Part 2 - I Feel So Bad For What Happened :(

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Monday, same day, 6pm, Dave's house, in the kitchen 

"What happened?" Asked Dave

Brittany looked up at Dave "I'm sorry Dave, it was my fault" said Brittany in a sad voice still crying 

Dave got on the floor and gave Alvin a gentle tap "Alvin? Are you ok?" Asked Dave in a worried voice 

"A-Alvin...please t-talk to m-me" said Brittany still crying 

Alvin did not reply to Dave or Brittany. Not even to the sound of Dave's or Brittany's voice made his respond

Dave got really worried and run to a phone. He phoned an ambulance up for Alvin

As Dave called an ambulance, everyone else was coming into the kitchen

"What's going on Brittany?" Asked Jeanette 

"We all heard a loud bang, is everything ok?" asked Eleanor 

After a few more steps, Jeanette, Theodore and Eleanor saw Alvin layed on the floor and Brittany next to him

Jeanette and Eleanor run to Alvin and Brittany

"Oh my gosh, what happened Brittany?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice   

Brittany looked worried and scared 

"Brittany are you ok?" Asked Eleanor

"No....I'm not ok..." Said Brittany in a quiet and sad voice 

"Why what's wrong Brittany?" Asked Jeanette

Brittany sighed "Girls, Alvin is hurt.....because of me" replied Brittany in a sad voice

Jeanette and Eleanor looked shocked. Theodore heard as well and also looked shocked  

"Brittany, what happened? What made you hurt Alvin?" Asked Simon 

"Simon.....can you and Theodore go away for a bit, I want to explain what happened to my sisters first" replied Brittany in a sad voice

Simon nodded and took himself and Theodore back into the living room

As Brittany was about to speak, the door opened and a paramedic came in

Dave came back in the kitchen and told the paramedic who was going to hospital 

The paramedic picked Alvin up and put him on a bed in the ambulance 

"I have to go with make sure he is ok" explained Brittany brushing tears off her face

"We will go with you" said Jeanette

"No, we can't Jeanette, we need to stay and look after the baby chipmunks" said Eleanor pulling Jeanette back

Jeanette then looked at Brittany "we will take care of your baby's, we just hope Alvin is ok" said Jeanette in a worried voice 

"Thanks, I hope Alvin is ok....if not I don't think I will forgive myself for what happened" explained Brittany in a sad voice 

"But thanks for looking after our baby chipmunks too, girls" said Brittany with a small smile before running out the house to join Dave in the ambulance 


At the Hospital, 6:30pm 

Alvin was rushed out of the ambulance and into the Hospital and Brittany and Dave followed. Alvin was put onto another bed in a room and a few Doctors came to examine him. Dave and Brittany sat outside the room Alvin was in until they were allowed to go in

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now