Part 10 - Alvin's Feeling Nervous and Worried

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Friday afternoon, same day, 4:30pm
(Continuing on from where Part 9 ended, Alvin in the spare bedroom with the baby chipmunks)
"Daddy" said Peter
"Funny" said Coco
"Where mummy go?" Asked Emma
"To change your Brother, she will be back soon, and wow your English is coming on great Emma" said Alvin with a smile
Coco then crawled down the bed and grabbed Alvin's tail
"Coco, I know you like my tail but that's mine" joked Alvin
Coco grabbed hold tight of Alvin's tail and started laughing
"Ow, hey can you not squeeze my tail so tightly?" Asked Alvin
Musharna then rolled over off her back and crawled to Alvin and jumped on his chest
"Hey not so many of you at once" said Alvin in a serious voice
Peter sat up and started laughing while Emma tried standing on two legs and walking. Emma did stand on her two legs but fell in seconds
"Aw don't worry Emma, you will be able to walk properly soon" said Alvin with a smile
Peter then crawled to Alvin and also jumped on Alvin's chest, making Alvin fall backwards
"Ah! I don't want to fall backwards, I will land on Coco" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin quickly moved his tail and Coco was hanging off the side of the bed but still holding tightly onto Alvin's tail
"Wait a second, daddy is coming" called Alvin
Alvin picked Musharna up and placed her next to him on the bed, then he picked up Peter and moved him too
Alvin was about to grab Coco from his tail but he was a little late, Coco had let go and fell on the floor
"Oh s*it, I hope Coco is ok, am so glad Brittany is not here, she would kill me if she saw this" Alvin thought to himself
Just then there was a knock at the bedroom door
Alvin was worried "oh no....please say this is not Brittany" Alvin thought to himself
"Come in" Alvin called in a worried voice
Theodore entered the bedroom
Alvin sighed and smiled. He was happy that it was his Brother and not Brittany
"Hi Theodore, what's up?" Asked Alvin in a more calm voice
"Dave just wanted me to let you know we are having dinner earlier tonight as we are going out" explained Theodore
"Out where?" Asked Alvin a bit confused
"I don't know, Dave didn't say....I will come and get you when dinner is ready" said Theodore in a happy voice about leave the bedroom
Theodore turned around and saw Coco on the floor
"Alvin, why is Coco on the floor?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
"Shush...keep it down Theodore, Brittany might hear" Alvin called
"I might here what?" Shouted Brittany from the bathroom
"Oh no, what do I say....need to think of something fast!" Alvin thought to himself
"Nothing dear, everything is fine!" Alvin shouted back
Coco sat up and tried crawling but couldn't move, she was in a bit pain and started crying
Alvin moved his hands and told Theodore to go away, without speaking to him
Theodore nodded and went downstairs closing the bedroom door behind him, while Alvin stood up and grabbed Coco off the ground and sat her on the bed
"Oh man, what's wrong Coco?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany then came in the bedroom with Lucas in her arms
"Alvin! What did you do?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice
"What are you talking about? I haven't done anything" lied Alvin
"Alvin please tell me what you have done, I won't be mad, just tell me the truth and be honest....tell me what has happened, something has happened because you told Theodore to keep it down, not wanting me to hear you two" explained Brittany in a serious and caring voice
Alvin sighed and had a worried look on his face "Ok, but promise not to be mad at me" said Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany nodded and also looked worried
"The baby's jumped on me and Coco was holding onto my tail, she was hanging off the bed and then she let go and fell on the floor, I couldn't catch her in time, I'm sorry Brittany" explained Alvin in a sad but serious voice
Brittany put Lucas on the bed and run to Coco. Brittany took Coco from Alvin and nursed her in her arms
"A-Are you O-Ok?" Asked Brittany starting to cry
"Yea, I'm sure she fine Brittany, she is still very young and I think the fall just surprised her....I'm sorry Brittany I should have caught her" replied Alvin in a sad voice
After a few minutes Brittany had looked at Coco and checked her out to see if she was fine, luckily nothing was broken and she had only had a small bump on her side
"Alvin I'm not mad at you, I know these things happen....but could you try and be more careful in the future please?" Asked Brittany in a caring voice
"I promise to take better care of them and try to avoid dangerous things from happening, you know I didn't make her fall on purpose, I love our kids and I would never hurt them on purpose" replied Alvin in a caring voice
Brittany smiled and pulled Alvin in for a kiss, after the kiss Brittany spoke up
"Thanks Alvin I love you so much too and I love our kids just as much" replied Brittany with a smile
20 minutes later
"Alvin, Brittany, dinner is ready!" Shouted Dave from downstairs
Alvin and Brittany got up and placed there kids on the bed
"Mummy..." Shouted Coco
"Don't worry, we will feed you lot after we have had our dinner" Brittany called back
Alvin and Brittany then walked downstairs and joined the rest of their family at the table
"Hi you two" called Eleanor as Alvin and Brittany were sitting down
"Hey sister, how are you?" Asked Brittany
"I'm really hungry but I'm fine otherwise" replied Eleanor with a giggle
Dave made a few trips from the kitchen side to the table but he finally brought everyone's salads to the table
"There you go guys, enjoy" said Dave in a happy voice
"Thanks Dave!" Shouted the chipettes and Simon
"This is delicious....I mean thanks Dave" Theodore shouted back
Alvin didn't say anything, he sat quietly at the table
"Alvin? Is everything ok?" Asked Dave in a worried voice
"Yea....everything is fine" replied Alvin with a fake smile
Everyone started eating their salad but they were all worried about Alvin, especially Brittany and Dave
"Alvin, wants wrong?" Asked Simon
"Nothing bro, I'm fine honestly" replied Alvin in a worried voice
"Your not fine, your not making rude comments or been loud and annoying" Simon pointed out
"I'm....just tired that's all, anyway it doesn't matter" said Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany stopped eating and gave Alvin a hug
"Please tell me what's bothering you" said Brittany in a caring voice
"I can't tell you what's worrying me, what is worrying me you will react when I tell you that, I think we are not ready to move out into our own house yet and that we should stay with our family a few more years" Alvin thought to himself
"I can't tell you right now Brittany, will talk to you later" said Alvin in a sad voice
Alvin left the table and went to the bottom of the stairs
Brittany looked sad "Something is worrying Alvin and I don't know what, he has not eaten much for tea and I'm really worried about him" Brittany thought to herself
"Brittany are you ok?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea, just worried about Alvin that's all" replied Brittany in a sad voice
Hi everyone, thanks for reading, I hope you liked this part, how do you think Brittany will take it when Alvin eventually tells her that he is not ready to move out yet? What will happen between everyone, once everyone knows that Brittany wants to move out? Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
If you liked this part leave a happy face/emoji in comments too 😋
Have managed to update today 🎉 have not been anywhere or had any college work to do which is always a plus 😊🎉
Thanks again for reading everyone, I really appreciate the views and votes I have had so far in this book and will update it again as soon as possible 😋

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