Corinthian 7

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I regretted my decision the second the words left Dad Two about what Liberty was doing because he was on the warpath, I swear I started to wonder where he came up with half the things he was saying but then I remembered who his mother was. It got so bad that I started defending Liberty which I really didn't want to do but my dad was crazy.... finally Dad One came home and I tried to get him to get Dad Two to relax but he just shook his head and disappeared down to his grotto. I decided the best and safest thing for me to do was to call Paris and have her go to the other house because I don't think anybody was safe once Dad Two got going. I left the house and drove to Trinity's, as I was driving I noticed the black SUV's trailing not too far behind, I swear this security shyt was not fun but it was necessary; as I drove through the city I thought about the conversation I had with Cain and Caleb, I knew they were trying to tell me something about a book my mom was writing and for the most part I brushed it off but now.......

"Ayy Cori.... come get your girl bro she's eating up all my snacks and I'm about to steal on her." Trinity said walking outside shirtless. Since the funerals, Trinity hasn't really been himself; usually this nigga was either painting, fucking or freaking out of the slightest dirt spot on the window but lately he's been letting himself go; his hair was a mess, he had what looked to be pizza sauce on his chin and the house consistently smelled like pussy and cum. He claims that he was good but I knew better. We walked in the house and Paris was sitting on the couch with a box of Oatmeal Creme Pies in one hand and a jar of jalapenos in the other.

"Come on baby let's go to my room......" I said grabbing her hand and as we walked up the stairs, some random hoe eyed me with a sense of interest. Paris didn't miss the little exchange and I knew she was about to cuss this girl out... or cry, but Paris kept walking and went into my room. "Before you start I don't know that girl." I said putting my hands up and Paris rolled her eyes.

"Corinthian I'm not worried about that bitch.... I'm more concerned with this, it can't be sanitary living here." Paris said biting into a pepper. "Is there any ice cream in the kitchen?" Paris said.

"Baby you are about to make me sick.... that shyt looks nasty ass fuck, let me try." I said walking over to her and trying the Oatmeal Pie/jalapeno mixture and I'm not going to lie it was kinda good. "So has Liberty been in contact with you?" I asked and Paris rolled her eyes.

"Every fuckin day.... look I like her and yeah she brings up a lot of good points and yeah I've actually been considering what she said but at the end of the day and I mean this in the most respectful way possible FUCK THAT HO! I was meditating this morning and I'm not giving my baby up to anybody except Saint and Mario; they're paying for me to go to Howards, they got me that fly ass apartment and Liberty seems like a scammer." Paris said stuffing her face.

"I fuckin love you.... but I got ask and please don't get mad at me, this isn't one of those pregnancy mood swings and then tomorrow you and Liberty will be out shopping, is it?" I asked and Paris cut her eyes at me. "I'm sorry I was just checking..... so you really wanna go through with this?" I asked and Paris nodded.

"Yeah I'm not ready for kids... I wanna go to school and I know you wanna play soccer, a baby kills all of that; I don't have a family that can help me with the baby and yeah your family will help but...." Paris trailed off.

"I get what you're saying." I said quietly, Paris kicked off her shoes and I started rubbing her feet. I sat there giving her a foot massage until she fell asleep, I grabbed the food and walked down to the kitchen where Marcel and Trinity were sitting at the table but they weren't alone.

"This house is a tragedy and if Zyshaun came over here and saw this shyt you know he'd flip out." Uncle Enzo said picking up one of the many empty pizza boxes in disgust. "Y'all know better than this shyt, Marcel let Tonya see this shyt and she'll beat the black off your ass."

"Yeah I'm surprised Mama Angela hasn't come over here and made y'all have a cleaning party." Uncle Legacy said. "But uhh..... Cori come take a walk with me." Uncle Legacy said and I followed him out into the massive backyard.

"Wassup Unc?" I asked nervously because with him there was no telling which Uncle Legacy I was going to get; the serious Uncle Legacy or the funny Uncle Legacy.

"I talk to your mom.... she's mad at me because I told her that in my humble opinion that she lost the right to interfere in your life when she gave you to Marcus and Khalil and that she needed you to let your own decision and mistakes..... she cussed me out and I forgot how annoying she can get when she's really pissed or hungry." He said smirking a little. "So have you and Paris made your decision?"

"She's one percent sure that she wants to give the baby up, I'm sitting at about fifty-one percent." I said shrugging.

"I'm sure you'll make the best decision for your daughter.... whether that be keep her or give her up to Saint and Mario, I mean you are my nephew so I trust you to make a grown man decision." Uncle Legacy said, we walked around the back for a few more minutes before walking back into the house and I saw Uncle Enzo was about to kill Marcel and Trinity.

"I'm serious Uncle Gonzo.... you need to be checking Ivanna, I love her and everything but she is on a path to be baby mama number five." Trinity said laughing.

"Forreal though.... I know for a fact he was dicking her down in one of the studios the other day, see I fuck with one of the receptionist and from what I heard they were pretty loud." Marcel said and I just knew Uncle Enzo was about to beat both of their asses, but instead, he pulled out his phone.

"Ayy Tonya.... let me tell you about your nasty ass son." Uncle Enzo said walking out the kitchen and Marcel chased after him begging him to stop playing........

Later that day I was back at my parent's house, Aunt Tonya showed up with Grandma and Aunt Cadence so I knew it was time to go. I was sitting in my room when I saw Ace limping down the hallway and I felt a pang a guilt; then I realized he wasn't alone and some girl was right behind him and quickly my guilt turned into disgust.... I swear between him and Marquise they were probably the next ones to end up with kids since Marcus Jr. managed to dodge a bullet.... speaking of him I really needed to call and check on him, I haven't heard from him since the funerals and I knew he took everything pretty hard. I got up to grab my phone off the charger when I heard someone move behind me.

"No Marquise I don't have any condoms so don't ask....." I said turning around and coming face to face with Liberty. "What are you doing here and better yet how did you get in here?" I asked pissed.

"Marcus let me come in to talk to you he said I had three minutes......." Liberty said and Dad Two walked into the room behind her looking down at his watch. "Okay look Cori.... I love you and I'm just trying to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life." Liberty said and I rolled my eyes. "This family is cur......"

"TIME!!!! You need to leave....." Dad Two said cutting her off before she could finish and she looked like she was going to say something but thought better of it and walked off. "I can read your mind Cori and the only reason I let her in here was to prove a point."

"And what point was that dad?" I asked smirking a little.

"Don't question me, I'm the parent and you're the child.... the point I was trying to make is simple, be careful who you stick your little dick in because you might end up with someone like Liberty as your baby mom, though I actually like Paris.... plus I wanted to prove a point to Liberty." He said but I was still stuck on that 'little dick' remark because that was the furthest thing from the truth. "Oh if you're staying here tonight Noah wants you to watch Troix and Ja'Kari.... and clean this damn room up." He said.

"Love you, dad...." I said smiling as he was walking out my room and he finished with 'I love you more'..... I really hope this was the last time I saw Liberty for about five years but since God hated me I would probably be seeing her again real soon..................

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