Part 7 - Brittany's Special Night Out - Part 2

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Same Night, 8:30pm, In Town 

"Wow Alvin, that was an amazing meal I just had, I really enjoyed it, did you enjoy your meal too?" asked Brittany in a happy voice 

"Yea I enjoyed my meal too Brittany, was an amazing pizza and I enjoyed my meal more as I was alone with you and there was no adults around us for a change, I need to take you out, on your own with me, more often" replied Alvin in a happy voice

"Are we off to the cinema now then?" Asked Brittany

"Yea that's where I am taking you next, Beautiful" replied Alvin

Brittany blushed and giggled at Alvin's comment "Thanks Gorgeous" joked Brittany 

10 minutes later

Alvin and Brittany were now at the cinema but they did not know what film to watch

"Hmm...Brittany, since I am taking you out for the night I will let you choose a film for us to watch" said Alvin with a smile

"Really? Are you sure?" Asked Brittany in a surprised voice

"Yes I'm positive Brittany" replied Alvin

Brittany had a look at what films were on and then suggested a few to Alvin

"Ok, I have looked at what films are on and there are three films that I think both of us would enjoy" started Brittany

Alvin nodded waiting for Brittany to continue "So the films are 'Captain Underpants' 'Dispicable me 3' or 'IT' any of them sound good to you?" Asked Brittany

"I'm not too fussed on 'Captain underpants' or 'dispicable me 3' what is that other film about?" Asked Alvin

"The other film is a horror film called 'IT' the film has a clown in and I think it looks like a great film" explained Brittany

"Well we will see that film then" said Alvin

"Are you sure that's ok with you Alvin? This is an age 15 horror film and I know you are not too keen on horror films" explained Brittany

"Yea it's fine with me Brittany, plus if I get scared.....I mean a bit worried for the characters, then I will just look away" said Alvin in a bit of a worried voice 

" wait here and I will go and get the ticket" said Brittany 

"Um Brittany, you don't have any money...I do, you wait here and I will go and get the tickets" replied Alvin

"Ok I will wait here for you then" said Brittany with a smile

"Oh man...I can see me been up all night after watching this horror film, I don't really like them as they keep me awake at night but Brittany wants to see this film and I let her pick it so I have to see it really" Alvin thought to himself while he was in the que

Alvin then got served and paid for the tickets

"I got the tickets Brittany!" Shouted Alvin

Brittany smiled and walked over to Alvin. Alvin put his arm around Brittany's back and pulled her closer to him. Brittany looked at Alvin and smiled at him

"I am so glad I had baby chipmunks with Alvin, while I have been pregnant and gave birth Alvin has matured a lot and I love his attitude now, I liked him a lot when I met him for the first time but now I just adore him for looking great and acting so mature" Brittany thought to herself 

Alvin opened the door for Brittany and let her walk in the room first. "Where do you want to sit?" Asked Alvin

"I don't mind, you can choose if you like" suggested Brittany

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now