Cortez 10

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It's actually kinda crazy how me and Bishop met, I mean we knew of each other from school but never really talked until one day me and Jayvion were at the mall and Jayvion started flirting with Bishop's girl which led to a fight. A couple days later we were at practice and Bishop came over to me and started talking and I don't know we just clicked, we started hanging out, then one day we were smoking and the next thing I knew he was riding my dick and we've been fucking around ever since. Not to many people knew about me and Bishop; only JD, Julio, Jayvion, and I'm guessing that nigga Adonis but I'm not exactly sure how he knew because we never showed any signs whenever he was around. I sat in my room thinking about everything that has happened over the last few months I lost my mom, the man who pretty much adopted me got stabbed, my younger sisters were living with my older sister while my brothers were with their various dads, that crazy ass wedding, Saint Trinity Island...... my bedroom door opened, JD and Jayvion walked in and sat down. These two really were my boys and I knew they were really going through it just like I was but thankfully I had Bishop to take my mind off of things... for now.

"What happened with you and your dad?" I asked JD whose face turned dark.

"I swear Julio runs his fuckin mouth too damn much." JD mumbled and to be honest I heard it from Alex but I wasn't going to mention that because I knew he was high ass fuck off them pills. "Man my dad is a full throttle bitch, I swear to God he is..... I mean my mom has only been gone a month and this pussy ass dude better be lucky I didn't knock his ass out." JD said heatedly.

"JD let's be serious here for a moment your dad would've whooped you ass." Jayvion said seriously which caused JD to jump up, I moved in between them and pushed them apart because there was really no point in them fighting. "JD you really need to calm down.... I was just being honest." Jayvion said and I shook my head I swear this nigga didn't know when to stop talking.

"Y'all both need to chill.... and let's talk about something a little more entertaining, like that fight at practice." I said and JD got even more pissed. "Jus' did you really have to do that nigga like that?" I asked laughing.

"FUCK YEAH!!! That nigga George knows how I am about my mom then for him to turn around and say that stupid shyt.... and it's not like he didn't know hell the whole team showed up for her funeral so the way I see it is every time I see that nigga we gotta fight I don't give a fuck if we're both old as fuck I'm going to be beating his ass with my cane." JD said fuming at this point so I knew it was best to change the subject before he went looking for that nigga.

"What are you going to do about your mom's house? It's not like you can stop your dad from selling it." I said laying across my bed. "And what's going on for the Fourth?" I asked needing to get away from Houston for a couple days.

"I'm going to ask my Uncle Zyshaun or my cousin Saint for the money to buy my mom's house myself.... I'm not going to live there I'm just not ready for someone else to move in." JD said, he shook his head and I knew he was fighting back tears, which is probably why he changed the subject. "As for the Fourth, we're going up to my Uncle Khalil's other house.... it's out the way and nobody will bother us, security is tight so we can't have a lot of people there, just us, Julio, Bishop, and whoever this nigga is bringing." JD said pointing at Jayvion.

"I got other plans.... so I'll have to respectfully decline." Jayvion said me and JD looked at each other and Jayvion smirked. "Let's just say me and my big bro, Darion are taking a little road trip." Jayvion said.

"That nigga Julio working today, I might go up there and see if he can slide me some free burritos." I said and JD nodded, but I could tell me was pissed about something and before I could ask questions somebody started knocking on the door.

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