Part 28 - A New Family Member?

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Sunday morning, same day, at Alvin and Brittany's house (continuing on from part 27)
Alvin slowly opened the freezer box and looked inside. He saw that Eleanor's cat had been transformed ice cream cat!
"Eleanor's now made out of ice cream?" Asked Alvin in a shocked voice
"Yes...I'm sorry to say that Alvin, but I was so happy to find her cat and deliver it back to you all" replied Harry
"How do you even know this is Eleanor's cat?" Asked Alvin
"Cause I saw Eleanor's cat on the day the bomb came and saw the cat get turned from a normal cat into an ice cream cat, it was when it was safe I grabbed it and put it in a freezer box" explained Harry
Harry then pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed Alvin the video of Eleanor's cat getting transformed into an ice cream cat
"Anyway, I have to go.....hope Eleanor is happy having her pet back" said Harry leaving the house
Alvin stood still for a few moments to think about what had just happened but it was too much for him. After a few more minutes outside, Alvin then turned around and went in the house.
Alvin then went into the kitchen and looked inside the freezer box again and saw the ice cream cat
"Meow!" the ice cream cat cried
"This is so weird, I can't believe this is happening" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin then took a bowl out of the cupboard, the ones they use for breakfast, and took the ice cream cat out of the freezer box and into the bowl on the table

Alvin then went into the kitchen and looked inside the freezer box again and saw the ice cream cat"Meow!" the ice cream cat cried"This is so weird, I can't believe this is happening" Alvin thought to himself Alvin then took a bowl out of the cupbo...

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Alvin smiled at the ice cream cat, cause it was kinda cute but he was still a little freaked out by it
"I can't believe that slime bomb that went off 5 years ago, transformed Eleanor's cat into an ice cream's crazy what that slime could do" Alvin thought to himself
Just then the kids came out of the living room and saw something different on the table
"Wow! What is that dad?" Asked Emma
"That is an ice cream cat, it's Eleanor's ice cream cat that she had a while ago but she lost it" explained Alvin
"Did you make that yourself with the ice cream we have in the freezer?" Asked Coco
"What? No, I didn't make it, it was transformed into this" replied Alvin
"What do you mean?" Asked Peter
"I mean, 5 years ago a bomb went off and the slime in the bomb transformed this cat into an ice cream cat, lots of people got turned into monsters that day, like Ian got turned into a werewolf" explained Alvin
"Who is Ian?" Asked Lucas
"Oh gosh, they were only babies when this bomb went off, so they won't know Ian" Alvin thought to himself
"Never mind.....your mum will explain about the bomb, later if she is feeling better" replied Alvin
"So that is just like a normal cat.....but it's made of ice cream?" Asked Musharna
"Yea I guess so..." Replied Alvin
"Wow, that's so cool! Can we keep the ice cream cat with us?" Asked Coco
"Please dad! I know you said it's Eleanor's cat but we love it" begged Emma
Alvin laughed to himself "No sorry kids, you can't keep the cat, it already has an owner, I will call Eleanor over to come and collect her cat now" explained Alvin
Alvin went to the phone and called Theodore and Eleanor's house (A/N: they have moved out from Dave's house now and have a house of their own)
At Theodore and Eleanor's house
Theodore answered the phone
"Hello?" Asked Theodore
"Hi Theodore, is Eleanor there....I need to talk to her" said Alvin
"Yea Eleanor is here, has she done something wrong?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
"No bro, just something came for her the mail and she needs to collect it" explained Alvin
"Oh...Ok, I will go and get her now" said Theodore in a happy voice
After a few seconds Eleanor came on the phone
"Hello?" Asked Eleanor
"Hi Eleanor" replied Alvin
"Oh no, this is about last night isn't it.....Alvin I'm so sorry that Brittany got drunk, me and Jeanette did try to stop her but she wouldn't listen" explained Eleanor in a sad voice
"Don't worry about it, I'm not mad at you for that, I'm calling cause Dave's old neighbour from our old home has found your pet cat" explained Alvin
Eleanor was shocked "OMG, are you been serious? You have got my cat back?" Asked Eleanor in an excited voice
"Yea we I your cat, you just need to come and collect it" replied Alvin
"I'm on my way...." Said Eleanor in an excited voice
Eleanor put the phone down and run out of her house towards Alvin and Brittany's
"This is amazing, the cat I got for my birthday from Dave, I thought I lost it forever when that bomb went off and we had to leave her behind, am so glad my cat is ok though" Eleanor thought to herself
10 minutes later
Eleanor got to Alvin and Brittany's house and she knocked on the door. Alvin opened the door and let Eleanor in
"Where is my cat? I can't wait to see her again" said Eleanor in an excited voice
Eleanor walked into the kitchen and was surprised at what she saw "Alvin and Brittany's kids are playing with something made of ice cream?" Eleanor asked herself out loud
"Not something, it's your cat, dad says that it got turned into an ice cream cat after some bomb went off 5 years ago" explained Emma
Eleanor turned around and looked at Alvin with a bit of an angry look
"Are you been serious!" Shouted Eleanor
"Yea I'm telling you the truth, this man called Harry came and delivered the ice cream cat this morning and he showed me a video of you cat transforming into an ice cream's definitely your pet cat" explained Alvin
Eleanor believed Alvin but was a bit sad about what happened to her pet cat
Eleanor slowly walked to the kitchen and looked at the ice cream cat sat in the bowl meowing
"Come on girl, I know you won't be the same again but as your owner I'm taking you home" said Eleanor
"No, please don't take the cat, we love it" said Coco
"It's made of ice cream, it's amazing!" Said Peter
"Dad, can we keep it?" Asked Musharna
Alvin and Eleanor looked at each other
"It's up to you Eleanor, you can take the cat home if you want to keep it, the decision is yours since it's your pet cat" said Alvin in a happy voice
Eleanor nodded and looked at the ice cream cat again
"Alvin.....I want you to keep the ice cream cat" said Eleanor with a small smile
"What? Are you sure?" Asked Alvin a little confused
"Yea I'm sure, it's fine with me, your kids all love it too" explained Eleanor "plus if I took the ice cream cat home with me Theodore would probably try to eat it" joked Eleanor
Alvin put his hand on Eleanor's shoulder and smiled "Thanks so much Eleanor, you can come and visit your cat anytime you want" said Alvin in a caring voice
"Thanks Alvin" replied Eleanor
The 5 kids then run up to Eleanor and they all hugged her at the same time
"Thanks Auntie Eleanor" all 5 kids said at the same time
"No problem, just take good care of my cat" said Eleanor with a smile
Eleanor then said bye to everyone and left the house
"Where can the cat live?" Asked Peter
"In the boys bedroom" replied Lucas
"No, in the girls bedroom" shouted Coco
"Ok, ok, everyone stop fighting....the ice cream cat can live in the top shelf of our fridge, then there is no arguing and the cat won't melt" explained Alvin
"Oh right, good idea dad" Emma pointed out
"Now let's all go back in the room and watch Rio" said Alvin getting the kids back in the living room
Alvin picked the ice cream cat up out of the bowl and put it in the top shelf of the fridge
"Don't worry, you will like you new home" said Alvin with a smile
"I wonder what Brittany will say when she gets up and finds out that, now we have got an ice cream cat as a pet" Alvin thought to himself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. Hope I explained what and where the ice cream cat came from ok. I tried to explain that it was Eleanor's pet cat before it got transformed into an ice cream cat when the slime bomb went off (in the parts "monsters in the city?")
Do you like the ice cream cat? What do you think Brittany will say when she finds out the ice cream cat is living with her and Alvin?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Anyway, am going to cut down a lot on the ice cream cat now, will still use it in the book, just no where near as much as I have done in this part (so don't worry if you was not too keen on the ice cream cat, it will rarely get used from this part onwards) I talked about the ice cream cat all this part too because it was a new character and I felt it needed some time in the book and stuff...
If you liked this part don't forget to 'vote' and leave a happy face in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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