Part 33 - Some Good News For The Family To Hear :)

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Same Night, 11pm, At The Hospital
Jeanette had just been brought into Hospital after Alvin phoned for an ambulance to say Jeanette is ready to give birth soon. Jeanette was now in a room on her own and the Dr's were looking after her. Meanwhile, Alvin and Simon were sat outside the room Jeanette was in and Simon was really worried
"Alvin....I'm so scared" said Simon slowly in a sad voice
Alvin hugged his brother "Don't worry Simon, Jeanette will be fine....she will make it though this" said Alvin supporting his brother
"I hope so......I don't want to lose her, I just want to make her happy and I know she wants a family with me so I helped make that wish come true" explained Simon in a more calm voice
Alvin smiled at Simon "I know you love Jeanette and I understand what you are going though, I was worried about Brittany too, when she was about to give birth....I was scared that I would lose her too but she is still here" explained Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea I guess your right Alvin" replied Simon
There was a small silence before Alvin spoke again
"Hey Simon, I know what might cheer you up a bit" said Alvin in a happy voice
"What?" Asked Simon a little confused
"Why don't we go and see Brittany? She is in the hospital too and she likes it when people visit her" explained Alvin
Simon sighed and then looked at Alvin "Yea we can go and see might take my mind off Jeanette been a pain for a while" replied Simon
With that Alvin and Simon went to the lift and went down two floors to get to where Brittany was. Once they got to Brittany's room, Alvin knocked on the door and then entered with Simon following
"Alvin? What are you and Simon doing here at this time of night?" Asked Brittany in a confused voice
"Well....first off, Jeanette is going to give birth soon..."started Alvin
"Jeanette is about to give birth soon? So she is in hospital too?" Asked Brittany in a shocked voice
"Yea she is in hospital....and the Dr's are looking after her" explained Alvin
"So why is Simon not with Jeanette now?" Asked Brittany a little confused
"Because.....he needed some time away from the situation so I brought him to see you, I know you like visitors" replied Alvin
Brittany then looked at Simon "Simon, I'm not saying your not wanted here, but why are you here? Jeanette could give birth any time soon and you could miss it talking to me. I wouldn't be very happy if my boyfriend left me to give birth to baby chipmunks on my own" explained Brittany
Simon didn't know what to say, he had too much going off right now for him
"I know....I should be with her....I'm....going to wait outside...." Said Simon in a sad voice
Once Simon left the room, Alvin looked back at Brittany
"Brittany....Simon is having a hard time with all this, he thinks he is going to lose Jeanette while she is giving birth....just try to be nice to him please...for me" explained Alvin in a caring voice
Brittany looked a little sad "Oh no, I haven't done anything wrong have I?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
Alvin didn't know what to say, if he told Brittany the truth and said yes, then Brittany would feel guilty
"No of course not" lied Alvin
Alvin just felt a bit sorry for Simon, the fact that Brittany made Simon feel a little un-welcome when he came to see her and he was having a hard time already, worrying about Jeanette
"I'm just asking can you be positive with Simon right now? We just need to persuade him that Jeanette will be fine and that she will make it though this" explained Alvin
Brittany smiled at Alvin and nodded "I understand Alvin......can you go and get Simon to come back in here and I will talk to him" said Brittany in a caring voice
Alvin went outside the room but Simon was not there. Alvin looked around and couldn't see Simon anywhere
"Simon? Where are you?" Alvin asked himself out loud
"What's wrong?" Asked Brittany
"Simon isn't here, he said he would wait outside" replied Alvin
"Maybe he has gone back to see how Jeanette is" suggested Brittany
"You might be right, I will go and check" said Alvin
"I will come with you" said Brittany quickly
"No can't leave your room, the Dr's will just bring you back" explained Alvin
"Oh....yea...your right, just make sure your brother is ok and that Jeanette is fine too" said Brittany with a smile
"Will do" replied Alvin before he went for the lift
Alvin got out of the lift and went to the room where Jeanette was. He saw Simon in the room talking to Jeanette so he waited outside to give them some privacy
A few minutes had gone by and Simon and Jeanette were still talking and Simon decided to stay in the room
"Don't worry Jeanette....I hope you will make it though this.....I'm sorry I put you in so much pain" said Simon in a sad voice
Jeanette smiled at Simon "Don't be silly Simon, I will get though this and you don't need to apologise, I want to have a family with you so this will be worth it after the pain is done" explained Jeanette
Just then a big pain hit Jeanette and she started screaming in pain again
"What's wrong? Are you ready to give birth?" Asked Simon in a worried voice
"I don't know, I just hurts....AHH!" Screamed Jeanette in pain
Simon pressed Jeanette's buzzer and some Dr's came in the room
" me!" Shouted Jeanette
"We will do Jeanette, just stay calm and push when we tell you too" said one of the Dr's
Simon walked to the top of the bed and held Jeanette's hand
"I will stay with you and make sure your ok" Simon whispered in Jeanette's ear
"Ok Jeanette are you ready to push?" Asked one of the Dr's
Jeanette nodded and began to push
Alvin sat outside and waited for his brother to come out of the room
"I hope Simon is getting through this ok and am so sorry for Jeanette right now, childbirth must really hurt" Alvin thought to himself
20 minutes Later....
Jeanette had gave birth to 3 baby chipmunks and was now asleep, resting and getting her energy back. Simon run out of the room to tell Alvin about the baby chipmunks, with a big smile on his face, he was so happy
"Alvin! Jeanette has done it, she is ok! She gave birth to 3 baby chipmunks and is still alive!" Shouted Simon in a happy and surprised voice
"Wow, 3 baby chipmunks, you will have a great time raising them all" said Alvin with a smile
"What are you going to name them all?" Asked Alvin
"I'm not and Jeanette were thinking of Jake, Oscar and Isabelle since we have 2 boys and a girl, I like them names as much as Jeanette does, I just don't know if she knows that yet" explained Simon
"They sound like great names Simon, I would definitely tell Jeanette you like them names too" explained Alvin
"Yea I guess your right, will tell her tomorrow morning though now as its a little late" replied Simon
"Ok bro, I better get back home anyway, let me know how things are tomorrow morning and what you two decide to call your kids" said Alvin in a happy voice
With that, Alvin made his way to the lift to leave the hospital, while Simon waited outside Jeanette's room and slept there for the night
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. Do you think Simon and Jeanette
will go along with these names? Do you think Brittany will come out of Hospital the next day the same as Jeanette? Let me know in the comments below 👇
I have not changed much in Part 33, just mainly the ending. But I hope these small changes at the end of this Part have made this Part better overall. Also, a happier ending to Jeanette been pregnant, suits this book way more then a sad one. I have no idea what I was thinking with the sad ending originally 🤔
If you liked this part don't forget to "Vote" and leave a happy face in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now