Part 9 - I'm Ready to Leave, Alvin

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Friday afternoon, 4pm, Dave's house
Dave had just picked the chipmunks and chipettes up from school and they all had homework to do but non of them told Dave that. (They were all tired with the revision and school work and they all wanted a break tonight)
Theodore and Eleanor were in the kitchen looking for something to eat and Simon and Jeanette were sat with
Dave in the living room watching TV
Alvin and Brittany went upstairs and we're now in the spare bedroom with their baby chipmunks
In the spare bedroom
"Aw look at them Alvin!" Said Brittany in an excited voice
"What are you so excited about? They are all sleeping....and they normally sleep, like we do" asked Alvin a bit confused
"I'm excited because they all look so cute when they are sleeping" replied Brittany in a happy voice
Alvin rolled his eyes and sat on the bed next to his baby chipmunks, trying not to wake them up
"They are almost as cute as you Alvin, when you sleep you look so cute" joked Brittany
"Ok, Ok, let's stop saying everyone is cute while they are's making me feel a little strange" replied Alvin
Brittany let out a little giggle and sat next to Alvin on the bed
"Alvin, I'm so happy you got me pregnant and made me give birth to five beautiful baby chipmunks" explained Brittany in a happy voice
"Me too, I love you so much and after our few times of having 'it' with you, I got you pregnant, am so happy to have a family with you Brittany" explained Alvin
Brittany started blushing and went bright red "Aw thanks Alvin, I love you too and will always love you, even our kids will love you as much as I do when they grow up a bit" replied Brittany
"Yea in a few years" replied Alvin
There was a small silence in the room as Alvin and Brittany watched their baby's sleeping
"Alvin?" Asked Brittany
"Yea Brittany?" Alvin asked back
"Can I talk to you about something?" Asked Brittany
"Sure, anything at all" replied Alvin
"Ok but I don't want you telling the others yet ok? Just kept it between us for now...till I tell you that you can tell the others" explained Brittany in a worried voice
Alvin looked worried and pulled Brittany closer
"Brittany, please tell me what you are worried about, did you do something wrong at school?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"No nothing with school.....just something I have been thinking about but have not told you about it yet, incase you get mad at me or something" replied Brittany
"Brittany I would never leave you, I love you too much and we have a family together, I might get mad at you but every set of parents argue and get mad at each other every now and then" explained Alvin
Brittany looked at Alvin and smiled
"Please tell me what you have been thinking about" begged Alvin
", I feel ready to leave" said Brittany in a worried voice
"What? What do you mean your ready to leave, I thought you loved me and wanted to stay with me and raise our baby's?" Asked Alvin in a worried and confused voice
"What? No silly, nothing like that....I mean I'm ready to leave this house and live in a house of my own with you and my family" replied Brittany
Alvin sighed after hearing Brittany and then smiled
"Are you sure? Are you ready to leave Dave and your sisters? To go and live in a house of your own with me and our baby's?" Asked Alvin
Brittany nodded "Yea I'm sure I'm ready Alvin, we have been parents for 9 months now, nearly a year, and I believe I'm ready to live in a house with just my family now" replied Brittany in a happier voice
"It's hard work, keeping and running a house Brittany, we don't have jobs yet and Dave is buying our meals and the food for our kids right now" Alvin pointed out
"Alvin! I know this is a big change but I have had enough of living in this house now! I have got a family now and things have changed! I don't want to live here with Dave, your brothers or my sisters anymore! I want to live in a house with you and our baby's and no one else!" Said Brittany in an angry voice
"Wow, Brittany....please calm down...I'm sorry I made you mad" said Alvin in a worried voice
Brittany then looked sad and put her hands on her face
"What am I doing, I am getting angry at Alvin for no reason, I asked Alvin if I could talk to him about this and now I have started shouting" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany took her hands away from her face and looked at Alvin
"Alvin, I'm so sorry....I shouldn't have got angry with you then, just came out...I'm really sorry Alvin....I didn't mean..." Said Brittany in a sad voice
Alvin grabbed hold of Brittany and hugged her "Don't worry Brittany, I understand I was just a bit worried that's all...incase you hadn't thought this through properly....that's why I started explaining things like 'getting a job' I didn't mean to make you angry" explained Alvin in a caring voice
"I didn't mean to make me just explained a few things that's all" replied Brittany
"Promise your not mad at me" said Brittany in a worried voice
"What? No, I'm not mad at you Brittany, I promise I'm fine" replied Alvin
"Thanks so much want to talk about this with you again later, just not right now ok? I need to get some fresh air to clear my mind" said Brittany in a worried voice
Brittany stood up and was about to leave the bedroom, until she heard "mummy"
Brittany turned around and saw Musharna had woken up and called her
Brittany run back to the bed to see her daughter "Aw hello Musharna, did you have a good sleep?" Asked Brittany
Musharna started laughing "ha ha, sleep"
Brittany smiled and picked Musharna up "I love you so much, you are so beautiful just like your mummy and daddy" said Brittany in a caring voice
Alvin smiled at Brittany "wow, she is an amazing mother to our kids and a great girlfriend to me, I love her so much and am so happy to have a family with her" Alvin thought to himself
Just then the other baby chipmunks woke up too
"Aw looks who's woke up" said Alvin with a smile
"Daddy" called Lucas
"What's wrong buddy?" Asked Alvin
Lucas passed wind and Emma, Peter and Coco started crying, the bad smell was upsetting them
"Lucas! What have I told you? Not to pass wind and gas your Brothers and Sisters" said Alvin in a serious voice
Lucas started laughing but the bad smell was still in the bedroom
"Alvin, pass him here, I will change him and make sure he smells nice again" said Brittany with a smile
Alvin passed Brittany Lucas and Brittany placed Musharna on the bed
With that Brittany left the bedroom and Alvin opened the window in the bedroom
"Wow, I feel sorry for you lot, your Brother likes to give off bad smells" joked Alvin
The baby chipmunks gave a cute but small baby laugh at Alvin
Alvin did not mind, he knew they were young and just found him funny sometimes (heck, even Brittany laughs at Alvin sometimes)
"I understand what Brittany was saying to me and what she was getting at, I want to live in a house with just her and our baby's too but I don't think we are ready yet, I think we need a few more years with Dave, to get a job first and to save up for a house.....I just don't know how Brittany will take it when I have to tell her this later" Alvin thought to himself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed this Part. Do you think Brittany is ready to live in a house with just her, Alvin and their kids? How will Alvin tell Brittany that he thinks they are not ready to live in a house on their own yet? Do you think Dave will let Alvin and Brittany live in a house on their own at this young age? Let me know in the comments what you all think 🤗

Don't forget to "Vote" if you liked this Part too, I really appreciate the votes I get from everyone 😉🎉
Am so sorry for not updating for a while, have been busy with College and have been out to Blackpool today so have not had much time to update. Sorry about that 🙁

Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now