Part 12 - Munk-napped!

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Friday night, same night, 6:30pm, In the City
Brittany was still as angry with Alvin and her sisters now as she was in the house. She had walked miles away from Dave's house and her sisters had followed to try and persuade Brittany to go back home but she wouldn't listen
"Brittany, please.....don't do this" cried Eleanor
"We need to go back, it's getting dark" explained Jeanette
"Well you two go home then, I'm not going back, you are all against me, you don't think I can live in a house on my own with Alvin and my kids, well I'm going to leave all of you" shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Eleanor stood in front of Brittany and wouldn't move
"Eleanor, get out the way!" Commanded Brittany
"No! You need to turn around and go home with us!" Eleanor shouted back
Brittany pushed Eleanor nearly making her fall over
"You don't tell me what to do Eleanor, I'm the oldest sister and I make my own decisions" replied Brittany in an angry voice
Brittany walked around Eleanor and carried on walking the city
Jeanette and Eleanor followed Brittany but kept their distance from her
At Dave's house, in the living room
"Ok everyone, are you ready to go?" Called Dave
Theodore and Simon approached Dave
"Yea we are ready" said Theodore
"Don't know about Alvin and the girls though" said Simon
"ALVIN! Brittany! Jeanette! Eleanor! Are you all ready to go?" Shouted Dave
Alvin run into the living room with a worried look on his face
"I don't know where they are, I can't find Brittany or her sisters anywhere" explained Alvin in a worried voice
Dave looked worried "Have you checked all the bedrooms upstairs?" Asked Dave
"Yep, every room upstairs and every room downstairs, they are not here, I can't find them" replied Alvin in a sad voice
Dave then grabbed the house phone and called the police
"Hello, it's Dave Servile, my three daughters the chipettes have gone missing and they haven't left any clues to where they are but I can't find them anywhere" explained Dave on the phone
"Alvin, did Brittany talk to you after tea?" Asked Simon
"Yea she came to talk to me, cause I'm feeling down right now about something..." Replied Alvin in a sad voice
" you and Brittany talk about anything that made each of you mad?" Asked Simon
"Well yea....we talked about something private and it upset her a little...." Said Alvin in a sad voice
There was a small silence till Alvin spoke up again
"I have just thought, Brittany has probably gone out for a walk on her own...she does that when she is mad and her sisters must have followed her....that's why they are all missing" explained Alvin
"You might be right Alvin, we need to go and look for them, it's getting late and something bad could happen to them" explained Simon
After Dave was done on the phone, Alvin and Simon told Dave they need to look for the chipettes. Dave said he would go with Alvin to look for the chipettes and Simon and Theodore had to stay at home and look after the baby chipmunks
In the city
Brittany was still in her mood but she believed her sisters had gone home, she was unaware they was still following her
"Am so glad they have left me, they never shut up" Brittany said to herself
Just then a man on stood still in front of Brittany, blocking her path. He had a hood over his face so Brittany couldn't see who the man was
"Excuse me! I'm trying to walk here!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Just then the man grabbed Brittany in his hand "hey! Put me down!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
The man put Brittany in a cage, Brittany tried to escape the man but it was no use, she has been captured
"Let me out of here, freak! Who are you?" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
The man carried Brittany in the cage and walked down the rode, ignoring everything Brittany was saying
"Oh no! Brittany has been captured by someone, we need to save her" cried Eleanor
Jeanette nodded and they both run after the man
"Hey let our sister go!" Shouted Eleanor
"Jeanette? Eleanor? What are you doing? Get away now! Go and get help!" Commanded Brittany
"We are not leaving you" called Jeanette
"I'm telling you too, now go!" Shouted Brittany
The man stopped walking and picked up Jeanette and Eleanor and put them in the cage too
"Hey let us go!" They both cried
The man laughed to himself and walked into his flat, with the chipettes in a cage at his side
Outside Dave's house
"Where shall we start Alvin?" Asked Dave
"I don't know, Brittany never tells me where she goes when she gets mad" replied Alvin
"Let's go and look around the city, maybe someone has seen the chipettes" said Dave in a worried voice
Alvin and Dave started walking and began the search in the city
"This is not going to be easy, the city is huge!" Alvin called
"I know but we can't give up on them, at least the police are looking for the chipettes too" replied Dave
In ???'s Flat
"Let us go you freak!" Shouted Brittany
"Who do you think you are?" Asked Jeanette
"Dave will find us.....and get the police on you!" Called Eleanor
"Ha, when Dave does find you all, it will be too late" said the man
"Hey I know that voice....its Ian!" Explained Brittany
The man pulled the hood down and Brittany was right, it was Ian
"What do you want us for?" Asked Jeanette
"We are not going to do anything for you! Not after how you treated us!" Shouted Eleanor
"You will do what I want you to do and as I say....otherwise their will be consequences"  said Ian
"Oh yea, like what....not feeding us for a day?" Joked Brittany
Ian pulled out a jar with some bright green slime in
"Listen up girls....I have found this strange slime called mutagen and this stuff can transform people into monsters" explained Ian
"What world do you think we live in? We don't believe that some snot in a jar can turn people into monsters" said Eleanor
"Shall we put that to the test?" Asked Ian
Jeanette and Eleanor knew Ian was been serious and they both shook their heads in fear
"Yea do it! Nothing will happen!" Threatened Brittany
"Brittany no!" Said Jeanette in a worried voice
"No Jeanette, I'm going to show Ian that his slime is a joke" said Brittany
Ian laughed to himself "you really are stupid Brittany, I found this slime locked away in a safe place and I used it on a person and he turned into a giant rat" explained Ian
"Like we will believe that" said Brittany
"Take a look" said Ian opening a door
The three chipettes looked really scared, they saw a giant human sized rat and some ripped human clothes on the floor
"Omg, the smile actually turns people into monsters!" Said Brittany in a shocked and scared voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, i hope you all liked this part. Do you think Dave and Alvin will find the chipettes before it's too late? What is Ian's plan now he has found this strange slime? Does he have more of this slime hidden away? Will he use this slime on the Chipmunks or Chipettes? Let me know what you think in the comments below
Am really interested in what you all think 🤗
Also put a happy face/emoji in the comments if you liked this part and if you have any ideas or suggestions for this story let me know 👍
Also, I really appreciate the reads and votes I have been getting for this book and am glad it is doing as well as it is. I want to say "Thanks" to everyone for supporting this book and keeping it going
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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