Part 31 - Off To Visit Mum!

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A Week Later...
Things were hard and different at home without Brittany, It effected everyone in different ways. Peter and Lucas missed Brittany's cooking (cause Alvin only cooked basic meals while Brittany was not home). Musharna, Emma and Coco missed Brittany's company, the mum/women figure, that would watch girls programs on TV with them, tell them stories before bed and take them shopping for clothes at the weekend.
Alvin was effected the most, he would go to sleep in an empty and cold bed by himself, he would have no one to talk too at night once the kids were in bed and he had problems of his own too, his biggest was having to leave work early to pick the kids up from school (which his boss was getting angry at him for). Alvin also had lots of negative thoughts in his head this past week:
"I really Brittany is ok and recovers from surgery"
"What will happen if Brittany doesn't recover and doesn't come home?"
"Will Brittany not been at home affect the kids at school?"
"What happens if I lose my job after leaving work so much?"
"Will we lose the home me and Brittany have worked for?"
Monday Night, 7:30pm, In The Hospital
"Hey dad, is mum coming home tonight?" Asked Coco
"I'm not sure dear, might not be tonight as they don't release patients at night time....hopefully your mum can come home tomorrow morning" explained Alvin
"Can I press the button for the lift?" Asked Peter
"Yea sure" replied Alvin
Peter run to the lift and pressed the button next to the lift to go up
"Wow, that's probably the only thing he can do right" joked Lucas
"Hey don't talk about Peter like that, he is your brother" said Emma fighting back
"Come on guys, don't fight" said Musharna in a sad voice
Alvin had no patience for them all fighting right now
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Shouted Alvin
All 5 kids went silent and looked at Alvin a little scared
"D-Dad? Are you Ok?" Asked Coco in a worried voice
Alvin sighed "Guys, I'm sorry I shouted just then.....its just things are hard right now, without your mum been at home with me" explained Alvin in a sad voice
"Sorry Dad" said Peter
"Yea I'm sorry too" said Lucas
"It's ok, I accept your apology....just, can you all behave for least until your mum comes out of hospital?" asked Alvin
They all nodded "Yes dad" they all replied
"Thanks everyone" said Alvin with a smile
The lift arrived on the first floor and the doors opened
"Get in kids, before the doors close on you" joked Alvin
Everyone got in the lift and Alvin pressed the button for the 5th floor. Once they got to the 5th floor, the kids got out of the lift and waited for there dad. Alvin got out of the lift and they all walked towards Brittany's room in the hospital. Once they got to the room, Alvin held the door open and let the kids in first and then he followed
"Mum!" They all shouted
Brittany smiled as she saw all her kids and Alvin again
"Come here everyone, let me give you all a hug!" Called Brittany in a happy voice
Brittany hugged each of them, one at a time and then looked over at Alvin and smiled
"Thank you for bringing the kids and coming to visit me" said Brittany in a happy voice
"No problem dear, I said I would" replied Alvin with a smile
"Are you coming home tonight?" Asked Peter
"Peter, dad told you downstairs, mum won't be coming home tonight, will be in a morning" replied Emma
"Oh right....." Replied Peter
"Don't worry Peter, I have had my surgery on my hand now and the stitches are healing so it won't be long till I can come back home" explained Brittany
"Yay! We have missed you so much mum!" Said Musharna in a happy voice
"Aw, I have missed you all so much too, especially your dad" said Brittany with a giggle
"Really?" Asked Alvin
Brittany giggled again "Of course silly, I miss you all the time when I'm not with you or our kids" replied Brittany
Alvin walked up to Brittany and gave her a hug and a kiss, which made the boys look away and the girls go "Aw!"
"Ew...kissing is gross" said Lucas
"No it's not, it's cute when our parents do it" said Emma with a smile
After the kiss Alvin and Brittany smiled at each other for a few seconds
"Brittany, if it's ok, can we look at your hand? I mean now it's stitched up and is healing?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure.....sorry if I give the kids nightmares" joked Brittany
Brittany took the bandage off her hand and it looked OK. The stitches stood out to everyone but it looked fine, Alvin was happy with how well it turned out
"Wow Brittany, the Dr's did an amazing job" said Alvin with a smile
"I know, I can't believe it neither" replied Brittany
"That looks painful, does it hurt?" Asked Musharna
"No dear, it doesn't just feels a little different" replied Brittany
"How have things been at home for you all?.....I mean have you all been ok without me?" Asked Brittany
"Things have been terrible!" Shouted Coco
"What? Why?" Asked Brittany
"Your not there to tell us girls a story before bed" Musharna pointed out
"Or to take us shopping" Emma jumped in
"Also, we need you back home to cook for us" said Peter
Brittany looked at Alvin "Please tell me you have been cooking and not just ordering McDonald's or KFC every night!" Said Brittany in a serious voice
"No, I have been cooking Brittany.....just basic things like beans on toast or veg soup, nothing amazing like you can cook for us all" explained Alvin
"You can cook us a Sunday Dinner or pie and peas but dad thinks he will burn the house down" joked Lucas
Brittany giggled "That's why I cook and not your dad" joked Brittany
"You do know I'm still here" said Alvin
"We are only joking Alvin, your cooking isn't that bad really, you just need more experience from me that's all" explained Brittany in a caring voice
Just then, a Dr came in the room "I'm sorry Brittany, but visiting time is over now" said the Dr
"Oh...ok, bye everyone see you all soon!" Called Brittany
"Bye mum" said the kids
"Alvin!" Shouted Brittany as the kids were leaving the room
Alvin looked back at Brittany
"Yea?" Asked Alvin
"Your doing a great job looking after them all, thanks so much for taking good care of them all while I'm in here" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Aw no problem Brittany, we are parents and it's what we do" replied Alvin
With that Alvin left the room and was on the way home with the kids
30 minutes later, At Alvin and Brittany's house
Alvin had just got back home from the hospital with the kids and as soon as he got in the house the house phone started ringing
"Who can that be?" Alvin asked himself
Alvin then answered the house phone
"Hello?" Answered Alvin
"Alvin, it's me's an emergency, I need your help right now!" Said Simon in a worried voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this part. Won't be long now till Brittany comes home again. Will be great for everyone once Brittany comes back home and sorts everything out. What could Simon want Alvin for? What is the emergency? Do you think something really bad has happened?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
In this part, I tried to explain how everyone was feeling with Brittany not been at home. Do you think I did that well? I was not too sure myself but let me know what you think, do you think I explained how everyone was feeling well or not?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
As always, if you liked this part don't forget to "Vote" and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 😋
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now