Part 23 - An Important Talk

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Friday night, same night, 9:30pm, At Simon and Jeanette's house
In the kitchen
Jeanette stormed into the kitchen and swung a chair from the table and sat at the table with her head in her hands
Simon closed the door and then entered the kitchen as well to find Jeanette
"Um...Jeanette...are you ok?" Asked Simon nervously
Jeanette glared at Simon
"Do I look ok to you?" Asked Jeanette in an angry voice
"Well no...sorry Jeanette..." Replied Simon in a sad voice
Simon began to walk out of the kitchen till he heard Jeanette call his name
"Simon!" Called Jeanette
Simon turned around and looked at Jeanette
"Yes, I know your mad so I will leave you in here on your own for a bit to let you calm down" Simon called back
"No!....Simon, please....come and sit with me at the table, I want to talk" cried Jeanette
Simon shook his head and walked to the table and sat with Jeanette
"Ok...are you sure you want to talk right now? I don't mind if you don't want to explain everything right now?" Asked Simon
"Yea I do want to talk now and I will explain what happened to you now....with me and Brittany earlier" replied Jeanette in a sad voice
Simon began to rub Jeanette's back to help keep her calm
"Don't worry, take as long as you want to explain everything, there is no rush at all" said Simon in a caring voice
"Ok then...thanks Simon" replied Jeanette in a sad voice
There was a small silence in the kitchen before Jeanette spoke again
" what happened with me and Brittany was, I told her I was pregnant with you and she didn't seem happy for us, she said she was worried we was not ready to be parents yet and we was rushing our relationship" explained Jeanette
" know you won't like me saying this but...I don't think we are really ready to be parents yet either" said Simon slowly and nervously
Jeanette looked shocked "WHAT! So why did you do 'it' with me so many times, to get me pregnant?" Asked Jeanette in a shocked voice
"Because...because I knew you wanted to be a mum and wanted kids of your own with me" explained Simon
"So what are you saying? You don't want kids with me?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"What? No! Of course not...I do want kids with you Jeanette, I just don't think we are ready to be parents yet but I didn't say anything to you because I didn't want to upset you" explained Simon
Jeanette gave a small smile and hugged Simon
"We are in this relationship together Simon and you have an opinion too. If you didn't want to have kids yet then you should have just told me that now is not the right time, I would not have been mad at you, I would have just been a bit upset but I would have got through it with you" explained Jeanette in a happier voice
"Yea but I didn't want to upset you Jeanette, I love you too much to upset you" replied Simon
"Aw thanks but I wish you would have told me this before, you could have just stopped me having 'it' with you and explained that you don't think we are ready to be parents yet" explained Jeanette
"I just wanted to make you happy that's all, I did feel like we was rushing things a bit but I didn't want to say anything to you incase I upset you" explained Simon
"Aw don't worry just say what you want to say to me....I can't stay mad at you for long" replied Jeanette
"But what are we going to do now? You have got me pregnant and we will be parents in a month or so, if you don't think we are ready, what will happen with the baby chipmunks?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"I'm not sure....I don't think we are ready to be parents yet but I don't want to give them up neither" explained Simon
"Why don't we ask Dave tomorrow morning? See what he suggests" suggested Jeanette
"Yea I will phone him tomorrow morning and let you know what Dave has suggested for us" replied Simon
There was a small silence in the kitchen again until Jeanette spoke again
"Simon....I'm going to phone Brittany now and apologise for how I was towards her earlier" explained Jeanette
"Are you sure now is the right time? It's a little late" Simon pointed out
"Don't worry Simon, Brittany is my sister and I'm sure she won't mind....besides this is something important we have to talk about" Jeanette pointed out
"Ok then Jeanette, don't worry when you talk to Brittany on the phone neither, we all make mistakes and Brittany is your sister, I'm sure she will understand if you explain everything" replied Simon with a smile
"Yea your right, I'm sure she will" said Jeanette
Jeanette then stood up from the kitchen table and went into the living room to get the house phone. She dialled the number and waited for Alvin or Brittany to pick up....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. How will Brittany react on the phone when Jeanette calls her? Will Brittany still be mad at Jeanette and start shouting at her down the phone?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Also if you liked this part don't forget to "vote" and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Sorry for not updating for a while everyone, I have been on holiday for a week and not had chance to update this weekend that has just gone. Anyway, am back home now and will try to update more often then once a week 😉
Thanks so much for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋🎉

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