Part 16 - A Morning Accident

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Monday night, same night, 9pm, Alvin and Brittany's house
In the living room
Alvin and Brittany had just taken the kids to bed as they have to be up early for school tomorrow, after a little arguing with the kids they finally got them to bed
Alvin and Brittany waited till everyone was in bed and then they turned the lights off and left the kids to sleep
Alvin went back downstairs with Brittany to watch some TV with her
"Hey Brittany, what time do you start work tomorrow?" Asked Alvin
"10:30am tomorrow so I will take the kids to school" replied Brittany
"Thanks Brittany, I will pick them up if you want?" Asked Alvin
"Yea don't work tomorrow afternoon do you?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I do but I don't start till 6pm and I finish at 10:30pm" replied Alvin
"Oh right, looks like I'm babysitting again" joked Brittany
Alvin picked the TV remote up and flicked through the channels but couldn't find anything to watch
"Here Brittany, see if you can find a programme for us to watch" said Alvin in a tired voice
Brittany flicked through some channels on TV too but couldn't find anything
"Oh Alvin, let's just sit and talk tonight" suggested Brittany
"Sure I will talk to you anytime" replied Alvin with a smile
"Brittany, can I ask you something?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, anything at all" replied Brittany
"Can we do 'it' again tonight? we have had sex for a while and I really enjoyed having it with you last time" asked Alvin
Brittany looked shocked "Alvin! We can't just have 'it' anytime we want, we have kids of our own now" replied Brittany
"Oh ok then" said Alvin in a sad voice
"Alvin....I know exactly what you mean, I want to have sex again with you too, it's an amazing time and feeling with you, but we can't while the kids are in the house with us" explained Brittany
"Why not? I'm sure they won't mind" said Alvin with a smile
Brittany glared at Alvin "Alvin, we can't let them see us doing 'it', it will confuse them and the image of us doing it will be stuck in their minds" replied Brittany
"Brittany!.....if the kids come in while we do 'it' we will just tell them we are hugging each other" said Alvin
"No Alvin, I have decided we won't have sex while our kids are in the house with us" said Brittany in a serious voice
"Ok fine, we will send them to Dave's parents house this Friday after school for a sleepover and then we are free to have 'it' again" explained Alvin
Brittany smiled "That's a great idea Alvin, we will do that, can't wait! We have not had sex for such a long time, will be amazing!" squeaked Brittany in an excited voice
Alvin started yawning and then spoke up "shall we go to bed now Brittany? I'm exhausted" asked Alvin
"It's a little early but yea I will go with you" replied Brittany
With that Alvin and Brittany went to bed
Tuesday morning, 7:30am
Musharna and Coco run straight out of the girls bedroom and into the Alvin and Brittany's room
"Mum! Dad! It's time to get up!" Shouted Musharna
Alvin continued sleeping and Brittany turned over in bed, pretending not to hear them.
Coco then jumped on the bed and crawled onto Brittany "Come on mum, it's time to get up" cried Coco
"Oh...ok fine, I will get up with you" said Brittany in a tired voice
Brittany got out of bed and went in the girls bedroom to get their school uniform out
"There you go girls, come downstairs when your ready" said Brittany in a tired voice leaving the bedroom
"Oh and wake your dad up, if he is not out of bed when you are all ready for school" called Brittany outside the girls bedroom
"Will do mum!" Shouted Musharna with a giggle
Brittany then knocked on the boys bedroom door and entered "come on you two, it's time to get ready for school" called Brittany before yawning
The two boys didn't move so Brittany gave them both a little shake each and they woke up
"Oh...morning mum" said Peter in a shocked voice
"Morning dear, time to get up and ready for school" said Brittany with a smile
"Oh do we have to go to school?" Asked Lucas
"Yes you do, now come on time to get ready" said Brittany in a serious voice
Brittany got the boys their uniform out and left them to get ready
10 minutes later....
Alvin was still in bed so Musharna and Coco had to go and get him up
"Dad! Come on it's time to get up!" Shouted Coco
"Oh...not now Brittany, go and check on the kids" said Alvin still waking up
Musharna and Coco giggled and then Musharna tapped Alvin
"Dad! It's us, your daughters" said Musharna with a giggle
Alvin opened his eyes and saw his daughters on the bed
"Oh morning girls, where has your mum gone?" Asked Alvin
"She went downstairs to make breakfast and she told us to get you up too" explained Coco
"Well I better get up then, I don't want to make your mum mad" joked Alvin
Alvin got out of bed and Musharna and Coco made there way downstairs
Alvin walked to the boys bedroom and looked inside
"Morning you two, great to see you ready for school" called Alvin with a smile
"Good Morning dad" called Peter
"Don't know what's good about it, we are going to school" said Lucas in a grumpy voice
"Don't worry Lucas, school is great! you will enjoy it once your there" said Alvin trying to sound happy
Lucas and Peter left the bedroom and made there way downstairs too
"Wait a minute....where is Emma?" Alvin asked himself
Alvin went in the girls bedroom and saw Emma crying in bed
"Emma?" Asked Alvin
Emma looked up and then hid her face in her hands again
"Emma, what's wrong?" Asked Alvin sitting on the her bed next to her
"Nothing.....I'm fine dad" cried Emma in a sad voice
"No your not fine, please tell me what's going on and what's wrong" begged Alvin
"I can't tell you, you won't understand...." Cried Emma still in a sad voice
"I will understand Emma, I'm your dad...please tell me why you are upset" said Alvin in a worried voice
"'s a girl problem....can you go and get mum please?" asked Emma
"Yea sure" said Alvin
Alvin run downstairs and went into the kitchen
"Morning Gorgeous, your finally awake" called Brittany in a happy voice with a giggle
Alvin walked over to Brittany "Brittany, Emma is upset and she won't tell me why, she says it's a girl problem and she wants to talk to you" whispered Alvin to Brittany
"Ok you keep an eye on the pancakes, I will check on Emma" said Brittany in a worried voice
Brittany went upstairs and into the girls bedroom
"Hey Emma, it's only your mum, what's wrong dear?" Asked Brittany in a caring voice
"I don't know if I can tell you or not" cried Emma
"Why? What has happened? You can tell me or your dad anything, please tell me what's wrong Emma" begged Brittany in a worried voice
"Ok....I will tell you but don't tell dad or my sisters or my brothers, just keep it between us" said Emma in a serious voice
"I promise you Emma, I will keep this between us and won't tell anyone else" replied Brittany in a serious voice
" know last night when we had hot chocolate?" Asked Emma
"Yea I remember" replied Brittany
"Well I had an accident in the night.....I wet the bed" whispered Emma
Brittany understand why her daughter was worried and pulled Emma in for a hug
"Don't worry dear, we all have accidents every now and then" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Your not mad at me are you, I didn't mean to wet the bed on purpose" said Emma in a sad voice
"No, no dear, I'm not mad at you at all, like I said it was an accident and I will sort it out....don't worry about wetting the bed last night it's not a problem, am happy that you was able to talk to me and tell me you" explained Brittany
Emma looked at her mum and smiled "Are you sure your not mad?" Asked Emma
"Yea I promise I'm not mad at you, now go and have a quick shower and I will sort your bed out and I promise I won't tell anyone else about this accident" said Brittany in a happy voice with a smile
With that, Emma smiled and went to the bathroom for a shower before school
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this part. Naughty Alvin and Brittany wanting to have sex again. Do you think that they Brittany will get pregnant again when she has "it" again with Alvin? If so, how many babies do you think Brittany will have this time around? 😉
Also, Let me know if you would like me to do a chapter/part with Alvin and Brittany's kids in school. I have a few ideas for Alvin and Brittany's kids in later parts but if you want me to do one of there school days let me know in the comments below 😋
Don't forget to leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too if you liked this part 🤗
Thanks again for reading everyone, I really appreciate the views and comments I get in this book, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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