Part 27 - A Bad/Sad Talk and A Visitor The Next Day....

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Saturday Night, Same Night, 11:30pm, outside Alvin and Brittany's house
Not long ago, Brittany and Jeanette said bye to Eleanor and Jeanette offered to take Brittany back house since she was a little drunk. The walk home was done now though, Jeanette had got Brittany back to her house.....the next challenge was telling Alvin about Brittany been drunk
Jeanette knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer
"Excuse me dear....I don't live here..." Said Brittany in a funny voice
"Don't be silly Brittany, of course you live here, Alvin and your kids live here with you" explained Jeanette with a giggle
"Are you sure this is the right house?" Asked Brittany in a funny voice
"Yes I'm sure it is" replied Jeanette
Just then the door opened and Musharna was stood in the doorway
"Yay! Your home mum!" Shouted Musharna in a happy voice
"Yep, I'm back Richard..." Replied Brittany in a funny voice
"Richard? Jeanette, what is wrong with mum?" Asked Musharna in a worried voice
"Nothing....she is just tired that's all...and has had a bit of alcohol" replied Jeanette in a worried voice
"I will go and get dad, he will know what to do" said Musharna running back into the living room
Jeanette let herself and Brittany in the house and then closed the door behind them to keep the heat in
Alvin appeared and was a little shocked at what he saw
"Brittany? What's wrong?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Nothing....I'm fine" said Brittany with a giggle
Alvin looked at Jeanette for answers
"I'm sorry and Eleanor let her have a few drinks and she might have got herself drunk..." Explained Jeanette in a worried voice
"Might have! Brittany has never been like this, since that night I was at her party a few years ago!" Shouted Alvin in an angry voice
Alvin then remembered Musharna was next to him and the other kids were in the living room
"Musharna, can you take your mum into the room and talk to her while I talk with Jeanette outside?" Asked Alvin
"Yea of course dad....please stop shouting at Jeanette though, I really like her and Eleanor" cried Musharna
"Sorry dear, I promise not to shout at Jeanette anymore....I just need to talk with her that's all" replied Alvin
Musharna took Brittany into the living room with her, while Alvin and Jeanette had a talk outside
"Alvin, I'm sorry about this....we tried to stop her but she didn't listen" said Jeanette in a sad voice
"If I remember right, a few years ago at her party when she got drunk, you blamed me for letting her get drunk and now the boot is on the other foot" explained Alvin
"Yea...I know, I know....your right and I told you to look after her that night too and not to let her get drunk or hurt and now me and Eleanor have done the opposite" said Jeanette in a sad voice
Jeanette then started crying which made Alvin feel bad. He was angry at Jeanette but he didn't want to make her cry
Alvin hugged Jeanette. "I'm so sorry Jeanette, I didn't mean to make you cry..." Said Alvin in a sad voice
"It's....Its ok Alvin, I kinda deserve it anyway, you shouting at me" cried Jeanette
"No you don't, you don't deserve to cry about getting your sister drunk, I believe you tried to stop her and been honest, even I can't stop Brittany sometimes" replied Alvin
Jeanette then looked at Alvin and smiled "thanks so much for understanding Alvin, I am really sorry about Brittany been drunk though..." Said Jeanette in a sad voice
"Don't worry, she will be fine tomorrow morning and me and the kids will take care of her" replied Alvin
"Am so sorry Alvin, I hope your kids are ok and not too confused with their mum been drunk" said Jeanette in a sad voice
"Honestly Jeanette, don't worry, everything will be fine, you have apologised enough and I forgive you, please don't worry about Brittany or what the kids think of her been drunk" explained Alvin with a smile
"Thanks for been so responsible Alvin and taking great care of my sister" said Jeanette in a happy voice
Jeanette then pulled Alvin closer and gave him a kiss on the lips
"'" Alvin said lost for words
Jeanette then came back to reality and realised what she had just done "Oh no! Alvin, Please don't tell anyone I did that....especially Simon or Brittany.....I just got carried away....please forgive me...I'm really sorry" said Jeanette quickly going bright red with embarrassment
"Don't worry Jeanette....I know you like me but you don't have to kiss me" joked Alvin
"Been serious, don't worry about it and I promise not to tell Simon or Brittany about what you just did" said Alvin in a serious voice
"Thanks so much again Alvin, anyway I better go, bye Alvin" said Jeanette running off in embarrassment
"Ok then...bye Jeanette" called Alvin
Alvin then went back in the house and checked on Brittany and the kids
"How is Brittany doing everyone?" Asked Alvin
"She is funny, she thinks we are flying and we are about to land....." Started Emma
" a lake of chocolate!" Finished Coco
"Then mum started singing" explained Peter
"Wow, I was lucky to miss that....I mean lets get your mum to bed then" replied Alvin
"I can hear you fluffy man in singing was great said these happy sheep" said Brittany in a strange voice
Alvin laughed to himself, then picked Brittany up and carried her to bed. Once Brittany was in bed, he put the kids to bed and then locked the house up and turned out the lights. After that was sorted, Alvin got in bed with Brittany
"Night Brittany, hope you had a good time tonight" said Alvin
"Yea it as GREAT, I saw monkeys" replied Brittany in a funny voice
"You will have to tell me about the, monkeys tomorrow morning, night" said Alvin in a happy voice
The next morning, Sunday Morning, 10:30am, in the living room
Alvin had been up with the kids this morning since 7am, watching TV with them all, while Brittany was still in bed, recovering from her hangover after last night. Alvin was not bothered or surprised though he knew she was bad last night and he didn't expect Brittany to be doing much today.....he didn't expect getting up so early neither
"Dad, can we put a film on?" Asked Coco
"Yea sure...shall we watch Rio? That film with the birds?" Asked Alvin
"Yea lets watch that" said Peter
"Fine but we are watching Monster House later...." Said Lucas in a grumpy voice
Alvin set Rio going and as the film begun, there was a knock at the door
"Stay here kids, I will get that" said Alvin
Alvin went to the door and opened it to see a man in a suit
"Um...can I help you?" Asked Alvin
The man picked up a freezer box and handed it to Alvin
"After all this time I finally found you all again..." Said the man
"You know us?" Asked Alvin in a confused voice
"Yes, I was Dave's friend from down the road from his old home, and then I got to know him better after you, the chipmunks and chipettes, moved in with him" explained the man
"So who are you? What's your name?" Asked Alvin
"My name is Harry but that is not what matters.....what matters is I found Eleanor's pet cat" said Harry
"Are you been serious! We lost Eleanor's cat when that bomb thing went off 5 years ago" said Alvin in a shocked voice
"Well I found her cat and it has survived all this time, I have looked after it till I found you all again" explained Harry
"Wow thanks so much, Eleanor will be happy to know her cat is still alive and healthy" said Alvin in a happy voice
"The only problem is....when the bomb went off, the slime that started transforming people into monsters....has transformed Eleanor's cat too" said Harry in a sad voice
Alvin slowly opened the freezer box and looked inside. He saw that Eleanor's cat had been transformed ice cream cat!
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. Is Jeanette getting feelings for Alvin as well as Simon? Do you think Jeanette will stay with Simon or do you think she will leave him and try to take Alvin away from Brittany? Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, Eleanor's pet cat has now got turned into an ice cream cat! 😱 what will Eleanor do when she finds out her cat is still alive but has been turned into an ice cream cat?
If you liked this part don't forget to vote and leave a happy face in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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