Part 32 - Another One Going In Hospital?

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(Continuing on from Part 31) Same night, 9:30pm, At Alvin and Brittany's house
Alvin answered the house phone
"Hello?" Answered Alvin
"Alvin, it's me's an emergency, I need your help right now!" Said Simon in a worried voice
"Why? What's wrong?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"It's....well....I just need you here now!" Said Simon in a worried voice
"Ok will be round in a few minutes" said Alvin before putting the house phone down
Alvin went in the living room, where all the kids were sat watching TV
"Ok everyone listen up!" Shouted Alvin
All 5 kids looked away from the TV and at Alvin
"Something has happened at Simon's house and I need to go round now, I'm going to lock you all in the house and take the house keys with me, so what ever you do, don't panic, I will come back home, just might be in a few hours time" explained Alvin quickly
"Ok dad, I hope everything is ok" said Emma
"Me too, I like Simon and Jeanette" said Peter
"Will see you all later, please do not try to get out of the house, though the windows or anything and do not try cooking neither, I don't want the house on fire when I come more thing, don't tell your mum I have locked you all in the house without an adult, she will kill me if she finds out" explained Alvin quickly
"Don't worry dad, we won't tell mum" said Coco with a smile
With that Alvin locked the door and left them all in the house
10 minutes later...
Alvin got to Simon and Jeanette's house and knocked at the door but there was no answer. He waited a minute before trying the door. To his surprise the door was unlocked so Alvin entered and shouted for his brother
"Simon! Simon!" Shouted Alvin
"Alvin, come upstairs quick!" Simon shouted back
Alvin run upstairs like a rocket and into the bedroom that had a light on. Alvin wished he didn't rush in the bedroom like he did because what he was shocked at what he saw
Jeanette was laying down on the bed with her legs open and Simon had a few blankets next to him
"Oh gosh..." Alvin said to himself covering his eyes
"Alvin?! Get out of our bedroom!" Shouted Jeanette in an angry voice
Alvin stood outside the bedroom and tried to forget what he just saw
Simon then came out of the bedroom "Sorry about that Alvin....I didn't mean for Jeanette to shout at you" said Simon in a worried voice
"Don't worry bro, what did you need me for? You looked like you had things covered" asked Alvin
"I need your help, Jeanette's waters have burst a few hours ago and now she is in so much pain, I need your help on delivering our babies" explained Simon
"What? Simon, I can't do that....Jeanette won't even let me in the bedroom" Alvin pointed out
"Oh...I'm so worried....what shall I do?" Asked Simon in a worried voice
"You should call an ambulance really and take Jeanette to hospital, the Dr's will help Jeanette while she is giving birth" suggested Alvin
"Are you sure? Do you think Jeanette will let the Dr's help her?" Asked Simon
"I hope fact I'm sure of it, they are experienced people that know how to help pregnant women, why didn't you do that in the first place?" Asked Alvin
"Cause I was scared....I have never seen Jeanette in so much pain" said Simon in a sad voice
"Don't worry Simon, child birth will hurt Jeanette but she needs the Dr's help, shall I call an ambulance for you?" Asked Alvin
"Yea please...." Said Simon before he was cut off by Jeanette screaming
Simon run back in the bedroom and Alvin went downstairs to find a phone. Alvin found a phone and called for an ambulance
"Ahh!! Simon! Help me! It hurt So Bad!" Screamed Jeanette in pain
"'t worry Jeanette....I will try to help" said Simon in a worried voice
Simon held his arms out ready to grab the baby chipmunks
"Simon! Are you stupid? That's not helping me! Get some....Ahh!!" Screamed Jeanette in pain again
Simon panicked and didn't know what to do, so he went to Jeanette and held her hand "Don't worry, I'm here for you, you can squeeze my hand when your ready to push" said Simon with a smile
Jeanette glared at Simon and then slapped him "For gods sake! Get some pain killers for me and call for an ambulance RIGHT NOW!" Shouted Jeanette in an angry voice
Simon jumped backwards. He had never seen Jeanette this angry before
"O-Ok...will do..." Said Simon quickly
Simon went out of the bedroom and downstairs. He looked in lots of different cupboards and couldn't find any pain killers
"Oh man, why did Jeanette to put things away and tidy up the house, I don't know where things are now" Simon thought to himself
Eventually, Simon found the pain killers and began to run back upstairs to the bedroom. However on the way he bumped into Alvin, causing them both to fall over
"Ow, my head....sorry Simon" said Alvin
"Don't worry Alvin, just keep an eye out for the ambulance and shout me when it's here" explained Simon quickly
Simon went back in the bedroom and Jeanette started screaming again
"Simon, please make the pain go away! It really hurts!" Said Jeanette in a sad voice holding on to her stomach
"I'm trying to help Jeanette, I really are some pain killers" said Simon with a smile
Jeanette took the pain killers from Simon and took them with a glass of water she had left from earlier
"Thanks Simon" said Jeanette with a smile
"No problem Jeanette" replied Simon
"Simon, the ambulance is here!" Shouted Alvin from outside the bedroom
"Come on Jeanette, I'm taking you to the hospital" said Simon helping Jeanette get off the bed
"About time!" Joked Jeanette
As soon as Simon and Jeanette started walking, Jeanette fell to her knees and screamed in pain again
"Ow! Simon, get the kids to come out of me, they are really hurting me" said Jeanette in pain
"What? How can I do that? Do you want me to put my hand up your...." Started Simon before Jeanette cut him off
"No! Don't do that, me to the ambulance" said Jeanette in a sad voice
Just then the paramedics arrived from the ambulance and picked up Simon and Jeanette and carried them both to the ambulance
"Can I come too?" Asked Alvin running after the paramedics
"You are family aren't you?" Asked the paramedics
"Yea, I'm Alvin, he is my brother Simon" explained Alvin
"Come on then quick jump in the ambulance" said the paramedics
With that, Alvin Simon and Jeanette were in the ambulance heading for the hospital, where Jeanette would be giving birth to her and Simon's kids very soon
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. Jeanette is going to give birth real soon, how many kids do you think she and Simon will have? Do you you think it will be as many as Alvin and Brittany? How will Simon cope with Jeanette going through so much pain when giving birth?
Let me Know in the comments below 👇
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Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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