Part 36 - Theodore, Time To Get You More Fit and Healthy!

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The Same Day, 1pm, At Theodore and Eleanor's house
After Theodore and Eleanor left Alvin and Brittany's house this morning, Eleanor went upstairs to get changed and ready for the gym. Meanwhile Theodore went in the living room and sat down and watched TV, while eating crisps
Eleanor then came downstairs and and went into the kitchen to look for Theodore. Since he was not in the kitchen Eleanor shouted him
"Theodore, I'm going off to the gym for my hour of swimming, would you like to come with me?" Shouted Eleanor from the kitchen
"No thanks, I think I will stay here this film is great!" Theodore shouted back
Eleanor then got her shoes on and went into the living room to Theodore and put on a sad face
"Theodore, I'm really worried about you" said Eleanor in a sad voice
"What? Why?" Asked Theodore in a confused voice
"Because you seem to sit, eat and watch too much TV these days and it's become a bit of a bad habit now" explained Eleanor in a sad voice
"I don't just sit and eat all day, everyday.....I do go to the shop down the road if you ask me too and I do have a job as a news paper deliverer, delivering newspapers every morning, Monday to Friday" replied Theodore
"Yea I know but I feel like you need to do more exercise Theodore, just so you don't put on lots of weight, I don't want you been unfit" explained Eleanor
"I...I guess your right.." Said Theodore in a sad voice
"Don't get upset Theodore, I know how you can do more exercise in the week" said Eleanor with a smile
"You do?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
"Yep, you can come swimming with me every week, just 1 hour a week of swimming will keep you fit and healthy like me" explained Eleanor in a happy voice
"I guess it's a good thing and it will keep me healthy in the long run so...." Started Theodore
Eleanor put her hand out to Theodore to help him up "Come on Theodore, let's start our 1 hour of swimming a week today" said Eleanor in a happy voice with a smile
Theodore then got out of his chair and went upstairs for a towel and his swimming trunks
Once Theodore got them, he and Eleanor left the house
At the Gym, Outside the Swimming Area
They had both walked into the gym and it was a surprise for Theodore. He walked around at everything in the room with a shocked look on his face
Eleanor noticed and giggled "Come on Theodore, I know you have never been to a gym before but you don't need to look so surprised" joked Eleanor
"This place is so big! And Amazing!" Shouted Theodore in an excited voice
Eleanor giggled again and then pulled Theodore towards the changing rooms for the swimming pool
"Ok Theodore, you go in the men's room to get changed and I will meet you at the pool" explained Eleanor with a smile
Theodore nodded and walked into the men's changing room with his towel and swimming trunks
10 minutes later...
Theodore had put his towel and clothes he come in, into a locker and went to wait next to the swimming pool for Eleanor
Just then, Theodore heard his name
"Theodore! I'm ready!" Shouted Eleanor
Theodore looked around and then saw Eleanor at the other end of the swimming pool. He started walking towards Eleanor but as he was getting closer he started walking slower
Theodore approached Eleanor and was surprised by how fit, amazing and beautiful she looked
"Wow Eleanor, your beautiful" explained Theodore going bright red in embarrassment
Eleanor giggled "Oh Theodore, you always say I look beautiful when I'm in my swimming costume, when we are on holiday around the pool....even in our house" explained Eleanor
"You wear your swimming costume in the house?" Asked Theodore confused
Eleanor went bright red with embarrassment too "No....of course I don' do like the look of me in a morning though, once I get out of bed" said Eleanor quickly
"Oh right....well you do look beautiful in a morning, your like a baby bird from a nest" said Theodore in a happy voice
Eleanor shook her head and got her thoughts back together
"Come on then Theodore, let's get in the pool and start swimming" said Eleanor with a smile
Eleanor went to the shallow end of the pool and walked in straight away, on the other hand, Theodore was a little worried
"Come on in Theodore, the pool is fine" called Eleanor
"I...I won't sink will I?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
"No of course not, I will hold you up and make sure you don't sink" replied Eleanor
Theodore slowly entered the pool and once he was in he started shaking a little
"It's cold in here" said Theodore in a sad voice
"Don't worry, once we start swimming, you will warm up" replied Eleanor
"Ok, now we will have a little swim in the shallow end first, so you feel confutable swimming, then I might do a few lengths with you" explained Eleanor
Theodore nodded and started swimming after Eleanor. Granted Theodore was not as good at swimming as Eleanor but Eleanor went every week and Theodore doesn't do much swimming 
At Alvin and Brittany's house
The kids were all in the living room, colouring in each of their colouring books, while Alvin and Brittany were in the kitchen
Brittany was eating a slice of cake at the table, while Alvin was making them both a cup of tea and getting fruit juice for the kids. Alvin then come to the table with his and Brittany's cup of tea and sat at the table next to her
"Hey Brittany, I have been thinking...." Started Alvin
Brittany looked at Alvin "Yea? What you been thinking about then?" Asked Brittany in a calm voice
"How about we go back to Alton Towers?" Asked Alvin
Brittany nearly chocked and looked back at Alvin a little worried
"Oh no, not Alton Towers, I enjoyed it last time when Dave took us but I was pregnant at the time, so I didn't have to go on any big rides, now I'm not pregnant and will have to go on every ride with Alvin and our kids, since I don't have an excuse" Brittany thought to herself
" sounds like a great idea......when are you taking the kids there?" Asked Brittany
"Well I was thinking about you, me and the kids going, I mean I did want to go back to Alton Towers again once our kids were old enough to go on rides and so you could go on the rides with me" explained Alvin with a smile
"Well...about that....I would like to go back to Alton Towers again and take the kids with us.....its just I don't know if I can go on the big rides" explained Brittany in a worried voice
"Don't be silly Brittany, why wouldn't you be able to go on the rides, you will enjoy them once your on them, trust me I know what your like" replied Alvin
"You think I will like all the big rides? That I won't get scared on them?" Asked Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yea of course I do, you will be with me the whole time, you never seem worried about anything new when your with me" explained Alvin
"Wow, he is right, I am never worried about anything new when I'm with Alvin and maybe I will enjoy these big rides with him.....I'm just really worried and a little scared about going on the rides and I don't think Alvin will be happy if I don't go on any big rides with him" Brittany thought to herself
"Ok....if you think I will like the big rides, then I will go with you and I'm sure the kids will enjoy it too" replied Brittany with a smile
"Yay! So we can go?" Asked Alvin in a shocked voice
"Yes, we can go, anything to make you happy" joked Brittany
Alvin moved closer to Brittany and hugged her "Thank you so much Brittany your the best, the kids will have a great time with us on the rides" said Alvin in an excited voice
"Yea I know....I'm excited for us all to go too" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Oh and Alvin...." called Brittany
"Yea?" Asked Alvin
"Don't tell the kids we are going, will be a nice surprise for them" said Brittany with a smile and a little giggle
Alvin nodded "Sure, I won't tell them" replied Alvin
1 hour later, At the gym, In the Swimming Pool
" today?" Asked Theodore out of breath
"No, you got another 20 lengths to do yet" joked Eleanor
Theodore looked worried "Omg! Are you serious?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
Eleanor giggled "No, I'm only joking Theodore, I think you have done really well today swimming, just a few more weeks practice and you will be able to do twice as much as you have done this week" encouraged Eleanor
"Wow really? I better come swimming every week then with you! I really enjoyed this hour of swimming, and I'm sure I will enjoy swimming more after a bit more practice" replied Theodore
"You will do, let's get out and get changed then" called Eleanor
With that, they both got out of the pool and went to get changed
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. Do you think Theodore enjoyed Swimming? If so, do you think he will go back swimming again with Eleanor? Also, do you think Brittany will tell Alvin that she is worried and a bit scared of going on big rides at Alton Towers with him?
Let me know what you think to all these questions in the comments below 👇
Am so sorry I took so long to update again guys, have been really busy from Friday night onwards, please forgive me 😓🙏🏻  Have been busy doing things for Christmas like, I went Christmas shopping for my friends and parents on Saturday and I had a party at my house on Sunday afternoon/night so have been busy these past few days
Will try and update again a bit more often, and I hope this part makes up for me not uploading for a while 🤔👍
If you liked this part, don't forget to "Vote" and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Also, I really appreciate the views and votes I have been getting in the book, so thanks again everyone, your all amazing, would not have got to book 3 without you all 🤗🎉
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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