Part 5 - Out On The Midnight Walk

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Tuesday night, 9pm, Dave's house, in the spare bedroom 

Alvin and Brittany had just been told by Dave to go to bed for school tomorrow. However, Alvin and Brittany were putting the baby chipmunks to sleep and talking about last night. Alvin was really worried about losing control again and hurting Brittany 

"Brittany, are you sure I'm going to be alright?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice

"Yes I'm sure Alvin, and if you do switch again in the night then I will get Dave up and he will stop you doing anything stupid" explained Brittany with a smile

"I'm just so worried Brittany, I am worried that I will lose control again like last night and hurt you again, I don't want to hurt you Brittany" said Alvin in a worried voice

"Trust me Alvin, everything will be fine" said Brittany with a smile

Brittany turned the bedroom light off and got in bed next to Alvin

"Ok Alvin, I'm going to sleep now and don't worry about last night, I am here in bed with you and I will keep you safe and look after you" explained Brittany in a happy voice 

"Thanks Brittany, I love you so much and thanks for looking after me" replied Alvin in a happy voice

"No problem Alvin, I love you too, night sleep well" replied Brittany in a happy voice


Midnight, in the spare bedroom 

Alvin woke up and like last night, something clicked in his head and he felt 'Evil' again 

He took his pyjamas off and put his hoodie on. Alvin left the spare bedroom but instead of watching a film, he went in the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Alvin put the knife in his hoodie and he grabbed Dave's keys and opened the house door. Alvin shut the door behind him and locked it

"Time to have some fun!" Alvin said to himself in a sinister voice

Alvin walked down the street at this late hour until he reached a shop. He entered the shop and stood in the middle of the floor for a while

"Can I help you sir?" Asked the shop owner

Alvin looked up and glared at the shop owner. He walked slowly to the counter and never took his eyes off the shop owner

Alvin jumped onto the counter and glared at the shop owner again 

"W-What do you W-Want?" Asked the shop owner in a scared voice

"Give me all the money and I will let you live" said Alvin in an angry voice

"I'm not giving my money to a tree skunk like you" replied the shop owner

Alvin pulled the knife out of his hoodie "Give me the money! I will not ask again!" Said Alvin in an angry voice

The shop owner picked up a book of the counter and whacked Alvin off the counter onto the floor

The shop owner then left the counter and made a run for the door. The shop owner locked the door so Alvin could not escape or harm him, then he phoned the Police 

Alvin was trapped he had no escape and the Police would be here soon and possibly Animal control. 

"If I can't escape then I will blow this place into ashes!" Shouted Alvin in an angry voice

Alvin grabbed a box of matches from a shelf in the shop and lit a match. He tossed it near some electric cables and within seconds a fire emerged and was burning the shop

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now