simon
In the Hospital, In Brittany's room
"Ok Alvin, I'm ready to go now, have you got my bag with my clothes in?" Asked Brittany
"Yes I got that, I wouldn't forget it" replied Alvin with a smile
Alvin and Brittany left the room but Alvin put his hand on Brittany's shoulder to stop her walking
"What's wrong Alvin?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Jeanette is in hospital too, maybe we should check on her and Simon before we go home" suggested Alvin
"Oh gosh, yea I totally forgot my sister was in hospital too, we should go and see her and see what her baby chipmunks look like, I bet they are cute....I mean all babies are cute" explained Brittany
Alvin and Brittany then got in the lift and made there way to Jeanette's room "Alvin I need to apologise to Simon later today too, maybe phone him up tonight, for how I was with him last night" said Brittany
"Ok Brittany that's fine with me, you can do that when we meet them both" suggested Alvin
Brittany nodded and they continued walking to Jeanette's room. However on there way to Jeanette's room, they bumped into Simon and Jeanette
"Oh hi, you two, we was just coming to see you" said Alvin with a small laugh
"Are you going home too Jeanette?" Asked Brittany
"Yea the Dr said I could go home today, am so excited to take our baby chipmunks home!" Replied Jeanette in a happy voice
"Um...If you don't mind, can we have a look at your baby chipmunks too?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Simon
Simon passed Jake to Alvin and passed Isabelle to Brittany
"Aw they are so cute!" Said Brittany in a happy voice
"I know, I love them all, that one you have Brittany is called Isabelle and that one Alvin is holding is called Jake" explained Jeanette
"Aw they are great names, what did you call the third?" Asked Alvin
"The third one is called Oscar" replied Simon
After spending around 10 minutes Looking at the baby chipmunks, Simon suggested getting in the lift and going home
"Where are you two going now?" Asked Simon
"We are just going home, I haven't seen mine and Alvin's kids in a while now" replied Brittany
Brittany then glared at Alvin "What?" Asked Alvin
"Who is taking care of our kids while your not home?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice
"I got Theodore and Eleanor to stay in our house this morning, till I get back" said Alvin quickly
Brittany's anger then disappeared and she became calm again "That's ok then, am glad you didn't leave them in the house on there own" said Brittany in a more calm voice
Brittany then looked over at Jeanette and Simon "Are you two going home too?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I think so" replied Simon
"Wait a second Simon, why don't we go to show Dave our baby chipmunks, I'm sure he would like to see them" suggested Jeanette
"It's up to you dear I don't mind" replied Simon
"Ok we will go to see Dave before we go home" said Jeanette in a happy voice
With that everyone was leaving the hospital and the two groups of parents/families went different ways after saying bye to each other
"Bye Alvin and Brittany, will keep in touch!" Shouted Jeanette in a happy voice
"Yea same to you two, bye Simon and Jeanette, will probably phone later!" Brittany shouted back
Hi everyone, Thanks for reading, hope you liked this part. What do you think Dave will say when he sees Simon and Jeanette's baby chipmunks? Do you think he will say they are cute too? Also, Do you think things will be better at home now Brittany is back home? (The kids will be happy anyway, the boys prefer her cooking and the girls miss her company, going shopping and watching girls TV programs)
Let me know what you all think in the comments below 👇
Also if you liked this part don't forget to "Vote" and leave a happy face in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now