Part 8 - Time to Save You, Alvin

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Wednesday night, same night, 11:10pm, in space on a spaceship
"Who are you?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"My name is the fugitoid and I am here to help you Alvin" replied the fugitoid
"How do you know us? How are you going to help?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"I will explain everything, follow me" said the fugitoid
Alvin and Brittany slowly followed the fugitoid into a room. The fugitoid put up a slide show and explained everything
"Ok, I'm here to help you Alvin because there is an evil spirt in your head" started the fugitoid
"What?" Shouted Alvin in a worried voice
"Is this some kind of a joke?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice
"No this is no joke Brittany, I will explain...give me chance" replied the fugitoid
Alvin and Brittany looked worried
"Ok, in a space police station hundreds of miles away from Earth, a prisoner was on board and possessed by an evil spirt, the police were trying to deal with him but they couldn't so they killed him and believed the evil spirt was gone. That's when the evil spirt was free and it made its way out of the police station to a police offer and used the police officer to escape on an escape craft. The escape craft then crash landed on Earth and the police officer died but the spirt was flying around looking for another body" explained the fugitoid
"So your saying that the same evil spirt is inside Alvin?" Asked Brittany a bit confused
"Yes that's exactly what I'm we need to save Alvin before the evil spirt takes full control of him" replied the fugitoid
"H-How will you d-do that?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Well whatever happened to you to get that skull fracture, needs to happen again so that the evil spirt can be removed" explained the fugitoid
Alvin rubbed his head and then looked at Brittany
Brittany started crying "NO! I can't hurt Alvin again, I did it by accident last time and I felt so bad about it, I can't hurt Alvin on purpose" said Brittany in a sad voice
"But we need you too, otherwise we might not be able to save Alvin and his mind will be taken" replied the fugitoid
"NO! I won't do it! I won't hurt Alvin, I love him" said Brittany in a sad voice
Brittany run out of the room in tears. Alvin glared at the fugitoid and run after Brittany
"BRITTANY!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Shouted Alvin in a worried voice
"Al...(sniff)..Alvin...." cried Brittany
Alvin heard Brittany's voice and run towards her. Alvin found Brittany in a corner crying
"Brittany, are you ok?" Asked Alvin
Brittany glared at Alvin "oh gosh, what was I thinking, I can't ask her that, I can see her upset, what a stupid question" Alvin thought to himself
"Never mind..." Said Alvin quickly
"Alvin...I can't hurt you again, I just can' was an accident before and it nearly killed me with guilt and the pain I caused you, I can't do that again....not to hurt you on purpose" explained Brittany in a sad voice
Alvin out his arm around Brittany's shoulder and across her back
"Brittany, please don't worry....I understand what you mean, you don't want to hurt me and we both promised not to hurt each other are going to have too, to save me" explained Alvin in a sad but caring voice
"But I....I just can't......I'm sorry Alvin" said Brittany in a sad voice
"Brittany.....can you hurt me to help me? Please I'm begging you, if you don't hurt me then that evil spirt will get me and kill me and I will be gone......I don't want to lose you or our family" begged Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany brushed her hand across her face "Alvin....if I hurt you on purpose, it will help you but will haunt me the rest of my life" replied Brittany
Alvin was not sure what to say
"Will you do it for me and our family, like I said I don't want to lose you like this" said Alvin in a sad but caring voice
Brittany put her head in her hands and continued to cry. Alvin sat beside Brittany but didn't talk to her, just sat and comforted her till she was ready to talk again
5 minutes later
Brittany looked at Alvin, she was sad, worried and still upset about what she had to do
"Alvin...I'm going to save you, I don't want to hurt you but I'm going to have too, I can't lose you, my life is nothing without you" explained Brittany in a sad voice
Alvin nodded and hugged Brittany
"So....are you ready Brittany?" Asked the fugitoid
Brittany didn't reply, she just looked at Alvin and gave a little smile
"I'm sorry to do this Alvin but I'm going to do it to help you" said Brittany in a caring voice
"Ok...I have set a big stack of books up so Alvin, Brittany you two just need to get on top of the big stack of books and Brittany, you just have to push Alvin off ok?" Explained the fugitoid
They both nodded and climbed to the top of the big stack of books
Brittany looked at Alvin with a worried face "I'm so sorry Alvin" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany took a deep breath in and run towards Alvin, she put her arms out and was about to push Alvin
Alvin grabbed Brittany and took her off her feet
"Alvin...what are you doing?" Asked Brittany in a confused voice
"I'm going to kill you for trying to get rid of me....Alvin is MINE!" Said Alvin in a sinister voice
"Oh No, I'm not letting you take over Alvin, you evil spirt, Alvin is my boyfriend and he has a family with me, I'm not giving that up" Brittany shouted back
Brittany tried getting up but Alvin pushed her back down
"Have a nice fall Brittany!" Said Alvin in a sister voice
Alvin grabbed Brittany and had her hanging from the stack of books
"Alvin stop!" Commanded Brittany
Alvin let out evil laughter and Brittany saw an opportunity. Brittany swung backwards and pushed her feet above her head and into Alvin, sending him away
As Alvin was starting to get up, Brittany ran towards Alvin and pushed him off the big stack of books
Alvin landed on the floor with a BANG again and was unconscious
A black cloud was near Alvin but the fugitoid blasted it before it took Alvin's body again
"There we go, all done now" said the fugitoid in a happy voice
Brittany slowly got down the books and next to Alvin
"Alvin...are you ok?" Asked Brittany
After a few minutes Alvin woke up "what happened?" Asked Alvin
"I just saved you" replied Brittany with a smile 
Alvin was confused but smiled back at Brittany
"What about everyone on Earth fugitoid, the police will be after Alvin" Brittany pointed out
"I got that covered, I will blast the Earth with this 'forget me' Ray and everyone on Earth will forget Alvin for this past week" explained the fugitoid
"You can do that?" Asked Brittany
"Oh yes, so after I shoot this Ray, everyone on Earth will forget Alvin existed this past week so no one will be after him anymore" replied the fugitoid
"Can you blast me with the Ray too?" Asked Brittany
"What? Why?" Asked Alvin
"Because I want to forget what I did to you, twice" Brittany said in a sad voice
"But you will forget tonight, our special night out" said Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany looked sad but then looked at Alvin
"I know....I'm sorry but I don't want to remember what I did to you and we can have another night out like tonight again" replied Brittany
Alvin smiled "yea, I guess your right, can't wait for another night like tonight" replied Alvin with a smile
With that the fugitoid blasted Brittany with the Ray and then the Earth afterwards and now everyone has forgotten about Alvin been evil this past week (even Alvin, he can't remember what went off when he was evil)
The fugitoid dropped Alvin and Brittany off on Earth and Alvin carried Brittany back to Dave's house to take her to bed
Hi everyone, Thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part, have ended the 'evil Alvin' storyline now and will be continuing the book with a new storyline soon. Let me know what you thought of my new character for just this chapter 'the fugitoid' if you liked him then leave this "🤗" in the comments and if you didn't leave this "😡" in the comments (I won't remove any comments so don't worry if you don't like the fugitoid and leave me an angry emoji, I won't remove it)
Am so sorry about the long wait, have been so busy with college and meeting my family that have come to visit, hope you all understand 😕 Will try and update more in the week, I promise 😋
Thanks again for reading everyone, really appreciate the views, votes and comments in this book too 😋
Thanks again for reading, will update as soon as possible 😉😋

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