Part 18 - Peter gets Depression From his Siblings

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Tuesday afternoon, same day, 3pm, at school reception
(A/N: There are more talking chipmunk family's in Spain so when Alvin and Brittany's kids make friends, like April, they are also chipmunks and are the same age as them......unless I point out they are a human in my story like a teacher/adult, but April and her brother are chipmunks just so you know)
Alvin was in the school reception waiting for his sons and daughters to come out of there lesson so he could walk them all home
In a few minutes, Musharna, Coco and Emma came to reception
"Ah, there you girls where are the boys?" Asked Alvin
"Lucas will be here any second, he just went to the toilet....we didn't ask him we just saw him go in" said Emma quickly
"Ok, what about Peter?" Asked Alvin
"He is talking to his new friend April about something, he wouldn't talk with her unless we all walked out of the classroom" explained Musharna
"Am I hearing this right? Peter is talking to a girl? But he is quiet and shy, he wouldn't talk to anyone else except his brother or sisters within the first few months of school" Alvin thought to himself
"Ok we will wait a few more minutes and if he is not here then I will have to go in and find him" joked Alvin
After a few more minutes Lucas came around the corner
"There you are Lucas, what took you so long, it's 3:10" joked Alvin making his daughters laugh
"Dad, that's not funny....I only went to the toilet" said Lucas going red in embarrassment
Just then Peter, April and another older boy came around the corner
"There you are Peter, your sisters said you have made a friend" said Alvin with a smile
"Yea that's right Dad, this is my friend April, she is really kind and stuff" said Peter in a nervous voice
"Come on then April, mum will be waiting for us in the car" said the older boy
"Ok I'm coming Alex, bye Peter will see you tomorrow" said April with a smile
She quickly grabbed hold of Peter and kissed him on the head before running after her older brother Alex
"Wow, she is amazing!" Said Peter out loud
Peter's sisters giggled and Alvin tried not to laugh too but was quite hard. Lucas slapped Peter across the face and laughed
"Ha ha, I can't believe how much you like that girl, I think your in love bro" joked Lucas
"No I'm not....she is just really nice that's all" said Peter going bright red
Before Lucas could speak again Alvin went over to Peter and pulled him away from the others
"Peter, me you and your mum need to talk about this later if that's ok?" Asked Alvin
Peter looked confused "Why? What's wrong with me been friends with a girl?" Asked Peter in a confused voice
"I...I will explain later, just not in front of your brother and sisters" explained Alvin
"Ok...." Replied Peter with a smile
With that Alvin walked the kids home from school and back to the house
All the way home, Peter's brother and sisters have been teasing him about been in love with April and it really got him down
As soon as they were in the house, they all went in the living room and Alvin spoke up
"Ok, now we are home I am going to let you choose a film, I bought 3 new films today and want you all to pick one to watch" explained Alvin in a happy voice
The girls and Lucas run to Alvin to look at the 3 DVDS and decide on a film to put on
"Peter? Are you going to look and decide on a film with us?" Asked Emma
"No sorry, I'm going to my room.......I don't want to watch a film tonight" said Peter in a sad voice
Peter slowly walked upstairs and into the boys bedroom
Alvin shook his head and walked upstairs to the boys bedroom
He slowly entered and saw Peter in his bed
"Peter? Do you want to talk right now? Or shall I let you have some time alone?" Asked Alvin in a caring voice
"Can you and mum talk with me later please, need your advice on want to do and right now I want some alone time" replied Peter in a sad voice
"Ok me and your mum will talk with you later, just come and find me if you need me" called Alvin on his way out of the bedroom
As soon as Alvin was back downstairs there was a knock at the door
Alvin opened the door and saw Simon and Jeanette
"Oh, hi didn't expect to see you two" joked Alvin
" Brittany in? I need to talk with her" asked Jeanette
"Not right now, she is at work till 5:30" replied Alvin
"Oh right..." Said Jeanette in a sad voice
"Can we stop and wait an hour for her to come home?" Asked Simon
"Yea sure, come on in" said Alvin with a smile
Simon and Jeanette sat on the sofa in the living room and watched 4 young chipmunks looking and passing 3 DVDS around
"Alvin, what are they doing?" Asked Simon
"I bought 3 DVDS today and told them to pick one that we can watch till Brittany comes home" explained Alvin
"Ah I see, that makes sense" replied Jeanette
"Dad, can we watch this on one!" Begged Musharna
"Sure, is that what you have all decided on?" Asked Alvin
"Yea that's what we wanna watch" said Coco
"Ok will put Ice Age on for you all" replied Alvin in a happy voice
"Simon, Jeanette, I'm going to watch Ice Age with the kids, is that fine with you two?" Asked Alvin
"Yea of course" replied Jeanette
Alvin put the DVD in the player and and sat on the sofa with Musharna and Coco. Lucas and Emma sat on the other sofa with Simon and Jeanette
"Jeanette? Where are your kids?" Asked Emma
Jeanette was a little shocked by the question and didn't know what to say
"" panicked Jeanette
"We don't have any kids right now, neither do Theodore and Eleanor" replied Simon quickly
"Oh right....sorry for asking" said Emma in a sad voice
Jeanette put her arm on Emma's shoulder "it's not a problem, we are not mad at you for asking" said Jeanette in a happy voice
Alvin picked up the remote once the title screen came on and the film began
"Yay!" Shouted Musharna
"I'm so excited!" shouted Coco
"Me too!" Shouted Emma
"Calm down then girls, I'm trying to watch a film" joked Lucas
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading hope you liked this part. Poor Peter, his siblings making fun of him for liking a girl. How will Alvin and Brittany help and support Lucas and stop his siblings making fun of him?
Also, what do you think Jeanette has come to see Brittany for? Has something gone wrong with her and Simon? Relationship issues? Or something completely different?
Let me know in the comments below what you think 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, if you liked this part don't forget to vote and leave a happy face in the comments
Will update this story again as soon as possible 😋

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