Noah 115

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I still didn't trust Saint completely but for the most part I was over our small disagreement, my wife and kids were at home which is all that really mattered to me and now I had to deal with my little brother. I blamed myself for putting Cori in this situation, if I hadn't hesitated Cori would've never shot that dude and wouldn't be having these urges he's experiencing now; I knew the history of our family all to well and if I let Cori go down this path there was no telling where it might lead him. I've seen what happened to my dad after he killed that nigga Vic, I seen the darkness that was in Odion/Orion after he killed Rondell and Cyrus, I could go on and on but it would be pointless, maybe that's why I was so relunctant to pull the trigger because I didn't want to go down the path that so many men in my family have gone down. We pulled up to my parent's house and I was glad beause I could see Troix was becoming uncofortable and even though the window was down slightly I still didn't want to keep him in the car for too long because I didn't want him to have another episode.

"What are y'all doing comparing baby bumps?" Saint asked as we walked into the house where Camille, Ivanna, and Norelle were standing with Aunt Tonya, Dad #2, Lauren, and Mama Angela. "What I'm just asking questions?" Saint asked then quickly sat down because we both could see he was irritating Mama Angela.

"PawPaw I wan turf and turf." Troix said walking over to Dad #2 along with Jakari, as my dad stay there with my sons I slipped off, or at least tried to with this fucking cast on my leg to go find my younger brother. When I got upstairs, I almost turned around immediately... see this is the shyt I'm talking about Marquise was able to get away with murder while whenever me or Cori wanted to have Jade or Paris over we had to stay in the living room yet here was Marquise and Ace..... You know nevermind, I'm pretty sure y'all can guess what they and those two girls were doing with the door wide open.

"Ayy where's Cori?" I asked standing in the door but looking down the hall, once it was clear that I wasn't going to get an answer I took my ass back downstairs because my youngest brother and little cousin were both crazy as fuck and I shuddered at the thought of them in college. "Dad where's Cori and you're really not going to say anything to Marquise and Ace up there?" I asked.

"Snitch...." Troix said digging into a bag of gummy bears that I'm sure he got from Mama Angela gave him.

"Cori left outta here about an hour ago.... as for Marquise and Ace, well I'm at that age where I don't even care anymore, at this point I have to face the inevitable.... Noah didn't we have this discussion already? Look it doesn't matter since I know you're about to go look for Corinthian on your way back stop and get some stuff so I can make this little carnivore some surf and turf, you can leave the kids here since I doubt that they're ready to leave and when you find him tell I said he better have his ass home within the next thirty minutes." Dad Number Two said rolling his eyes. All I could do is shake my head as me, Saint, and Mario walked out the house.

Thanks to Saint we were able to pinpoint Cori's exact location, why he didn't do this to begin with I'll never know but since we left my house he had been looking at his phone so I knew he had just spoken to Uncle Zyshaun, at first I wasn't convinced that he was still alive but Saint swore that he was and add that to the fact that Dad Number One and Uncle Enzo had to leave for an 'emergency business meeting' told that Saint wasn't trippin.

"So since you're on this Forgive Me Tour have you spoken to TJ?" I asked Saint whose shoulders tensed a little. "I'll take that as a no.... you really owe him an apology as well, because he feels like you stopped him from truly beating Juelz's ass the way he wanted to and you know how he isn't as forgiving as I am."

"You might wanna add my name to that list as well because I'm still pissed about the entire situation as well." Mario said and I didn't have to see his face to know that he was rolling his eyes.

"I know how to get TJ to forgive me, he's been trying to get with this model for months and she isn't giving him the time of day so maybe I'll set up a little blind date for them and he'll be good, as for you Baby Boy I already know how to get you to forgive me... we just need to find a babysitter for the night." Saint said confidently. "There they go right there." Saint said pointing to two men standing in the middle of a clearing shooting at targets, as we walked closer Quamir seemd unbothered and Cori seemed agitated and I was standing there trying to figure out who to punch first.

"I should've known you were going to tell him...." Cori mumbled as he handed the gun to Quamir and walked over to me, we walked over to Jade's van and as soon as we were far enough away I punched Cori in the arm. "What the fuck was that for?"

"In case you didn't know my leg is fuckin broke and I don't have the patience to be driving all over the city looking for your stupid ass." I said looking at him. "So what? Is this what you wanna do with your life? You wanna kill people for money?" I asked.

"Never said I did... I just wanted Quamir to help me channel this feeling I have and so far shooting these targets have helped with the urges and had you not shown up we probably would've gone hunting for deer.... Look Noah I'm not stupid , yeah I got some sick and twisted thrill outta shooting that dude but I'm not about to go around killing people." Cori said but even as he said it there was uncertainty in his voice.

"Cori, I worry about you moreso than Marquise because I know you have that anger inside of you that we all have, and I get that you're looking for a way to channel that anger but there's gotta be a better way than this. You gotta think your a father now and I don't want you doing anything that'll take time away from your daughter." I said looking at him.

"Do you honestly believe that I would do anything that would risk me not being able to see Mi'Nessa? Come on No' I'm smarter than that, I'm just trying to find a healthier way to deal with this.... just let me do this my way." Cori said in a quiet voice.

"Aight I trust you'll make the right decision.... but you might wanna get home because Dad Number Two is pissed and he told me to tell you that you have thirty minutes to get home and that was like an hour ago." I said and Cori quickly walked off knowing there were about five people in our family he knew not to disobey and Dad Number Two was one of them.

"So what's the move now Noah?" Saint asked walking over to me.

"We're going to go to the store and get everything for some damn 'turf and turf' so Troix can leave me the hell alone then you're going to call your bank and transfer some money into my account because I'm unemployed because of you." I said moving to the backseat.

"You know they'll let you come back since you've been cleared of everything but I got you.... But I need you to do something for me....." Saint aid and I knew by the subtle shift in his voice that itn had something to do with his 'other' brother.

"Saint we're doing good, please don't fuck it up." I said looking into his eyes and Saint shrugged. After we grabbed everything we needed we went back to the house and there were about a million police officers outside and my heart dropped, my first thought were about my children but as we pulled up the first person I heard was Troix going off on any and everybody.

"LET MY PAWPAW GO BITCH!!!!" Troix was yelling as we walked up to the house and that's when it hit me, sitting in the back of a police car looking utterly bored was Dad Number Two. I looked around for someone wo give me answers as Jade quickly walked over to me and I could tell she was pissed.

"Jade what happened?" I asked and she led me into the house with Saint and Mario right behind us.

"That girl.... the one that said you...... well she was murdered and according to the police officers they got a tip that it was Marcus." Jade said and I felt my blood boiling, I glanced over to Saint who was also listening to the conversation and there was a moment where I found myself wondering if he was behind this.

"Noah you know I didn't have anything to do with this and we both know Uncle Marcus isn't that type of dude let me handle this, I promise he'll be out by the end of the night." Saint said pulling out his phone and walking off, I needed to sit down because my fuckin leg hurt... as I took a seat on the couch I started to call Dad Number One to make sure he knew what was going on when a text came through.


That told me everything I needed to know about who was behind this and I swear, when they got wind that she was behind this all hell was going to break loose................................. THE END!                                  

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