Toussaint 3

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I made a huge miscalculation when it came to dealing with Ymir.... a miscalculation that cost my dad his sister and my little cousin his mom, not to mention all the other innocent lives that were lost in the horrific wedding. I blamed myself, I was so caught up in everything else that it made me miss the little details which were the most important.... but if I could pull one positive thing out of what happened it was it taught me the value of family and how we needed to stick together no matter what. I pulled up to the old warehouse and smirked even though it was a sunny day the smell of death lingered in the air as I approached the building, I wasn't too worry about anything at this point because there were some of the world's best snipers watching my every move so if anyone was ballsy enough to try to approach me they would be dead before they could even think about doing something. I walked down a long hall, in a dimly lit room, in the corner there was a secret passage that only a few people knew about. After taking the passage down some stairs, down another hall, and down some more stairs, I finally started to hear the screaming...... looks like my Baby Boy was having fun, I thought to myself and I'm not going to lie seeing Mario in his element got my dick rock hard..... but business first.

"Still not talking?" I asked walking in as Mario paced around a tied up Ymir, I stood there staring at him and he was beyond recognizable, the craziest thing was I literally just left from talking to my dad and Yuri so I knew what Ymir should look like but Mario had him looking like Martin after that boxing match.

"Nah this fucker is tough.... I gotta admit over the course of these last few week I thought we were really starting to bond, but he still hasn't told me who help him set that shyt up." Mario said leaning over and kissing me. "What's for dinner tonight?" He asked right before splashing some liquid fire across Ymri's chest causing him to let out another scream.

"I don't know I didn't take anything out.... kinda got caught up at work, we can do take out. How does Mexican sound?" I asked picked up an ice pick and twirling it around in my fingers. Mario shrugged and I smirked, he was always trying to be in control which is why I let him handle this matter personally. "Ayy I was thinking about some renovations we can do to the house, I think our room should be bigger and the nursery should have a bigger window." I said as Mario took the ice pick out of my hand.

"It's whatever you want Saint.... just make sure you run the plans by me before making any final decisions." Mario said walking slowly over to Ymir. "Now I'm going to ask you again.... who help you set up that little massacre? I know you weren't come up with that shyt on your own." Mario said and Ymir looked at him with nothing but defiance in his eyes. "Aight.... I tried to be nice....." Mario said grabbing Ymir's dick and shoving the ice pick...... well it wasn't pretty.

"Are you just going to leave him like that? What if he dies then we have nothing to go on." I said as Mario stepped out the room with me.

"Man he'll be fine... probably, but I've actually gotten pretty good at this so I know how to inflict the most pain without the actual risk of killing them. Ayy make sure you get extra pico because your ass always seems to forget." Mario said kissing me on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too Baby Boy.... I'll see you when I get off." I said walking down the hallway, I should probably be a little concerned with the thrill Mario had gained in torture but in all honesty that shyt was a major turn on so more likely than not we would just skip dinner all together tonight and fuck until the sun came up.

Before heading back to the house, I went to check on JD but he was sleeping or at the very least pretending to be; I felt like shyt because it was my fault Aunt Vanessa was dead and I knew there was nothing I could do to ease the pain JD was feeling..... that we were all feeling. After checking on JD I went to Trinity's place and instantly regretted giving this nigga his own place for graduation..... I swear between him, Marcel, Marquise, and Jayvion this place had turned into a brothel.

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