Part 3 - Up In The Night

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Monday afternoon, 5pm, at the hospital 

Alvin had been in hospital for a week now but the Doctors had phoned Dave and told him that Alvin can go home now. The Doctor told Dave to bring Alvin back in two weeks to check how his arm was. 

Also, Dave was happy to know that Alvin's Skull Fracture did not cause any brain damage or memory loss, it would just heal over time and Alvin would be fine

Brittany was so happy to see Alvin coming home, she run up to him and hugged him. 

"I have missed you not been at home Alvin" said Brittany in a happy voice

"I know I have missed you too Brittany, I love you so much and 30 minutes in hospital is no where near long enough a day to see you" explained Alvin in a happy voice

"I'm so glad your coming home and the baby chipmunks will be too" explained Brittany in a happy voice

Dave and Brittany walked Alvin downstairs and to the car to go home. Once they got in the car Brittany put Alvin's seatbelt on and Dave started driving home

"I could have done that myself you know" said Alvin

"I know but with one arm, it would have taken you ages and I decided to help out" explained Brittany

"Aw thanks Brittany" replied Alvin

"Hey Alvin, you have some school work to catch up on when we get back home" said Dave in a serious voice

"Oh man, do I have to do school work Dave?" Asked Alvin in sarcasm 

"Yes you do Alvin and it is important to do school work right now as your exams are coming up soon"  explained Dave

"Oh ok then.....can Brittany help me?" Asked Alvin

"Brittany can help you if she wants but she will not do the work for you or tell you the answers" explained Dave

Alvin smiled "I can still talk to Brittany and have her around me tonight even while I'm doing boring school work" Alvin thought to himself 


5:30pm, at Dave's house, in the kitchen

Everyone got out of the car and Dave opened the door. As soon as Dave opened the house door Alvin spoke up

"I'M HOME EVERYONE!!!" shouted Alvin in a happy voice 

As soon as everyone heard Alvin's voice they all run to him

Theodore hugged Alvin and Simon gave Alvin a hand shake (with the left hands which was strange and awkward)

"Am glad your home Alvin" said Simon with a smile

"Me too bro" replied Alvin

Theodore gave Alvin another hug before letting Jeanette and Eleanor see Alvin 

"Am glad your back Alvin" said Jeanette in a caring voice

"Yea me too, we have all missed you not been around, especially Brittany, she has been quite depressed" explained Eleanor

"Aw I have missed Brittany and everyone else a lot too, but I'm glad to be home" said Alvin with a smile

"Ok Alvin, you need to start doing your school work now and if you get quite a lot done before dinner then you can watch a film with us" explained Dave

"Ok I will get started now then" said Alvin in a grumpy voice

"But I will support you Alvin" said Brittany with a smile

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now